The scarlet chamber

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Waking up suddenly as if a hidden force pushed you violently. You must have fallen asleep in a chair once back to your room, looking out the window realizing that it is dark out. Jumping up quickly pressing out your dress and trying to fix your bed head while also hurrying out the door.

Not knowing where Kylo Ren's room is, but knowing you are already late 'as if he doesn't already want you dead.' You thought turning a corner bumping into the back of a trooper, he turns you can feel his sharp eyes judging you through the helmet. "Can you please point me in the direction of the commander's room? I'm running late." He does not say a word but gestures with his fingers in the opposite direction you were already going 'of course.'

Spinning and hurrying in the direction he pointed down a long dark hall with door after door only making you feel more lost. 'How in the hell are you supposed to find his room amongst all these?' Turning one last corner seeing at the far end a door larger than all the rest, the design engraved with hints of gold and red. 'This must be his room.' You hope as you stop in front of it, sucking in a deep breath knocking on the cold solid door.

The hatch flies open suddenly though no one is behind it, peeking your head in while trying to look around slowly walking in. The room is large but almost the opposite of yours everything is red, mashing together nearly too intense to look at. You walk further in passing what you assume is the bathroom, peeking your head in confirming that it is. The bathroom is huge, also completely red with a black sink, walk in shower, and a huge black claw foot bathtub. Staring at it taking its designs in 'it's beautiful and elegant, you'd expected nothing less by now.'

Turning around heading towards the bedroom, the bathroom the only piece of furniture that is not a glossy red is the bed. Much like your own it is rather large no wooden canopy posts like yours, and almost as if planned the linen is opposite in color in a deep black with only two pillows on either side. Walking forward placing your hand on the comforter's top running it along, feeling the velvet texture on your fingers the luxury feel of it very apparent. 'Either the first order really has an eye for elegance or Kylo Ren has awfully specific tastes.' You thought.

Just then the hatch swings open once more causing you to jump pulling your hand away quickly. It's another woman, much older than you she walks towards you saying "good evening my name is Doris, I am... (she pauses for a moment) was... commander Ren's personal servant. I am here to show you what you are to do every night in his quarters before he shows up." Standing there blankly the thought hadn't crossed your mind that you could possibly have taken someone else's job.

"Quick quick." She says. "He will be here shortly, and you have much to learn. The shift starts at seven am sharp every day, do not expect any days off because they won't happen. You are to be here first thing in the morning to tidy up his room, fix the bed, clean any clutter or dust from the furniture, and take his dirty laundry to his personal washroom. He does not like his clothes washed with anyone else's, if you have not noticed he can be quite particular. You are to do his laundry daily, once finished washing you are to fold and put it away. After that is finished you will be tasked with reporting to the commander to see if he has any other requests. If he does not you will be excused for the rest of the day, but that does not mean you are off the hook whenever and wherever he calls you go.

Just after sun set you are to return to his quarters and begin getting his room ready for his return. Pull the sheets and blanket back while fluffing up the pillow on the left side, he does not use both so no need to fluff the other. You are to set out his night clothes on his bed, keep in mind he likes to sleep shirtless so generally only lay out some sleep pants and under garments. You will also be required to run his bath water nightly; he likes to take showers in the morning but baths at night I suppose it helps him destress. On rare occasions after training or a battle he may ask you to wash his hair as he will be to sore, be prepared.

I will be around the base down the hall from your own room if you ever have any questions. I have served as his servant since he first showed up to the order, I am thankful for my time but more thankful to finally be able to retire. It was nice to meet you (y/n) and good luck to you." as she shakes your hand, turning walking out now leaving you with more questions.

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