Facing him

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Alarm ringing, waking feeling as if you've only slept for a few hours, stumbling to the shower rinsing off last night's activities washing away any trace of James the feeling of guilt washing over you again. 'I tried waiting for you Kylo I did... what did you expect from me... I thought you forgot about me...' finishing the shower stepping out drying off before heading to the closet. Today choosing a long sleeved plain black shirt with a pair of black jeans, for shoes a pair of slick black boots. Makeup going for a heavier black Smokey eye with black lipstick, hair braided in two strands 'I want to look as dark as I feel today.'

For a few moments considering skipping out on today's work 'I really don't want to be around Kylo I don't know what to say to him.' Breathing deeply walking out the door towards his quarters, catching you by surprise seeing James walking in front of you his muscular build, with short golden blonde hair his frame walking briskly, speaking up "hey James wait up." Jogging to catch up with him fingers interlocking his he looks down on you "um hi, I'm surprised you still wanted to see me." Knowing why but still asking he says "well quite honestly I behaved a little roughly last night, I just haven't been intimate with anyone else since that night I uh...cheated on you and I just missed you so much I'm not sure what came over me but I'm sorry." Not sure what to say, the two of you keep walking hands laced together, approaching the commanders hallway "I got to go that way but before I do I just wanted to give you a heads up, kylen returned last night I saw their fighter and that's why I freaked out. I don't know what this means for me and you but I'm happy with how things are going as of right now."

He turns facing you before slipping his hands around your waste pulling you closer he leans in kissing you roughly, the moment cut short by the loud thudding of the commanders doors, pulling back from James to see Kylo standing down the hall staring at you before placing his helmet on his head walking straight towards you. "Hey, I think I better get going but I'll see you later okay." Kissing him on the cheek before pushing him along turning heading towards his room , Kylo stomping past you his hand slightly brushing along yours. He doesn't stop or flinch wondering if he knew he had touched you, once inside his room your mouth drops at the sight of everything being thrown out of place his bed a toppled mess the mattress flipped over laying against the wall all his dresser drawers flung open some thrown across the room. Front and center on the hallway wall noticing a giant hole, walking towards it tracing your fingers along the cracked edges 'why did he do this? He couldn't have been that mad last night, could he?'

Spending far too long in his room returning all the strewn furniture back to its place neatly making his bed collecting his linen and dirty clothes. Hiding away in the laundry room for as long as you can before returning his fresh clothes thinking 'you know if you don't show for report he will be even madder with you.' Taking your time before arriving at his office the hatch doors swing open, surprised to see general Hux sitting in his spot instead, standing up straight you say "good afternoon general I was just reporting to the commander to see if he needed anything else from me, do you know where he is?" Hux not even glancing up replies "he took the rest of the day to train, his past excursions proved him not as strong as he thought." Laughing he waves his hand at you "you're dismissed." Sighing with relief walking out heading straight towards the lounge room 'I need some alone time.'

Inside grabbing your journal before slouching into the couch, instinctively reaching for Kylo's cloak stopping for a second pulling it closer holding it against your face sucking in the small traces of him still lingering, the scent instantly sending chills over your body 'who am I kidding I don't think I'm over him... but he just left... he could have tried, over and over he keeps dropping me with ease.' Writing in the journal about James and how he's slowly winning you back, how stupid you know it is after what he did to you but you can't help it he's was so sweet to you while Kylo was gone. Writing until well past five pm finally deciding to head back towards Kylo's room, journal in hand walking out heading that direction. The words of Hux now repeating inside your head 'he is training, oh shit that probably means he's going to ask you to help wash him. I really hope he doesn't I don't even want to see him.' Arriving at his door slowly entering the passcode walking inside fingers crossed he is nowhere insight only to be met with his large frame standing in his room, back towards you.

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