Holding this memory forever

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Steam rising from the tub creates a foggy atmosphere clouding the bathroom, back pressed tightly against him the gentle rise and fall of his chest softly pressing into your skin, each time it sends small tingling ripples throughout. Enjoying the thick silence, every now and then he breathes deeply almost as if something is bothering him, slowly interlocking your fingers with his "what's wrong?" Snapping out of his trance gently kissing your shoulder "nothing, don't worry about it." He kisses you again slower this time "telling me not to worry about it only makes me worry about it more... talk to me."

Running his free hand up your hip along your torso gently grazing across your breasts until the hand is resting on the top of your shoulder squeezing tightly holding a strong grip, his breath slightly labored paired with the light tremble of his body. Pulling his hand up kissing all around, along each finger each knuckle slowly moving up his arm making sure each kiss lingers "I love you, tell me what's bothering you, is it James? I'm sure he'll be okay." Chuckling against your shoulder "how many times do I have to tell you I could care less about him, what happened to him was long overdue." Pulling back, he questions "are you worried about him?"

Grabbing his arms tugging him back around while shaking your head "absolutely not, I mean I'm a little concerned with what comes next but honestly... I kind of enjoyed watching him squirm you're such a bad influence on me Kylo, you know that?" Smiling against your skin "is that so? Am I creating a little murderer? Are you coming to the dark side? Maybe sometime I can show you how to handle a real weapon, (reaching down grabbing the little kyber necklace in his fingers, swinging it playfully) maybe even a saber... we would be unstoppable...I can see it now... Supreme leader Ren and his queen, rulers of the galaxy."

The excitement in his tone fades, sighing deeply before replying "the truth is... all my life the moment I become happy...genuinely happy... something always happens, and it's ripped away from me. I fear this bliss is temporary and before I know it something is going to take you from me, or I'll mess it up myself and you'll leave... which I wouldn't blame you..." wrapping your own arms around his squeezing his grip tighter "I will never leave you, and we are going to get Snoke on our side don't worry everything will work out... and if it doesn't, then we can just leave... flee into the galaxy find our own little planet and never worry about anything ever again." Kissing your shoulders he whispers, "I'd give this all up for you...it means nothing if you aren't by my side, without you I am nothing."

Motioning his hand a bottle of soap across the room floats towards the tub, grabbing it squirting some into his palms collecting the suds gently pressing them along your back scrubbing in slow circular motions making sure not to miss a single spot. Relaxing enjoying the cleanse slowly leaning back against his chest as his hands move up over your shoulders one moves along your chest scrubbing at your breasts the other slides up around your throat his fingers slowly massaging and softly squeezing a few times the lustful intent behind the gesture fills your stomach with butterflies, leaning closer his lips kissing at the lobe of your ear with hot breath he says "I can't believe you're mine... all mine."

Holding you close his face resting on your shoulder moving his hands down he tenderly cleans your thighs, reaching between your legs compassionately he begins washing away the remains of blood and cum. Body slightly twitching from the touch although gentle your skin is very raw and sore, he watches the water around his fingers turn a tinted red before fading back to normal, freezing gripping tightly to your tight, knowing his thoughts before he says them "Kylo it's okay, I'm okay quit beating yourself up about it."

Pulling from his grasp turning facing him, sliding your legs around his hips resting on top of his lap, staring deep into his hazel eyes watching them dart across your face "I loved every second of it, I asked for it and I'll ask for it again (a quick peck) and again (peck) and again." puckering his lips to speak "I know but..." cutting him off your lips press into his kissing passionately. Running one hand up along your back the other clasping onto your face he kisses back, your bodies swaying to the pace of the small breaths escaping between the lustful act. In this very moment you are so happy nothing else matters forgetting all about James and Snoke, every part of you engraving this memory into your mind forever.

The sight of your bodies wet and soapy clinging onto each other his large hands holding tight the longing and fear easily felt through their grasp, the smell of eucalyptus filling your lungs with each gasp forced between the make out, hearing the water quietly sloshing against the friction of your lustful grinds into each other, tasting his lips as they interlock with yours, the soft touch of his hot skin pressing into yours his wet hair tickling along your collar bones, watching it all from outside yourself.

Reluctantly pulling back the both of you breathing hard, leaning down laying your head against his shoulder arms wrapped tightly around him, the room turns silent again the gentle sway of water relaxes along your thighs. Kissing his neck softly a few times tasting the sweet salty mix upon his skin while running a hand up filling your grasp with his locks twisting them around your fingers, quietly dipping a loofa into the water he slowly runs it over your body rinsing the soap off then slides it up your spine squeezing warm water down your back repeating this gesture soothingly until the twisting along his hair gradually stops, your conscious slowly drifting sweetly to sleep in his arms feeling happier and more content than you've ever felt before.

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