Moment in time

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Eventually returning to your own quarters preparing for the dinner plans tonight, excitement growing by each passing hour. Heading towards the closet opening it eyeing all the beautiful dresses pulling out one by one before replacing it, you must find the perfect dress for tonight. Finally picking out a floor length solid black velvet, off the shoulder dress that has a long black lace train 'this is perfect' matched with a simple pair of black heels. For makeup going for an elegant soft glam with a bold red lip, curling your hair letting it fall loosely around your frame adding a lace choker that has a few strands of black beads and chains connecting to a ruby in the middle, matched with a large ruby stone ring.

Staring at the mirror feeling beautiful and warm, the butterflies still floating inside you 'I can't believe all this is happening, as happy as I am I need to keep my composure I don't need to fall for another man who could easily hurt me.' Hearing a gentle knock at the door saying, "come in" hatch opening turning to see your little droid rolling in "the commander is ready for you, please follow me." Standing, pressing out the dress before following the droid down the halls 'I hope he will show this time... I wonder if anyone knows he is even doing this? Is it even allowed?'

Arriving at the dining room reaching for the doorknob, before grasping it the doors open by themselves. Looking around the room face frowning, noticing it is empty 'I swear if this man stands me up again, I'm done.' Finishing the thought feeling a hand brush down your arm before interlocking fingers with your own, looking up eyes meeting Kylo's before blushing, letting the biggest smile cross your face "I was just about to walk away commander, you are lucky you showed up when you did." Turning to face you he says, "you look breathtaking, come join me at the table."

Walking towards the dimly lit room going to the table hand still laced in yours he gently guides you along before stopping and pulling out your chair then sitting across from you. Long silence passes as you are brought dish after dish slowly enjoying all of them, finally he speaks "tell me everything about you." Pausing for a moment before taking a long sip of wine you say "really there isn't much to tell, I was sold at a young age my parents had too many kids to support and I was the youngest so it was just easier that way... I've been passed from master to master planet to planet never really had a place to call home, some places were better than others some I'd still like to forget." Looking down "did they hurt you?" His voice gentle with a hint of anger behind it, "yes." Is all you say before changing the subject "I enjoy music greatly; I love all things nature, but winter season is by far my favorite. I am afraid of death and failure; I have never had many friends never really stayed anywhere long enough to care honestly. I've been in love twice, once when I was a small child with a silly crush, but I still consider him my first love." Laughing before continuing "my second was obviously James not much to compare too, and you know how that ended. You'll find this one funny... or at least I hope so when I was a little girl, I wanted nothing more than to be a Jedi and work for the good guys."

Setting his wine glass down pausing for a moment "so did I." He says with a pained look on his face "oh my gosh, I didn't mean to bring up bad memories I'm sorr.." he stops you "don't be, I am to my full potential here at the first order. Weakness is not an option; I chose the right side." Not knowing what to say next finishing off your second glass of wine before pouring another his eyes watching you intently. "Nervous?" He asks, gulping you reply, "are you kidding of course I am, (laughing) I'm one wrong move from disaster."

He stiffens "I'm not going to kill you. If you think I am then I'm obviously wasting my time." Quickly reaching across the table hand grasping his "no, that's not what I meant... I mean... you are kind of intimidating... but I meant more of me causing this to fail between us than you." His hand relaxes under yours "if anyone is going to mess this up it will definitely be me, don't worry." Glancing down trying to think of something to say, a droid comes in setting a plate of dessert in-front of you both the large platter of cakes and ice creams surrounded by various chocolate covered fruits.

He rises from his chair slowly walking around the long table before sitting in the chair next to you, he motions his hand spinning your chair to face in his direction, staring at you placing one hand on either side of the chair pulling you close to him with his legs resting on the sides of yours. "Would you like something sweet?" Nodding your head as he uses the force rising a chocolate covered strawberry from the plate slowly moving it towards your mouth resting it gently against your lips, softly biting into it the flavor coating your mouth.

The moment frozen in time, your figures silhouetted in front of a blazing fire reflecting against a slick, black candle lit table Kylo sitting back against his chair watching you slowly eat the floating fruit as he continuously pulls the strawberry closer towards him, your eagerness leaning you with it, following the berry while placing your hands onto his strong thighs. Now only inches from his face he bites the other end before teasing you with a tender kiss, he pulls back, yourself almost falling forward into him not wanting it to stop. "Hey, not fair."

Chuckling he grabs your hips pulling you onto his lap easily, your dress rising to make room for your outstretched legs, sighing deeply wrapping your arms around his neck pressing your forehead to his. His hand running up the length of your dress to your neck sliding behind your head as he gently tugs your hair forcing your head back, neck met with his warm tender kisses as he sucks and nibbles at your skin the lust present with each kiss, his free hand gently groping your breast massaging it.

Letting out a quiet moan before jumping at the sound of the doors opening suddenly, looking up seeing general Hux standing with his arms crossed and mouth open wide. Kylo quickly forces you back into the chair harder than you liked as Hux marches towards you both "what is this about? You wait until Snoke hears about this! Fraternizing with a servant, honestly is anything beneath you Ren she is nothin.." quickly seeing him begin to levitate from the floor grasping at his throat as Kylo stands marching towards him igniting his flaring saber placing it directly towards his face "it would be in your best interest not to finish that sentence general. My business is my own but if you must know Snoke is already fully aware of my involvement with her. Say anything negative about her again and I'll slice you in half."

Hux gasping letting out the choked words "okay... okay... put... me... down" Kylo releases him as he slams onto the floor, before he has a chance to say anything else let alone stand Kylo has grabbed your hand pulling you up with force dragging you out of the room. He says nothing as he is pulling you down hallways until you reach your own quarters, finally he stops his back still facing you breathing hard. Reaching your hand out touching his shoulder as he flinches "Kylo... what just happened?" Turning he looks at you, hardened expression on his face and says, "a noisy little prick that's what."

Cupping his face in your hands you can feel the heat against them "it's okay... calm down... like you said Snoke already knows about us everythin.." shaking his head he quickly says "no he doesn't, I lied. I didn't know what else to say to shut him up and now I have to figure a way out of this." Releasing his face, pulling back eyes slowly filling with tears "out of this? Out of what exactly Kylo? I am no one's secret, and I don't deserve to be treated like one." He tries to reach out for you "no I didn't mean out of this, out of us... I meant... I don't know exactly what I meant I just need some time to figure out how to go from here."

Turning heading for your door, feeling him stop you with the force before twisting you around 'I really hate that I can't even storm off when I want too.' Sliding you back towards him, he embraces you wrapping his arms tightly around your frame burying his head into your neck "please don't be upset, I promise I'll fix this you aren't a secret to me and you are right you don't deserve that." He kisses up your neck then up your jaw before passionately kissing your lips, staying like this accepting his kiss repeatedly before finally pulling back "I can't stay mad at you and you know that...but I also don't want to hide my feelings for you. Once you figure whatever it is you need out, let me know." Turning again swiftly opening the hatch stepping inside, turning back now closing the hatch watching as his posture slouches, arm out reached for you disappearing behind the metal door.

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