I already do

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Holding tightly until the water begins to turn cold, gentle nudging wakes you while he pushes some hair behind your ear "I'm sorry but the water is getting cold." Nuzzling back into him, pouting "just a little while longer..." gently he pushes against your hips sliding you from his lap "there is plenty more to come, somewhere warm though." Standing fumbling with a towel drying himself off then gesturing for you to stand, sluggishly complying he wraps the towel around with one swift motion he's pulled you up into his arms carrying you to the bed. Pulling the covers back softly laying you against the silk sheets, crawling next to you he opens his arms while tugging you into them "see, isn't this better?" Snuggling onto his warm slightly damp chest murmuring "I was perfectly fine before, but this is good too as long as I'm with you."

kissing your forehead holding his lips in place speaking softly "what did you think of me the first time we met?" Letting out a quiet chuckle "what?" Pulling back facing you "the day we met in the conference room, what did you think?" Pausing for a moment thinking of a gentle way to say this "umm... well truthfully I thought you were an asshole." His expression frowns, kissing him quickly "don't act surprised Kylo you were an asshole... but even still you had this effect on me, as much as you frightened me I only wanted to know more...and I'm glad I got too. Why what did you think of me?" His frown slowly turns into a smile "I knew from the moment I saw you that you were trouble, or well that I was in trouble. I knew that I wanted you, I needed you, it pained me to think you'd never be mine... who knew all it took was some Ill-timed masturbation and your poor ability to hide it."

Immediately blushing hard, huffing then turning around facing away "not funny!" Sliding against you wrapping his arm around your waist digging it underneath the towel gently gripping onto your hip "oh come on there is no denying that you were a dirty little servant, you wanted to get caught... besides if you hadn't been who's arms do you think you'd be laying in right now?" The thought of Kylo replaced with James makes you want to gag "okay you're right... but still how about we find a more romantic story to tell people about what brought us together." Laughing he kisses your neck "but I quite like that story... okay fine how about the time I left for a few months and the only thing keeping me alive was the thought of returning home to you but....oh wait this ones better, how about the time I nearly choked you to death? You know now that I'm talking about it out loud are we really a good match?"

Turning around swiftly giving him the dirtiest look then twisting a smile across your face "you know what? You're exactly right what was I thinking?" Pulling away gradually sliding out of bed the pained gasp from behind letting you know it worked, standing the towel falls to the floor just as his hand grasps onto your wrist pulling you back into bed quickly he's on top his hips spreading your legs far apart he presses his body down onto yours, kissing the middle of your breasts up your chest along your collar bone he then licks up to your neck. The sensation makes you shiver beneath him "not the type of reaction someone has when they aren't connected to the other you know, if you wanna leave then leave ... what's stopping you?" Laughing "Well technically you are... literally..." staring down grabbing onto your arm he flips onto his back pulling you on top of him "nothings stopping you now." Grinning "you're right." Acting as if you are going to pull off him, his large hands grip tightly on either side of your hips "you're joking right? Don't go I was playing..." laughing while leaning down kissing his chest up to his neck relaxing your body letting it fall gently on top of his, whispering into his ear "I'm not going anywhere, I love you."

Holding him tight your legs relaxing around his waist sliding your feet down beside his thighs one arm resting beneath your head holding it up the other wrapped behind his neck hugging tightly, he kisses your neck while leisurely running his fingertips along your back. The tingling sensation paired with the rhythmic rise and fall of his chest quickly begins bringing you back to the brink of slumber, kissing his cheek "Kylo I'm trying to stay awake but I don't think I can much longer..." hugging you firmly "it's okay my love... I know you must be tired; I'll be right here when you wake up." Sluggishly trying to move to the spot beside him he stops you holding tightly "I'm enjoying this...I'll move you if I need too." Kissing his cheek again your weak hand turning his face towards yours stealing slow heavy kisses before resting against his chest, one hand returns the gentle strokes along your back the other pulls the covers up and over the both of you.

Caressing softly until he's pretty sure that you have fallen deeply a sleep he begins whispering quietly "when someone asks me how we got together I'm going to tell them from the very moment I laid eyes on you my heart stopped, your beauty simultaneously stole the air from my lungs and ignited the fire within my veins. Every moment I spent away from you was more painful than all the betrayal I've faced thus far, I truly believe you were brought to me by something unexplainable...I will tell them it was you who made me stronger, you who helped more than anything or anyone in preparing me for leadership. And for the very few that would understand this...I would tell them...a hidden part of me begs to be released when I'm around you....(speaking even quieter) I wonder would you love Kylo and Ben...." surprising him by hugging tighter and very softly whispering into his ear "I already do..."

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