Mutual love

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Kneading at it for a few moments before suddenly dipping both hands down below your hips scooping you into his arms pulling you free from the slumped dress, not so gracefully stepping around the piled mess almost tripping with a frustrated grumble flinging out one hand forcing the it out of the way. Giggling to yourself as he carries you into the bathroom, catching glimpses of the dimly lit room surprised with the massive amount of candles that have been placed all throughout remembering back to the first time Kylo showed his softer side preparing the bath for you knowing how kind it was of him to set up what felt like a large amount at that time. now seems normal in comparison to this. Setting you onto the countertop pulling back only a few inches he allows you to finish undressing him, pulling off the outer tunic then undershirt his upper half now completely nude, gently placing the garments beside you not wanting to start any unwanted fires.

Feeling a slight tug at your feet Kylo slips off both heels letting them fall to the floor squeezing around your feet with his large hands they travel up your calves gently spreading your knees apart filling the empty space between them with his figure, staring at the muscular shape of his chest your fingers fumble with his pants tugging them down below his waist revealing the contours of his pelvic bone they rest just above his member only allowing a small glimpse of its shape to be seen below the pant line. Biting your lip slipping one hand down it rubs at the soft outline behind the leather, the sudden stroke makes him grip onto your thighs with a deep grunt feeling it begin to harden beneath the touch, looking down watching as the shiny black pants tighten around its shape leaving nothing to the imagination it hugs around his member so tightly you can see him pulsate from underneath.

Glancing up catching the lustful twitch beneath his eye before scooting off the counter making sure to glide the sheer covering panties over the prodding silhouette of the hidden member instantly making him draw in a quick breath, standing tensely between him and the hard marble top with both hands you finish tugging at the pants having to use more strength now because of their tighter fit, after a few rough pulls they slip down and his cock springs out from behind hitting along your thigh on its way to rest erectly against your stomach. This time it's you who quietly gasps never really noticing until now with the exact placement of your figures the length of his cock and how easily it reaches just below your belly button forcing you to imagine just exactly how deep it really goes while inside. Kylo's voice catches you off guard "only now noticing that huh? I've had women turn me down upon seeing its full potential...but not you." With a few drives from his hips the cock grazes over your stomach showing that it in-fact reaches even deeper "no you handle every inch as if I'm not tearing my way inside...sometimes it looks as though you actually enjoy me stretching you open."

Feeling yourself pulsate below letting out an unexpected quiet moan, reaching up just about to run a hand along his shaft Kylo pulls back leaving you grasping at the air, chuckling as he pulls the boots from his feet kicking them and the pants into one of the only empty spaces in the room before testing the water with his hand swishing it around for a few moments "perfect, come here (y/n)." Sighing before stepping around the candles making your way towards him until stopping right outside the tub, grinning Kylo kneels grabbing onto the small strings resting on your hips pulling the panties down bit by bit with both hands by your ankles he lifts each foot up slipping the thong off and tossing it on top of his pants. Feeling him lean in closer the soft touch of his lips press into your thigh kissing gently he hums his way up kissing heavier with each return until his mouth is only inches away from your mound, running a hand through his hair feeling him lean in closer kissing tenderly just above your slit. Instead of moving down any lower he kisses his way up along your stomach over your breasts making sure to lick across a nipple before standing tall once again, gesturing for you to enter the bath "empresses first..." pausing for a moment trying to control the urge to force him back between your legs instead with a deep sigh turning around stepping into the luxurious bath watching the black and red rose petals float away from your lowering figure.

Once fully seated against one side of the tub Kylo smiles from above "again, do you even realize how beautiful you are?" blushing lightly watching him step in taking the opposite spot across from you, the water level rises quickly to the new added volume of his large frame sending a few petals over the edge as he readjusts propping his feet behind you and grabbing both your legs resting them on top of his own. Letting your head fall along the brim breathing deeply as the hot water relaxes your muscles and the calming eucalyptus fills your nose forcing a smile, Kylo's hands wrap around one foot and begin massaging with deep gentle rubs "is this how you would have wanted it? Did I do this the correct way? Obviously, the ceremony was not perfect, but I promise I tried." Sitting up locking eyes "oh Kylo this is better than anything I've ever imagined; you've made me feel so loved needed. I wouldn't have had it any other way...well besides the murder but I'd do it again if it means protecting you."

Letting a soft smile line his face the knead along your foot returns reassuring that he liked that response, laying back again this time the oils beneath the water allow your butt to slip only to be stopped when colliding into his propped thighs. The water now rests just below your neck while your feet also shifted almost to his shoulders, momentarily struggling trying to pull yourself back up his strong arms cup up around your calves holding you in place "no stay, I like it better this way." Shifting only slightly so that you can still lay back without drowning the movement within the water sloshes his member along your inner thigh "oh" you gasp not expecting him to still be hard, deeply chuckling the rapid rise and fall from his chest only makes it bump into you again "I'm sorry it sometimes has a mind of its own, I can reposition if it's bothering you?"

Replying "no! I it's fine, not bothering me at all I promise." pausing for a moment staring deep into your eyes he grips back onto your foot bringing it closer to his face before kissing along its side moving his lips further and further up making sure to take some time creating light pink marks from each lustful suck, once reaching your ankle lightly licking it he whispers "almost all of the bubbles have disappeared you know...meaning I can see what you're doing..." quickly pulling back the hand you thought was hidden as you were not so secretly rubbing along your slit "oh um I wasn't doing what you think, I was just uh..." playfully nibbling at your calf with a slow upwards buck his cock brushes against you again "don't be embarrassed...would it help if I joined you?" Watching his free hand lift from the tubs brim dipping into the water steadily heading down his abs, the low groan escaping his lips brings the focus back up eyeing their slow parting while he releases another deep groan this time accompanied by the feel of his fist sliding up and down your inner thigh knowing he's stroking himself.

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