Someone like me

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After cleaning up the mess heading towards the cafeteria to meet with James, lunch is becoming a regular date between you two, walking in spotting James sitting with two girls and another man grabbing a meal taking the place next to him. When sitting down his friends stare at you before getting up and walking away "what was that about?" You ask, laughing he replies, "they are actually intimidated by you working directly under the commander afraid they will say something wrong and he will be pissed with them." Awkwardly laughing "I'm not a snitch for one, but more importantly the only person I think he's mad at currently is me." James looking at you he studies your face "why would he be mad at you?" Not sure what to say after all how can you explain 'oh I was sleeping with him and we have this insanely strong connection but the moment he left I gave up and started seeing my ex who I'm now sort of stuck with but every time I see him he just makes me want him more so I finally told him to leave me alone and now I'm not sure if he's ever going to be nice to me again.' "Oh, he's mad that I ruined one of his lamps it was some special rare glass or something like that, you know how he can be."

He raises his eyebrows grinning "yeah he's sort of a big baby isn't he, over dramatic much." Snapping at him "he's not a baby he's a man you don't know him like I do." He looks at you momentarily his smile now a frown "like you do? How well do you know him (y/n) is there something you aren't telling me?" Avoiding eye contact "what would I have to tell you James, what exactly are you implying?" Laughing loudly, he elbows your arm "I'm just joking calm down I know there isn't anything going on with him why would he be with someone like you?" Anger flashing across your face "someone like me? What is that supposed to mean?" His body language shifts the regret visible, waving his hands "no, no that's not what I meant... I just meant he's Kylo fucking Ren he could get any ass in the galaxy, you're beautiful but I don't see him settling for a servant girl."

His words stab at your heart 'he's not wrong what's so special about me, he can literally have anyone he wants.' "Yeah... your right I guess I'm only good enough for a mechanic, right?" Choking on his lunch coughing before saying "hey rude, I'm not just a mechanic I'm a technician. And I suppose you'll do fine although either one of those chicks over there are a solid option too." He points at a table where the two women he was just sitting with are "you are really pushing it right now you know it? You are one more remark away from me walking out." He laughs again "oh come on I'm only joking you know that." Forcing out a chuckle "well honestly your track record isn't really the greatest, you better be happy I gave your ass a second chance or who knows my secret love Kylo might just take me from you."

Staring at you his mouth opens then closes then opens again his behavior showing confusion mixed with curiosity "surely you wouldn't trade all this (gesturing his hands up and down his figure) for that." Mind picturing Kylo's large body shirtless water glistening against the light this morning, gaze snapping back to see James slouched over his tray shoving food into his mouth like he's starving, a line of gravy falling from his mouth to his shirt "I mean really James the sonority is undeniable, impeccable, and unmatched." Swiping up the spilled food with his finger before licking it clean speaking with his mouth full "that's what I thought, Kylo Ren ain't got nothing on me." The two of you spend the rest of break conversing back and forth after lunch spending your time helping him finish some of his word orders 'okay more like watching him finish them but at least I'm good company.'

After his last assignment the two of you deep in a secluded area allowing you to finally be alone he lifts you up setting you on top of an old table gripping your legs wrapping them around his hips leaning in lips locking against your own, his tongue hot and deprived tracing around yours. Kissing roughly until both of you gasp for breath he moves to your neck licking and sucking at the flesh his eager hands running up your body groping at your breasts, he bites down on your neck sucking as his hand rushes down towards the bottom of your dress scrunching it up lifting it above your stomach. Leaning you back mouth still licking and nipping the now red and swollen spot he created along your neck, hand sliding up along your thigh before quickly rubbing against your panties.

Heart racing everything is happening so fast, just as he begins putting his hand down your underwear a loud banging noise ricochets throughout the hallways. Quickly standing up "what was that, we could get caught we should stop." He frowns grabbing your hand placing it against his hard length outlined in his pants "I don't want to stop, look what you do to me." Blushing but pulling your hand back looking at a nearby clock noticing it's almost six "yikes I'm going to be late if I don't get going..." groaning "well damn... at least let me walk you there?" Reluctantly you agree, the back of your mind knowing it could possibly be a bad idea if you ran into Kylo the two of you walk off towards the commander's quarters, silently being thankful for whatever it was that interrupted you.

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