Making peace

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Jarring awake, gasping for air searching around the room for the nightmare fueled face you were just dreaming about. 'Relax it's okay he's not here, your safe In Kylo's room.' Crawling towards the edge of the bed glancing down to see him lying on the hard floor with only a pillow as he clutches his body, his facial expression tense 'he must be freezing.' Out stretching your arm, running your hand gently down his silky hair fingers tracing across his jaw rubbing his cheek gently 'he's so handsome' watching as his face slowly relaxes under your touch.

Softly speaking "Kylo... Kylo are you awake..." he jolts, eyes catching yours "what, what is it? What's wrong." Placing your hand on his bare chest calming him saying , "nothing everything is okay, I just noticed you were shivering, and I don't want you to be cold." Shrugging "I'm fine, as long as you are warm, I'm okay." Pulling back lying flat on the bed before finally speaking up "there is no reason for you to be cold, this is your bed just get up here okay?" Silence lingers before hearing him rustling around, watching as his dark figure rises from the floor, he pulls back the covers sliding in the bed laying as far to the edge as he can. "Thank you, I promise I won't get any closer."

Heart pounding in your chest reaching your hand out touching his ice-cold skin still shaking, tugging at his arm attempting to pull him closer to you. Turning his head to look at you he says, "what are you doing?" Replying, "your freezing, I'm trying to warm you up come here." Moments go by before he slowly scoots closer towards you his body resting close beside yours, lifting his arm sliding into the crevasse of his chest hugging tightly onto him. "Really I'm fine, you don't need to do this." He says, shushing him "just relax and get warm okay?" Feeling him relax beneath you wrapping his arm around you resting it on your back, holding him you cannot help but feel the warming sensation traveling up and throughout your own body. His touch you have longed for since last time mixed with his scent something you missed more than you'd like to admit, holding him tightly for a long time unexpectedly without noticing sliding your leg up and over his intermingling them.

This causes him to tense up muscles rigid he looks down at you "(y/n) you are making this incredibly hard to try and resist." Confused you say, "making what hard to resist?" Just then his other hand begins running up the thigh laying across him, this time you are the one who tenses "oh... umm." Breath quickening before giving in "it's hard for me to resist too..." he stops outstretching his hand the size of it covering most of your thigh before he gently squeezes. Deeply he says, "we don't have to do this." Pausing then saying, "I know, I want too... if you do..." he starts turning to the side "I never stopped wanting too."

Stopping him now pushing him back flat cradling on top of him, legs straddling him tightly he places both hands on your hips staring up at you "you know usually I'm the one who is on top in these situations, in fact no one has ever gotten the privilege of anything else." Leaning down beginning to kiss him passionately, he kisses back hands running up your sides caressing your easily visible breasts before continuing a hand up to your throat, he pushes you to the side making him the one on top now. Grumbling saying, "not fair, after the way you've treated me, I think it's only right I get my way tonight." Sliding your shorts and panties off quickly he says, "I'm always in charge."

Shaking your head pushing hard on his shoulders forcing him back, climbing on to his chest pinning his arms above his head "if that's the case I guess I'll have to call it a night." Scooting closer to his face, close enough to feel his chin brush against your pelvic bone "unless...." with ease he breaks his hands free from yours placing them tightly onto your hips he drags you closer, now sitting directly on his face feeling him begin kissing and licking at your lips. Letting out a moan placing both hands on to his head tugging at his hair, "that's right, make it up to me you jerk."

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