Not a good liar

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Finally arrive at the training room doors making sure to clear any thoughts about the lounge room and James before entering, so far you've been able to hide the little encounter from Kylo and as far as you knew James did what you had asked and left. Opening the door stepping inside to see that Kylo has already begun training and he is currently battling with a droid, eyeing his slow methodical movements loving the way his muscles tense and flex with each swing of the faux saber. Easily Kylo wins the imaginary fight sending the saber where would stab directly into the droids main mechanisms, spotting you from across the room eagerly jogging in your direction and without hesitation scooping you up into his arms with a swift tug wrapping both legs around his waist, his lips meet yours.

Allowing him to taste them while enjoying the strong grip around your frame paired with the intoxicating aroma of his sweat, finally pulling back he protests "those pants are tight, don't you know I've got tons of testosterone coursing through my veins right now?" Slowly setting you down both large hands slide along the shape of your ass before feeling both feet touch the ground, with a quick adjustment to his own pants he takes off towards the back of the room grabbing two of the training sabers before tossing one in your direction. Easily catching it and swiftly posing ready to kick his ass "I'm going to win this time I just know it!" Tossing the plastic hilt in his hands back and forth with a smirk then steadily charging in your direction giving almost no time to think before his blade crashed into yours "we'll see about that!" Kylo moves with ease handing every swing and jab of your own weapon as if it is nothing, while simultaneously striking various parts all along your body leaving what wills surely be small welts in each of their places. After a good thirty minutes of the back and forth dance knowing fully that you would have been dead a long time ago and of course as always he hasn't got a mark on him "I thought you were going to win this time?"

He teases giving you more will power to finally shove your figure into him as hard as possible while using the force to fling him backwards into the wall, without hesitation reaching off to the side using all focus to pull his real saber from the pile of robes on the floor it flies into your hand just as you align your fist along his throat igniting the real blade, it licks at the exposed sensitive areas of his neck. Staring at the reflection of the red blade flickering within his eyes as it illuminates the space between you both "pretty sure this counts as winning..." you say just before Kylo reaches up slowly gripping onto the heavy metal hilt recoiling it's murderous blade "okay I'll give you that one, only because I didn't have it in my own grasp or you would have never gotten the chance." Satisfied that you've finally one upped the "Kylo Ren" happily stepping back with a wide smile upon your face before it's ripped away as the feeling of the force pulls your feet out from underneath plummeting you towards the floor landing harshly upon your back, instantly Kylo is hovering over you pointing the hilt towards your face "this blade is much longer than the distance between me and you, if this were a real fight and you had let your guard down all it would take is a simple press of the ignitor and you'd be dead..." for some reason seeing Kylo standing above you instantly fills your mind with the previous thoughts of James in the lounge room having the same sickening fear now as you did then.

All of a sudden Kylo fumbles backwards shaking his head "what was that?!" trying to play it off "what was what?" the growing concern within his voice becomes very apparent "don't try and act like I didn't just see what you were thinking about, why did you project...him... into my mind? Why was it so vivid? What aren't you telling me?" Sitting up before slowly standing trying to think of a way out of this situation "it's nothing Kylo just a thought it meant nothing." staring at you his eyes study your expression before they grow darker in color and he growls "you're hiding something from me I can sense it... tell me the truth now (y/n)." Gulping hard still trying to keep the interaction within your own mind "Kylo stop, it doesn't matter now everything is okay. Please just trust me..." darting his gaze along your face squinting both eyes while walking closer with his hand rising towards up "if you won't tell me then I'll pull it out of you myself, I've never had a reason to do this to you (y/n) but you leave me no choice..." suddenly an intense probing pain rushes throughout your mind pulling flashes of the encounter with James straight out of your grasp. Trying to pull away barely able to beg "Kylo please hurts..." just as quickly as he began extracting the memory he's stopped and your head jerks back into proper placement where your eyes instantly lock with his noticing they are visibly pained, looking as if he's going to be sick while scanning your figure pressing his lips together harshly.

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