Supreme leader Ren

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Reaching for the saber resting along your hip the sudden unfamiliar feeling of remorse washes over, looking down at the scavenger girl she's on her knees staring up at you with fear in her eyes but all you can think about is (y/n) her kindness, her empathy the softness of her skin, the smell of her hair, the feel of her lips on yours, knowing if she were in this exact position she would spare the girls life. "What are you waiting for Commander!" Snoke booms from behind as he rambles to the girl telling her the false thoughts you're allowing to be projected into his mind, your mind is being split in two it's as if the rage that once resided has burned out killing the scavenger girl should be a simple task one without much thought but the only for sure image is (y/n) replacing the silhouette of the girl her beautiful bright eyes staring back up at you forcing your mind and heart to show pity to the girl. Snokes voice is inaudible but the tone speaks of his arrogance, his trust in your loyalty to the first order, now knowing your trust is fully with (y/n) and that it is the first order who must show their loyalty to the both of you, without her it all means nothing.

Slowly twisting your fingers the stolen saber relaxing next to snoke begins to turn facing directly towards his abdomen in an instant everything is changed, the saber is ignited slicing through Snoke killing him almost instantly as the image of (y/n) dissolves and the scavenger girls figure returns with shock on her face as she realizes what just happened, flinging the saber forwards she catches it nodding in your direction whether she knows your reasons for sparing her or not there is a mutual understanding that in order for either of you to make it out of here alive you must work together to destroy Snokes approaching Praetorian guards. The battle was quick the way both of you worked together was surprising, almost easy making you wonder if there is more to her than once thought, 'if she would join the dark side, stand with me and (y/n) our trio would be the most respected allegiance in the galaxy.' Looking up at her exhausted frame the words coming from your mouth surprise even yourself as you ask her to join you, to join the dark side with an outstretched palm allowing weakness to creep out. The next few moments play out like a distant memory her reaching out only to trick you trying to gain control of the very saber she sent in your direction during the battle making her decision very apparent, the two of you struggle to gain control of the saber pulling in both directions her strength astonishing you as the saber shakes against the forceful tugging, the metal center begins to glow before it snaps sending a bright flash all throughout the room before everything goes black.

The sudden strong internal feeling to wake up forces your eyes open they focus onto Hux standing above your fallen figure his eyes are lined with deception knowing he was going to take that moment to try and get the upper hand, quickly rising he questions you "what the hell happened here commander?!" Looking around at the shambled room then down to the lifeless body of Snoke the memory of the previous battle comes flooding back, thoughts rushing as you respond "it was the girl, she killed Snoke I tried to stop it." Hux's expression shows disbelief "the Supreme leader is dead Ren, under your watch none the less...I find it hard to believe this was the work of the foolish scavenger girl you we're a part of this and I won't let..." cutting him off quickly the force is wrapped around his neck choking tightly "you won't do anything to me general, I am the Supreme leader now and no one is here to protect you anymore I suggest you learn to respect me, there will be no more chances nothing will stop me from ending you if it is what I please, you will bow to me...and to (y/n) she is just as in charge as I am whatever she says goes if I find that you disobey her I will not respond kindly."

He gasps and claws at his throat, his pale skin quickly turning a bright shade of red "is that understood?" Barely able to move he forces out a few nods before the grip is released making him gag and gasp for air, mind wonders back to the words of Snoke saying he was sending troopers to fetch (y/n) a sudden sickening feeling boils from the pits of your stomach as you stride towards the doors leaving Hux shocked and breathless in the fallen throne room. Stomping down the halls the path to the room has never seemed so long, the fear in the pit of your stomach makes you want to vomit not knowing if they've caught her, if they've hurt her, if they've killed her. Rounding the corner noticing the door to the room is wide open as the halls fill with the sound of shouting the closer you get the more is understood, it's (y/n) and various troopers yelling back and forth they are demanding her compliance that she go with them as she shouts back "take one step closer and I'll do to you what I did to those two! I am not leaving this room! Where is the commander!"

Rushing towards the room having to step around two troopers who lie lifeless on the floor the shouting continues from deep inside the bedroom, pulling your saber out quickly igniting it the sound of its hissing echoes throughout the hall before you burst into the room seeing her cornered against the back wall holding tightly to a blaster it's pointed at the last three remaining troopers. Her focus quickly darts towards you giving the one on the left a moment to lunge forward attempting to grab her, suddenly stopping him the force flings him backwards onto your pointed saber. Kicking at his back shoving him from the blade the second trooper turns his focus towards you, with ease the saber slices through his armor decapitating him instantly, the final remaining trooper backs up raising both arms pleading "please, it was an order sir I was only following what the Supreme leader asked!"

Harshly force choking him lifting his body high against the wall anger fuming rapidly within "I am the Supreme leader now! No one is to ever lay a finger on her again or I'll kill you all!" Letting him fall hard onto the floor he stands before darting towards the door, just before slipping out the force stops him "inform the other troopers of my new rank, and of the permanent protection of my empress!" The trooper doesn't hesitate as he rushes away from the scene, turning back towards (y/n) the torn side of her dress dangles in pieces along her hip, her face frightened and sweaty stares back at you before instantly flinging herself into your arms making the saber recoil as it falls to the floor. Holding her tight easily feeling her body tremble beneath your grasp she cries questioning "what happened! I tried Kylo I refused to open the door, but they knew the code I'm sorry!" Kissing at her exposed shoulder the smell of roses is masked by the scent of sweat and fear "it's okay I know, it's alright I've got you, nothing is going to happen...Snoke is dead it's just us now."

*end Kylo's view*

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