Saying it

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Taking a deep breath then slowly walking out of the bathroom, he's currently reaching for the helmet when he looks up from behind it, freezing in place hands still holding onto the sides of the mask. Walking forwards stopping a few inches from him, rising your hands placing them on top of his helping him pull the mask off the rest of the way watching his beautiful hair fall from the inside framing around his face which is still glued onto your figure. Leaning down eye level with him waving a hand in front of his face "hello, are you alive in there." His eyes break the gaze from your body looking up "uh... yeah sorry... my mind was... elsewhere." Laughing at him while placing his helmet over your head, pointing a finger down shaking it at him talking in the deepest voice possible "get your mind out of the gutter your commander demands it." He blushes, smirking standing up towering over you by a good foot reaching out grabbing a handful of the silky shirt "since when does a commander wear garments such as this, also I don't sound like that." Gulping, his tall frame making you shift stepping backwards "oh come on, I can totally picture you wearing this can't you, maybe in solid black since that's all you own. I for one think It'd look good on you, really showing off all your assets except truthfully I think something would be hanging out the front these shorts aren't very long, and you sound exactly like that all pouty and angry, such a brat commander." His face turning red for a moment reaching up grabbing the helmet pulling it off "very funny, but I don't think my assets would look quite as good as yours do."

Immediately his expression changes, stepping back "I am sorry I'm overstepping; you look very...comfortable...anyways I heard you are being released in the morning I've prepared my quarters for your stay. You have the bed and I have a cot across the room, your droid has transferred enough clothes for at least a few weeks, if you end up leaving sooner, I will have it transfer them back." Trying to push his buttons "what if I don't want to leave?" Looking down on you confused "what do you mean? why wouldn't you want to leave I don't..." standing up on your tippy toes wrapping your arms around his neck pressing your lips against his, cutting him off. His body stiffens, hands pushing against your waist breaking the kiss "(y/n) what are you doing? Are you okay do you have a fever?" Placing a hand against your forehead, laughing at him pulling it away "I'm fine, actually I've never been more certain with my thoughts and actions. These past few weeks have really shown me who cares and who does not, I don't know about you, but I don't see James here every night. I messed up... I was mad at you I let my feelings get the best of me... I chose the wrong man and I just hope it isn't too late to make things right." Confusion very visible on his face, reaching for your arm his palm engulfing around it "I don't know how to respond to that...of course it's not too late I've been waiting actually..."

Joy sparking through your body lips meeting his again this time he kisses back, his hand running up your arm behind your neck fingers slipping into your hair the other hand dropping his helmet on the floor gripping onto your hip pulling you into him. His lips passionately caressing your own, tongue slipping in and out dancing with yours, his labored breaths between the turning of your faces vibrating against your lips. He tries pulling back, not letting him instead following your tongue lightly licking it across his lips, this causing him to grip a handful of hair tugging back slightly, huffing he says "wait, before anything else happens we need to discuss James." Pouting, grabbing onto his strong arms twisting him around pushing him, stumbling against the mattress he falls backwards, walking towards him stopping at his knees. Leaning upwards running his hands along your thighs skimming across your ass pressing his lips to your stomach kissing then biting the silk shirt pulling it back with him as he lays flat, crawling on top of his lap pressing your lips against his again.

Mouth playing with his then kissing his cheek down to his jaw repeatedly kissing around it's chiseled outline before fumbling with his vest unzipping pulling it apart with both hands exposing his bare chest. Placing both hands on to his broad shoulders lightly digging your nails into them watching, he bites his bottom lip. Mouth meeting his collarbone kissing gently, tongue licking up the length of his neck to his ear nibbling it softly he groans bucking his hips upwards then gently pushing you back again "(y/n) wait seriously we need to talk about..." shoving your middle and ring fingers into his mouth "shh we don't need to talk about him right now, I promise you it's over between us." Returning your lips to his neck biting down against his salty flesh, grinding against him while he slides his tongue in-between and around the fingers licking them from bottom to top circling around the tips nibbling on them, the feeling of his soft tongue creating a wet spot in your shorts, purring against his neck "I don't want him (kiss) I want you (lick) I need you (kissing across his adam's apple to the other side) I missed you so much I'm so sorry."

His hands trailing around your body gliding easily along the silk, eagerly caressing your hips gripping tightly pulling you closer to his body pushing his hard length against you letting out a quiet hum near your ear. His deep groan making you quiver, grinding your hips into him rubbing his hardness along the barely covered spot between your legs the lust building inside one another is evident, breathing heavily against his neck "I won't question your actions again you've shown me how much you care." He speaks "I do care... so much (y/n) you have no idea...please in the future wait until I've communicated with you before assuming I don't want you when clearly you're all I want....but James..." Shushing him again sitting up eyes locking together "Kylo...." he stares back at you "yes?" Leaning in stealing a long breath-taking kiss whispering against his lips "I love you..."

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