Returning to the glass room

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Two days have passed since Kylo freaked out about your apparent mind reading, nothing special has happened between now and then so you are mostly convinced he actually said it and didn't realize it. The blood results have not come back yet either so there is no for sure answer, but you did tell Kylo about James being alive and how he sort of freaked out upon seeing you. Kylo assured you that it meant nothing and that you are safe with him, today has been uneventful while Kylo was doing his usual commanding business you've been doing all of the piling laundry and cleaning the neglected quarters the two of you now share, thinking about that brings a wide smile across your face. It's been nice to have a little time alone in his... well our quarters, he gave you full permission to redecorate any way you'd like, for the most part you've left everything the same only having a few troopers add the vanity from your old room into the bathroom it fits nicely snug in a corner.

You have also charged a few new pieces of furniture to his account 'hope he doesn't mind when he finds that one out.' Adding a beautiful black and red velvet méridienne couch along other end of the room, and also adding some canopy posts to his bed having quiet enjoyed the romantic secluded feel of your old one. Another nice surprise was getting to see Doris she was down the hall by the laundry room when she noticed you struggling to carry three full baskets of clothes, rushing to help "my dear, here let me help why are you so behind on laundry?!" Sort of giggling "um well it's been an eventful past few weeks, I'll leave it at that..." standing there questioning your vague response "well anyhow I'm happy to see you up and about that scare you put us through a little while back was awful, and now I'm enduring it all over again with that sweet young man what's his name...Jason? Jamie?" Disgusts in your voice "James..." nodding "yes, yes that's it whatever happened to that poor boy is awful, the doctors are saying he may never regain function of his...well his nether regions. Didn't you two used to be together if I'm not mistaken?" Rolling your eyes "uh, yeah we were unfortunately. Listen Doris he's not who he says he is and frankly I hope he doesn't regain function he's a manipulative creep, I know you mean well but please try to leave him alone he's not worth your kindness." She pauses for a moment "okay dear.... I'll take your word for it, anyways it was very nice to see you I must be off now please don't be a stranger and stop by sometime and give the commander my regards I do miss that sad, angry man." Chuckling "it's like you know him so well, will do! Bye!"

After the laundry is freshly washed and put away there is a sharp tapping on the door, opening at first glance there is nothing on the other side looking around confused until hearing little beeps come from your feet. Looking down seeing a little droid eagerly holding out a small black box with a piece of paper on top , taking it from its tiny metal clasp the note reads *my dearest (y/n) these past two days have been difficult and tedious my mind ever constantly playing images of you on repeat, returning late at night when you've already fallen asleep isn't enough to satisfy my thirst for you. Put this on and meet me in the place you first saw my return, it's my hope to replace the memories you have associated it with better ones, meet me at sunset I'll be waiting."

Smiling like a fool quickly thanking the droid while rushing back inside the room, setting the box on the bed opening it slowly to reveal a gorgeous dark red crushed velvet mini dress, picking it up by the tiny spaghetti straps and laying it along the bed. Suddenly feeling all giddy like a child, rushing off towards the bathroom to freshen up, taking a shower making sure to groom every inch and use lots of rose scented gel knowing Kylo loves the smell on you. After drying yourself off and blow drying your hair comes the fun task of doing your makeup, deciding on a seductive smokey eye with sharp pointed liner topping your lips off with a luscious deep wine shade. For hair choosing to curl it loosely letting it fall long and beautiful along your shoulders and back, stepping out into the bedroom rummaging through the underwear drawer deciding to skip wearing a bra 'let's see how long it takes him not notice' then picking out a pair of tiny red lace panties sliding them on over your smooth legs. Putting on the dress it's luxurious fabric slides along your fingertips as you remove the beloved kyber necklace placing it gently with the rest of the jewelry while picking out the red heart shaped ruby, it falls perfectly just above the small glimpse of cleavage peeking from behind the tight silhouetted dress. Pulling out a pair of black heels sliding them onto your feet, standing from the edge of the bed pressing out the dress while double checking your reflection in the mirror 'if someone had told me a year ago I'd be standing in the quarters of one of the most powerful men in the galaxy and that he belongs to me...I'd think they were losing their damn mind.'

Looking out the window noticing the sun is slowly beginning to set, excitedly jumping then rushing off towards the door opening the hatch you start the long walk towards the destination 'kinda strange he wants to meet there, I mean after all he's aware of what almost went down there right?' Walking towards the once familiar glass room, opening the door stepping side immediately being caught off guard by it's beautiful upgrade.

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