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Mind completely in shock after watching Kylo's saber castrate James his panicked face seared into your mind forever along with the growing puddle of blood Kylo left him lying in while carrying your motionless body out of the room, mind and body totally confused a pain scorching between your legs mixed with the soft remaining pulsation from the intense orgasm paired with the inner battle whether or not you should feel bad for the flash of enjoyment seeing James finally get what he deserves. Looking up Kylo's sweaty face holding a cold hard expression, gently reaching out caressing his cheek "it's okay it wasn't your fault." He glances down "what?" Repeating yourself "it wasn't your fault what happened to James, you didn't know it was going to fall...don't be upset."

Returning his focus to the fast march towards his quarters harshly he says, "oh that, I don't care about him (y/n) I'm more concerned with what comes next with Snoke... I won't let him take you from me." Fear creeping in "Kylo, what do you think he'd do to me?" His jaw clenches followed by a single tear running down his cheek disappearing against your hand "he said... he said he would force me to kill you myself..." gasping while clinging onto his chest "Kylo I'm scared!" His grasp tightens "I know... Snoke isn't supposed to be back for at least a week so until then we should be in the clear... I'll just have to figure out how to get him on our side."

Relaxing just a little knowing the threat of death is not immediate "would you really kill me Kylo?" A sudden sharp pause in the walking his face darts down while lifting you closer towards him your lips met with his, he's kissing you passionately until his breathing becomes labored and he pulls back "never ask me that again, I'd die before he ever got the chance to make me." The moment cut short by Hux rounding the corner following quickly behind the two of you calling out "commander stop! What you did was unacceptable!" Kylo huffs returning the fast pace towards his room ignoring Hux who's still trying to get his attention "commander! Stop!"

Reaching his quarters, he quickly enters the passcode Hux approaching not far behind "what you did to that guy! You had better hope they can stop the bleeding and save him! You know who his grandfather was! Commander I'm talking to you!" Kylo walks through the door turning around facing the general "screw his grandpa, He was a weak excuse for a sith, and screw his now dickless grandson I hope he does bleed out he's been nothing but a pain in my ass since he arrived here. Now, I'm shutting this door DO NOT BOTHER me for anything or I'll remove yours too." Hux is left standing outside his face full of anger and fear watching the metal hatches swing shut, once inside the vast silence consumes the two of you.

Hyper-focusing onto his rapid breathing kissing his chest softly "Kylo it's okay, it's just you and me for the next week don't let Hux ruin what might be our final moments together..." his demeanor stiffens "it won't be our final moments, I'd abandon the order before that could happen." He gently sets you down, once your feet touch the floor and his grasp releases your legs give out, fumbling while grabbing at his clothes trying to stop from collapsing to the floor. Quickly he's grabbed onto your waist holding you steady "are you okay?!" Nodding with a slight smile "it's your fault, you literally fucked me numb."

Picking you back up he wraps your legs around his waist carrying you to his bed where he softly sets you on the edge, kneeling down he kisses your forehead then nose then lips "wait here." Watching him walk towards the bathroom calling out "doesn't look like I could go anywhere if I wanted too?" After a few long moments he returns fully nude, chuckling "oh, hello." swiftly pulling you into his arms again while tenderly kissing at your exposed shoulders moving closer towards the bathroom the easier it is to smell the familiar eucalyptus scent filling the air, breathing in deeply "mmm...I love that smell so much.. it used to remind me of home from when I was a child one of my only happy memories I can recall from then... but now... I love it because it reminds me of you."

Inside the bathroom noticing he's ran a bath full to the brim with overflowing bubbles the calming scent rising with the steam "Kylo I don't think I can stand long enough to bathe you right now...I'm sorry." He chuckles "sometimes I really do wonder where your thought process comes from... I didn't run this for me... I ran it for us." Blushing with a large smile forming "really?" He places you on the edge of the counter while slowly unbuckling the leather clasp holding the corset to your body it's removal releasing your perked breasts he watches as they fall into a more natural placement, his hand slowly gliding the backs of his fingers around their shape "you're so beautiful..." he leisurely removes the torn shirt tossing it to the floor then pulling down at your skirt lifting your hips up easily tugging it down to the floor, un-clipping the little metal clasps holding the garter to the stockings then slowly unrolling and sliding them off your legs.

His hand moving up your calf along your inner thigh before he stops abruptly, pulling his hand back looking at the sticky blood lining his fingers and palm his face immediately frowning the remorse in his eyes very visible "shit (y/n) I'm so sorry... I did not mean to hurt you that badly I don't know what came over me... in that moment knowing I finally had you all to myself... I wanted to prove to James that I ..." interrupting him "Kylo I know, it is okay... truly... I swear. I loved every moment of it... every single...moment."

His frown slowly forms into a smile, lifting you up one arm wrapped around your frame the other pulling off the remaining garter belt while he walks towards the bathtub, gently lowering your body into the water asking "is that too hot?" Replying quietly "no it's perfect" once satisfied that you are safely within the tub he slowly climbs in behind wrapping his arms around your figure pulling your body tight against his whispering quietly along your neck "I love every moment of you... you mean everything to me... it all makes sense when I'm with you... I love you my monarch goddess."

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