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*Kylo's view*

The sound of her faint beating heart against your ear, knowing she's not dead but barely alive repeatedly trying to bring her out of the trance calling out for her, using every bit of energy to radiate your own presence within her mind to find her conscious, bringing her back to you. This type of fear you haven't felt in a very long time, the fear of losing someone close, someone who's reluctantly captured your heart when the thought of romance was once burned completely out yet here she is dying in front of you, the old Kylo would have killed her completely without hesitation. She brings this version out, something buried, hidden, having forced it away so long nobody around here even remembers it. From the moment she arrived on base you have been able to feel it, her alluring presence following and haunting your life constantly.

Staring down at her limp body calling out for her when suddenly she raises her hand reaching it towards you, grabbing it pulling her into your arms knowing there is still a chance to save her rushing out of the room down the incredibly long hallways towards the medical wing. Turning a corner the ward coming into view, panic rising knowing how it looks bringing her in looking like this 'how would I explain to Snoke I was foolish enough to leave my saber in her presence, that would surely not go over well.' While trying to be as silent as possible but approaching with haste, whispering for her to hang on the closer we get. Arriving outside the doors reluctantly laying her flat on the ground gently guiding her head with care, standing knocking hard on the door then fleeing around the corner hidden but still in hearing range listening as the nurses and doctors rush her in confused and worried the last words spoken before the door shuts are "she's crashing!"

The words stabbing at your soul with so much force sending you stumbling along the hall your hand grasping onto your chest body falling back against a wall, lights coming in and out of view everything is spinning, breathing growing rapid and shallow, sliding down the wall trying to grasp onto anything but missing the rails falling to the floor, hands gripping tightly to the tile 'you've done this to her, she's dead because of you, look what you've done! You don't deserve her if she dies every bit of me dies with her.' Heart beating hard against your chest the rapid uneven breathing combined with the spinning room is too much watching everything in view blending together the muffled sounds of alarms blaring from the medical ward indicating an emergency are echoing loudly against the world around as everything turns black before feeling the cold floor smacking against your face.

Gasping eyes flinging open staring at the metal ceiling hands reaching around trying to figure out what's happened and where you are, everything coming into focus now remembering that she was dying the memory of the loud medical alarm still ringing in your mind although the air around is silent. Sitting up noticing it has been hours since falling unconscious it's almost dusk now, standing holding onto the wall for balance still woozy walking towards the medical wing 'I need to know... even if I don't want too.' Around the corner stumbling to the door knocking persistently, a short dark-haired nurse opens it "hey, hey quiet! What do you need...? oh! commander sir I'm sorry how can I help you are you hurt?" She tries taking your arm pulling you inside, yanking it back hushed voice "the girl, did she die" staring blankly then realizing what you were talking about "well sir it was an extremely difficult situation... she was brought to us with no explanation as to what happened, we had to rule out numerous things before realizing it was her wind pipe I'm not really sure what happened but..." anger rising cutting her off harshly "DID SHE DIE." The small nurse jumping at your harsh tone "yes... I mean technically... but only for a few moments we were able to bring her back." Raising your hand finger pointing down at her "in the future start with no, take me to her." She stands frozen staring at you "NOW!" Jumping again she hurried along past a few closed doors to a dimly lit room with the door cracked and a curtain covering her from view, the nurse stopping by it "this is her room, but sir she's not awake she hasn't woken up since being brought in, she crashed twice the doctors sedated her... she's currently in a medically induced coma... we don't know if she will snap out of it or not." Reaching for the door handle pausing for a moment trying to prepare for what you will see "leave me with her, speak to no one of my presence."

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