Choosing him

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On the fifth day since coming out of the coma, each night Kylo has been staying usually ending up beside you, although it is an awkward interaction neither of you really acknowledge the meaning behind the nightly cuddling. To make matters more confusing James hasn't visited once since you've been awake 'does he even know I'm conscious? If he does, why doesn't he care?' In fact, his absence is only making it harder to resist Kylo, the other morning waking up our hands tightly laced together resting against his chest. Thankfully he was still a sleep so breaking the bond was easy enough to go unnoticed but the stronger your body gets the more every part of it is beginning to return to normal, including the more private areas that currently are only supposed to crave James.

Each day this week has been hell, lots of physical therapy 'who knew being immobile for almost a month would make simple tasks so hard.' During the day the nurse helped with learning to walk again properly, along with other simple tasks like eating well and even the embarrassing part when she had to help with some of the bathroom duties, she's said recovery is going really well things should be able to go back to normalcy tomorrow. She did say however that you would probably need to stay with someone until fully recovered, once wanting that person to be James but seeing how he's currently MIA Kylo stepped up volunteering, saying to just bunk in his room he would figure something out for himself, leaving the bed open. Kylo was kind enough to bring your personal journal from the lounge it's been a good distraction from the long boring days, reading back to every entry written about James now realizing most of our interactions were super uncomfortable somehow he weaseled his way back into my life even though clearly my heart belongs to Kylo 'Once out of here I've got to figure out a way to try and end things with James, if he even still considers us together in the first place. At this moment I consider us broken up, hell I barely considered us together in the first place it was more him manipulating his way into my lonely life and me foolishly falling for it again.' Today flipping to the next blank page finding a small note written by Kylo, the sweet words saying he'd always wait for you suggesting the possibility that he may even love you, this is the last thing needed to prove he is so much better than James.

The nurse coming in breaking the thoughts "good evening I'm just here to discuss what the plan is for tomorrow, you've healed well and recovered all function we have no doubt you will be perfectly fine within a few days. Tonight is going to be a trial night so unless you really need something you won't be hooked up to any monitors and nobody will be checking on you, I know you won't be alone so I'm not worried (Winking at you) so, since it's your last night here are you going to spill all the juicy details about the commander?" Laughing at her "there aren't any juicy details, really." She rolls her eyes placing both hands on her hips "right.... the commander just spends every night here with you in the same bed for no reason." Blushing 'she does have a point.' Sighing "I mean... there was sort of a little thing going on, but I messed it up." She sits on the edge of the bed placing her hand on your arm "oh honey, if you messed things up do you really think he'd be here with you?" Smiling back at her "yeah I guess you're right." She looks at you with a serious expression "so my biggest question... is he ummm... is it true what they say about shoe size?" Her question causing you to laugh out loud "are you asking if the commander is packing?" She blushes "I'm sorry you're right that was inappropriate, I apologize." Staring at her seriously before slowly rising your hands with fingers pulled about eleven inches apart then making an O shape where your fingers don't even touch together, she gasps "are you serious! How does that even fit!" Laughing again "it almost doesn't, and I truthfully don't think anything will ever be enough again." She sits staring into space for a minute then snapping out of it "sorry I was just imagining how painful that must be." Shrugging "you'd be surprised somehow he knows exactly how to make it feel amazing." She stands patting your shoulder "well good for you, but that's exactly the reason I play for the other team, anyways honey if you need anything tonight just press the button if not, might I suggest mending things with mister supersized." she walks out of the room giggling. 'She's not wrong maybe I should try to mend things with Kylo if he'll have me.'

A few hours pass, it's well after sunset Kylo is usually here by now 'I hope he didn't get tired of staying with me.' Standing, slowly walking to the small bathroom taking a shower then fixing your hair in a messy bun, attempting to apply a little makeup from the bag Kylo packed, all he grabbed was some eye liner, mascara, Chapstick and gloss 'it will have to do.' Rummaging through the clothes pulling out a few different options, unfortunately somehow, he managed to pick the only things that were not on the sheer side 'I'm sure that was intentional after all I'm in the hospital.' Choosing a set of red silk pajamas with beautiful black lace on the trim, he failed to pack enough underwear or bras though running out of the last clean pair two days ago so far you've been wearing the very comfortable but very ugly ones the nurse provided along with just a hospital gown 'those underwear don't really go along with this outfit, I guess I'll just skip out for tonight.' Slipping on the silk shorts and top running your fingers across the fabric it's tight fit hugging every inch 'I hope Kylo likes it.' Finishing by applying a little gloss across the lips, double checking your reflection feeling confident and sexy a big improvement from the frumpy hospital gowns and greasy hair. Hearing the glass door slide open then close, the thudding of his boots striding across the floor stopping, followed by the sound of him sitting in the recliner his familiar voice calling out "(y/n) where are you? I need to talk to you about something."

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