Love the light side

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After getting dressed the two of you head towards his personal dining hall and share a very lovely breakfast, while enjoying the meal glancing up noticing that he has barely even touched his food "Kylo what's wrong?" Darting his gaze towards you "oh uh...nothing I'm alright just a lot on my mind, nothing to worry about." Reaching across the table placing a hand upon his stroking softly "when are you going to realize you don't have to hide your emotions from me, I want to know what's bothering you, I want to listen, and I want to help...let me." A slow turn of his hand as it grasps yours bringing it to his lips where he softly kisses "I know...I know forgive me, I'm still not entirely used to having someone I can trust, someone who isn't trying to lie their way into my mind for malicious purposes. I guess it just sort of hit me that tomorrow is completely unknown and with Snoke returning it can only go a number of ways..." frowning while pulling your hand away, pushing your chair back walking around the large rectangular table with slow echoing clicks from your heels until stopping beside him.

Scrunching your dress on either side before lifting a leg up and over him sitting comfortably on his lap, wrapping your arms around his neck then kissing his forehead tenderly "whatever happens tomorrow I want you to know you've made me the happiest woman in the galaxy, you have no idea the life I lived before coming here I never once thought the last grueling day on my previous planet would be the last, I had no idea that the new master I was given too wouldn't hurt and abuse me wouldn't take advantage of me. You immediately gave me luxuries I've never experienced, and even if you don't realize it from the very beginning you gave me respect at least compared to what I'm used to, but most importantly....(lifting his fallen face up towards yours) you've finally shown me what real love feels like. Kylo you are my everything and I will stand by your side no matter what, Snoke will see how powerful we can be together he will believe in our eventual I need you to believe in it too."

Slowly sliding his arms up around your waist they rest gently along your back pulling your frame closer until he's hugging it tightly resting his head along your chest, remaining in this position he doesn't move or speak for a very long time and any attempt to even shuffle his grip tightens holding you closer, allowing him to feel safe gently running your fingers through his hair softly whispering "I know you Kylo, you are strong and powerful you can do anything you set your mind too, and I know you too Ben...(with that word his body tenses) you are kind and loving whether you see it or not there is goodness in your heart, I've seen it, I've felt it, I've loved it. No matter who you are mine and I love you and no matter what happens we will be together even if we must run away I know you won't let anything happen to me." A slight turn of his face before gently kissing at the soft skin on your chest murmuring "I'll never let him take you from me, I'll kill him if I must...leaving right now isn't an option my loyalties are to the first order to what will someday be my army...our army, I cannot leave with the impending threat of the resistance, the unknown motive of the scavenger girl, but I will not rule without you by my side that is not an option."

Kissing the top of his head "then don't let it become an option, you are the mighty Kylo Ren and I know that even Snoke fears you, show him no mercy and come back to me so we can rule together. As for the girl train me well enough and I'll gladly take her out for you." Reaching backwards clumsily grabbing a piece of toast bringing it around "now eat, and let's go to that special place you wanted to show me." Reluctantly taking the food from your hand eating a few bites and then responding "my love, even with all the training I have to offer I can't imagine you intentionally harming anyone there is too much light inside your heart." Scolding at him "there is not! I'm just as dark as you!" Playfully grinning "okay then let's go right now, I want you to choose a random trooper and end him with my saber, come on."

He begins shifting in the chair pushing at your hips to stand "no! I mean...the trooper didn't do anything wrong why would we harm an innocent person?" Wrapping his arms back around kissing your lips playfully "see I knew you couldn't do it, but I could and have." Looking down disappointed that he does not think you are dark enough "why would you ever want me to rule by your side if there is still light within me?" Slowly rising his hand stroking your cheek "because I love you, I love the kindness in your heart it helps balance me, I don't ever want you to change."

Again, sliding you off his lap successfully this time, grabbing your hand "now come with me I want to go to my writing room." Still slightly worried that you will never fully be enough for him 'how can he rule the galaxy with someone who isn't just as evil, will he always love my light side? Will he grow tired of me? Could I really kill someone for no reason at all?' Shaking your head then gleefully interlocking fingers with his smiling "oh yay! I haven't been there in forever and it will be so special to enjoy it with you."

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