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Sweet dreams are rudely interrupted by awkward shuffling coming from beneath you, whining, "no...I was sleeping so well stop moving..." in a deep sluggish tone. The shuffling intensifies, Kylo's body shifts as he tries pulling himself up further on the couch with a frustrating grunt "comfortable?" Mumbling "I was yes, but somebody decided to move!" while digging your face further into his chest trying to reclaim the snatched dream its vision quickly dissolving from your mind only flashes of the life you had created remain but even they begin slowly fading, chuckling "well do you blame me?"

Finally giving up on the idea of falling back asleep opening your eyes to see somehow we have shifted into a rather awkward position Kylo's large frame is scrunched up against the arm of the couch while half his body dangles from its side, his foot still struggling to keep him from completely tumbling out, your own is perfectly perched between the back of the couch and his slipping figure. Letting out a laugh that is followed by an embarrassing snort "here I'll fix it for you." Playfully bending both feet upwards with a swift push along his hips watching him slide right off the edge, a loud thudding quickly follows behind paired with a low grumbling "ouch...really (y/n)" trying to refrain from uncontrollable laughter burying your face into the velvet, small high pitched giggles escape "oh no...what happened?!"

The room grows silent when suddenly feeling his grasp cling onto your arm pulling quickly, before you can even attempt to stop him your figure fumbles off landing directly on top of him pushing out a deep heavy breath from his lungs forcing him to gasp and cough, quickly sitting up both legs fall along his waist while grabbing his arm pulling him up into a cradling position and placing a hand to his cheek "are you okay?! Why did you do that look what you made me do, my big butt squished you!" Shaking his head still sucking in quick gasps a wide grin lining his face in a very raspy cracked tone "what (gasp) better way (gasp) to die (gasp) than that." feeling yourself blush hard not knowing whether to be flattered by his content with that type of death or offended that he thinks it could even be possible.

Not allowing you to ponder the thought for very long placing both hands on either cheek his lips find yours kissing in a rough playful manner the force of it pushes your body backwards, just as swiftly both large hands reach around gripping onto your back holding you in a dipped position all while his lips never leave your own. Slowly both hands glide down resting along your hips gripping tight pulling them closer into him while gently lowering you down to the floor very smoothly shifting so that he's now the one hovering over you, the cold marble floor is a shock making you arch upwards with a fast gasp. Pulling back his eyes darting over your face the fear very apparent, words escaping rapidly "shit, did I hurt you or something? Sometimes I don't know my own strength and I get too excited and forget that you are small and fragile, what did I hurt was it your head, back, or..." grabbing onto the collar of his shirt pulling him back down forcing your lips back together. Feeling his tense body relax pressing into yours one hand rests beside your head the other keeps him propped up slightly on one side, his lips softly brush along yours as slow dips of tongue turn it into a passionate make out, the sweet smell of you still lingers from the sensual apology last night.

Quietly humming into him realizing you could stay like this forever, in his arms, feeling the weight of his body on top of yours, the deep groans that vibrate along your lips, the comforting thought of having him to yourself for all eternity is quickly replaced with the gut wrenching realization of what today is and what's to come, pulling back Kylo must have felt the change in energy "hey what is it, what's wrong?" Staring up at his big soft eyes their honey centers full of concern try to read what's hidden in your mind, looking away knowing if you stare any longer you'll burst into tears "Kylo it's the end of the week... Snoke..." hushing you "returns I know, he should actually be here in the next thirty minutes I didn't want to stop kissing you, I don't want to face him I don't want to take the chance of losing this forever...but I should actually get going I need to catch him before Hux does." A horrifying fear washes over not knowing if this could possibly be the last time seeing him tears quickly fill your eyes, the soft caring shape of his immediately change to worry and sympathy as a soft thumb brushes along your cheek " no no don't cry..." trying to refrain but failing hot heavy tears fall while begging, "don't go please I'm too afraid of what will happen...let's...let's just away."

Sitting up softly lifting your leg up and around removing himself from your frame, slouching up against the couch hanging his head low, sighing deeply "(y/n) it's not that simple..." springing up grabbing onto his arm tugging at it in attempts that he'll look up "yes Kylo it is, what do you really need here? Acceptance, because I accept you more than anyone ever has, I love every part of you the good and the bad, Kylo and Ben. Power, to me you are the most powerful being in the galaxy and being the leader of the first Order doesn't prove that...we can...we can start our own army that's bigger and stronger than this if that's what it takes. It surely can't be happiness because this place isn't happy it's dark and cold and cruel, I'll be you're happy place..." quickly glancing up, sadness strewn behind his gaze "you are my happiness, you're the only thing in my life that's hard to explain (y/n) it's...well it's all of those things and none of them. My entire life has led me to this point, and I must see it through...and you must trust me, I have sworn your safety and I intend to keep that promise. Now I need you to promise me you will STAY in our quarters, stay safe and hidden where I know you'll be when I return please (y/n) don't challenge me on this one, promise me."

The instant feeling to argue, to push the matter 'I should be there with him, don't let him go alone! Stand your ground (y/n)!' But instead pausing for a moment and actually looking at him the deep soul searching kind of look reading his pained worrisome expression silently begging you to listen, slowly nodding "okay I promise...but you have to come back to me! I won't be okay if you don't!" Standing he reaches for your hand, "I would never leave you, come on I'll walk you to our room."

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