Inauguration day

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The entire morning was a blur, Kylo woke up super early claiming he could not sleep and as quiet as he tried to be somehow still managing to wake you up in the process. Attempting to fall back asleep was useless because every time you started dozing off he would shuffle in bed or sigh waking you back up again, finally giving in the two of you decided to start the day knowing the return to sleep was completely lost by now. After the sluggish shared shower and a quick fueling breakfast Kylo stands in front of your half-dressed figure, running a few fingers up your arm leaning in kissing your forehead softly "I have to leave, apparently being Supreme leader doesn't automatically excuse me from having to help plan and set up my own ceremony. Don't get too comfortable in that robe, I've arranged a few seamstresses to compose the perfect dress for tonight they should be here soon to do a final fitting...I hope that you like it as much as I do." Wrapping both arms around him hugging tight, the warm leathery scent of his embrace swims throughout your senses making you smile sweetly "I'm sure I'll love it, have I ever complained about anything you've provided me thus far? Will I see you again today, or just for the ceremony?" Brushing a hand along the back of your head "I'll send for you shortly before it starts, we'll walk out together I want them to know you're just as vital to the order as I am." Reluctantly untangling your arms stepping back slipping his helmet on, with a deep hissing voice "today will change history forever, I love you more than you'll ever know."

Waiting for the dressmakers to arrive was painstakingly boring, shortly after lunch there was finally a knock on the door, jumping up opening the hatch three women came rushing in carrying various different suitcases eagerly plopping them down onto the bed. One walks forward picking up a few locks of hair "oh dear...we have some work to do ladies, and only a few hours to make the miracle happen." before even getting the chance to talk back she immediately forces you into the vanity chair while all three of them spent the next two hours grooming every inch. Finally shooing them away "okay that's good enough I don't think I have any decency left! Thank you I look beautiful enough...can we hurry and put the dress on so I'm not late please." The woman scoff obviously taking offense to the objection of another layer of blush, but eventually they scurry over to the bed unzip the velvet dress bag letting small glimpses of red and black to peek through the opening before pulling the dress completely out. Uncontrollably letting out a small gasp rushing up and running your hand down the lacy fabric "oh my gosh it's so beautiful!" one of the women size you up and down before holding the dress up to your figure "hmm well it's going to be a tight my dear but we'll make it work..." Glaring at her before slipping off your robe "oh it'll fit, he's never been wrong on my size before he seems to know my figure pretty well, almost as if he's memorized every inch." Making sure the last part portrayed the message you were going for 'who does she think she is? Does she not realize who this dress is for? Who I am associated with? Stupid lady, maybe she's just jealous.' After a few seconds of struggling the dress slips down to your hips resting perfectly along your figure hugging tight around each curve, the women finish sewing a few loose stitches before sarcastically wishing you well and leaving.

Pausing for a moment running both hands over the elegant gowns material still in awe of its beauty, it has an extremely tight fitting pitch black bodice with long sleeves and a deep sharply cut v neck dipping well past normal dresses nearly revealing your navel, the beautiful black runs down the puffed portion of the ballgown until just above knee length where it fades into a beautiful first order red the back has a rather long train trailing behind allowing the covering lace to flow past the smooth fabric underneath. Standing staring at yourself in the mirror checking out the final product, cringing for a moment at the sight of massive amounts of poorly applied makeup while giggling 'Kylo would be embarrassed to be seen with me looking like this, I'll just fix it up a little bit.' Spending a little time removing and carefully reapplying some of the look making it softer but still glam almost mimicking the look you went for when first meeting him, making sure to line your lips with that beautiful vermillion shade then slipping the kyber necklace around your neck resting it against your torso the pointed blade aligns perfectly with the shape of the revealing dress it rests only centimeters from the center of the cut. Noticing they left a box on the bed walking forwards opening it's lid, inside is a pair of beautiful black heels with a secret red coated sole "these are gorgeous Kylo and probably very expensive...but with this dress no one will even see them." Chuckling while slipping them on, once again another perfect fit 'how does this man pay such close attention to my body?'

Soon after finishing the final touches to the outfit comes another knock on the door, opening it surprised to see that it's actually Hux standing on the other side he's dressed very sharply in a superior generals suit holding out his arm awaiting for your next move. His gaze pounders your figure for only a moment before speaking "ready just on time, good because I wasn't going to wait exceptionally long. For some reason Ren choose me to escort you to this...affair, come let us get going before he blames me for being late."

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