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"I'll be going now!" Chenle yelled while standing near the doorstep, stumbling to wear his shoes

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"I'll be going now!" Chenle yelled while standing near the doorstep, stumbling to wear his shoes. After properly putting it on, he immediately went outside, with a piece of toast hanging on his mouth.

He went downstairs cheerfully, not wanting to get late on his work. Getting outside the premises of their apartment, he looks up to the second floor, the unit where he and his aunt lived for almost a decade.

It was a shabby-looking place, and it looks that it would collapse soon, but he has no choice since it's all that he can afford. He smiled and finished his toast. "We'll get out of here someday.." he smiled, before going on his way.

After a five-minute ride on the bus, he had reached his workplace. It was a small law firm at Gangnam. He smiled as he entered the office, but his expression quickly changed when he saw the mess at the office.

Trash and left-over food scattered all over the place. "What happened here?" he sighed. He goes to his table at the reception area and puts down his bag before cleaning the whole place. It was an everyday routine for him, nothing changed for the past six months on his stay.

While putting the trash at the garbage bag, one of the lawyer of the firm arrived. "Need some help?" Chenle stood up and smiled. Daniel hyung! Good morning!" he greets cheerfully.

Daniel immediately goes to Chenle's side and assisted him in picking up the trashes around. "You don't need to help, Daniel hyung.. I can handle this.." he assured, but Daniel insisted. "I don't have clients today and I have plenty of time, so no worries.." he smiled.

Chenle is really grateful for having Daniel on the law firm. He is very sweet and helpful to him, that's why he was very thankful. Daniel is the face that represents the law firm, that's why most of the clients are getting his legal service.

His thoughts were cut off when Daniel looks at him seriously and spoke to him. "Aren't you getting tired of this, Chenle?" he asked softly. To be honest, Chenle was caught off-guard by that question.

He stopped picking the trash and took a seat on one of the chairs. The realization is pouring down on him.

"You're a great office staff, Chenle.. And yet our boss always asked you to run some personal errands.. To cook food for all of us.. Cleaning the office every morning.. You're the executive assistant of this firm and you shouldn't be doing this.." Daniel explained.

Chenle sighed. "To be honest, hyung.. I'm getting tired already.. But what can I do? This job is paying for my everyday needs.. And I really need the money.." Daniel sits beside him. "You're a great person, Chenle.. And I know that there are better opportunities for you out there.." he assured.

The smaller stood up and smiled. "Thanks for the talk, hyung.. That got me thinking.." Then continues to pick up the trash.

Everyone is happy and excited, the employees, the staffs and the shareholders, who's present at the gathering. Because Park Industries will now announce the biggest change at the company.

The guests had clapped their hands, seeing the chairman going to the stage. "Thank you for joining us on this wonderful day.." Nickhun Park started his announcement with a warm gratitude. "As you all know, this is gonna be the biggest change on our company, by having the youth of today, leading it with a fresh mindset.."

"Last year, we had elected our four youth candidates for the vital positions on our company.. We had Mr. Lee Jeno as the head of Legal Department.. Mr. Na Jaemin as the head of IT Department.. Mr. Huang Renjun as the head of Marketing Department.. And Mr. Lee Haechan as the head of Sales and Customer Relations Department.."

The four, who's present at the event, stood up and waves at the audience.

"They had proved that the youth today can lead very well.. As the stats of our company goes beyond expectation, making us the number 1 in terms of digital innovation and devices.." Nickhun proudly announced.

"And now.. I will introduce to you our new president of the company.. Who will joined this young, bright minds that will lead our company.. My son.. Park Jisung!" Everyone cheered as Jisung goes to the stage and bowed politely in front of them.

Then he goes to his father and hugs him tight, making the audience cooed. "Aww.. He's still my baby.. I love you, sweety!" Tiffany, his mother, yelled from his seat.

Jisung grabs the mic and looks at the audience. "Thank you for giving me this opportunity to help our company in achieving it's goals.. And I promise to everyone that together with my hyungs, we will achieve more success!"

Renjun acts like he was shedding some tears. "Our Jisungie has grown up already.." Jaemin laughs. "I'm pretty sure he'll do good.." And they all agreed with a smile on their faces.

Thank you for reading! 🌹

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