I love you too

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Frustrated you stand re-buttoning the shirt "this places better be worth it because that was so cruel." laughing he says "I know I'm sorry, but you said you wanted to see me happy so I'm going to show you somewhere that make me happy here." Pausing momentarily "ugh you win, how can I say no to that face?" Following him out of the room walking fast past the scary knights catching up to Kylo, he walks down past all the quarters, the cafeteria, the docking bay, until he's reached a door clamped tightly shut.

Twisting the hatch it opens revealing the most beautiful terrace overlooking the snow lined forest, almost gasping realizing it's exactly like the drawing he made of your wedding, gesturing for you to go first he holds the doors open. Walking outside slowly feeling the snow crunch beneath your feet taking in the beautiful scenery, it's large open space covered by intricate metal frames all in gorgeous mysterious shapes with dead vines handing from the open spaces between them covering every inch of it, most people would consider it ugly but you are speechless. The way they canopy around the open balcony framing it perfectly around three large open structured windows that perfectly capture the suns soft glow, walking closer towards them noticing the vines are all covered in beautiful red thorns.

Standing against the window looking out staring at the snow fall he takes the place beside you, setting his hand on top of yours "I found this place when I first arrived here, it's been unkept for a very long time but I always like it that way. It's beautiful and peaceful but also closed off and a little sad." Looking up at him giggling "almost like you...this place (glancing around) it's like your picture..." his face changes into confusion "you saw that? When?" Blushing hard "the night at the hospital...I'm sorry I couldn't help it I was just curious...the art was so beautiful but nothing compares to the real thing..." looking out onto the trees below he says "I had hoped this could be a surprise for you, I wanted you to love this place as much as I do. It's one of my only solace's, I'd spend hours out here training or writing in my journals trying to figure out exactly who I was to become." Sliding between him and the rail slowly wrapping your arms around his frame hugging tightly "I do love it, it's beautiful and dark if you haven't guessed that's sort of what I'm into. If we get married there is no place I'd rather be when it happens." Kissing the top of your head he folds his cloak over your shoulders wrapping it snugly around "when we get married."

At least an hour goes by the two of you resting along the edge warmly comforted by his embrace watching the snow fall slowly covering the outside of his cloak, breaking the silence "I love you too." He pulls back looking confused "What?" Not knowing why he seems so on edge all of a sudden "what do you mean what? I'm telling you I love you too?" Tilting his head, he replies "I didn't say I love you..." scrunching your nose "yes you did, I heard it clear as you're speaking now." Intently staring "I didn't say it...I thought it... but how could you have known that? Unless...?" Blinking a few times "unless what? I'm so confused?" Cupping you're face in his hands the cloak falls from your shoulders lining the floor with fresh snow "(y/n) you just read my mind. Do you know what that means?" Squished face staring blankly back at him "I'm losing my mind?"

Tugging at your hand walking briskly back inside "no, it means you could be force sensitive." Pulling your figure behind him swiftly heading down several halls "Kylo where are you taking me?!" Turning a corner seeing the medical ward come into view "we need to draw your blood I want to have it tested, do you know what this could mean?" Following behind "I mean I've always been told it would have something to do with being a Jedi but... I'm not exactly on the Jedi side, am I?" Arriving at the doors he knocks loudly "no, luckily you're with me and I can teach you how to harness the force even better than they ever could have." The doors swing open as Yasmine stands staring at the two of you, Kylo's hand gripped tightly to yours his expression showing excitement with yours showing confusion and fear she glances down at the floor slowly getting soaked by the remaining snow now melting off his cloak "well hello you two, what a nice surprise how can I help you?"

Quickly Kylo blurts "I need her blood tested I want to check her midi-chlorian count." Shocked at his response she says, "are you sure I mean I can but why?" Impatiently he grows "because I asked you too, inform me of the results right away." handing you off to her he turns walking out of the ward "Kylo where are you going?" Without turning around, he says "I need to focus, to do some research I'll be back." Turning around facing Yasmine "uh...well hello again I guess let's do the middlecloraline test or whatever he said." Laughing "no, my dear it's midi-chlorian and I guess we shall, come follow me." Walking behind her she goes into a small room closing the door behind you, gathering some supplies she asks for your arm before gently sticking a needle inside drawing your blood.

While labeling it she says "well I'm glad to see you again, I wasn't sure what happened after that guy was brought in." Gasping "what guy? James? He's here? He's alive?" Nodding her head pointing to the room across the hall "yep, barely but he's in there. He lost a lot of blood, but we were able to save him, I heard that Kylo freaked out and tried to kill him, but his wounds tell another story." Blushing hard "uh...yeah it was a little more than just that...but I guess I'm a little glad he didn't die, don't get me wrong he deserved it but I didn't really want to be responsible for his death." Nodding she places a small gauze pad on your arm then wraps it a few times "so why does the commander want to know your count anyways?" Shrugging "he thinks I read his mind, but he's just being foolish obviously I don't have any connection to the force, I'm an adult I would think it would have surfaced by now."

Raising an eyebrow "well actually, the force can lay dormant for many years sometimes it takes a certain event or sometimes your mind is closed off to the idea completely, everyone has the ability to be force sensitive but only a few truly harness it's powers." Staring at her confused "so this test, what will it tell us?" Looking down at the little vial of blood "this tests your midi-chlorian levels, it basically indicates if you have more amounts than others giving and even better idea if you'll be able to use the force or not." Starting to understand "so you're telling me that I could potentially move stuff and use a cool saber like Kylo?" Giggling "well in a sense yes, but that requires training and years of it. But I'm sure your commander will be happy to oblige." Scooting off the exam table "well thank you, I'm going to try and go find Kylo...maybe try to read his mind again."

Opening the exam room door she allows you to walk out first, thanking her again she tells you "let the commander know it could take a little while for the results to come back but as soon as I know, he'll know." Nodding while heading towards the door stopping directly by the room where James is stationed trying to resist but failing, pausing for a moment glancing inside seeing that he is asleep, his body is bandaged pretty heavily from the waist down. Just as you were about to turn away his eyes open locking focus onto you his fixed expression quickly fades to rage once noticing who's staring back at him, suddenly his machines start beeping rapidly the heart rate increases sixty-eight, eighty-eight, one hundred and six to one hundred and twenty two. Stumbling backwards crashing into the nurse's station Yasmine is quick behind rushing into his room "what happened?!" Darting off in the opposite direction "I don't know! I'm not sticking around to find out either!"

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