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"Aigoo! It was so tiring!" Chenle exhaled, while looking at the office who looks more decent than earlier

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"Aigoo! It was so tiring!" Chenle exhaled, while looking at the office who looks more decent than earlier. The floor and the reception area looks shiny clean, and the mountain of trash disappeared magically.

Daniel stood beside him with a proud smile. "Good job, Mr. Zhong Chenle!" he teased. Chenle grins at him and bows playfully in front of him. "Thank you for your help, Mr. Kang Daniel.." And they both laughed at their funny antics.

"You should take a break first.. I'll go to my table now.." Daniel bids goodbye and goes to the second floor. Chenle goes to his seat immediately and rests his head on the table, feeling tired due to that sudden cleaning.

"Oh? What's the meaning of this? Our executive assistant is slacking off, early in the morning?" the boss said, arriving before 8 in the morning. Chenle immediately stood up and bows politely. "Good morning, boss!"

The man smirked at him. "You think you can get away by ignoring my words? I didn't hire you, just to sleep in the office, Zhong! You should be ashamed of yourself! Make yourself useful! Go to market so that you can cook our lunch now!"

Hearing those words makes Chenle's blood boil. He couldn't take it anymore. So he took a deep breath before looking at his boss' face, straight in the eyes. "I'm quitting, Sir.. I couldn't take this anymore.." He opened his bag and pulled out a resignation letter.

He handed the letter to him politely and bowed. "Thank you for the past 6 months, boss.. I learned a lot.." Then he picks up his bag and is ready to leave.

"Yah! Zhong Chenle! Are you sure about this? With that credential of yours, no one's gonna hire you, you know.." His boss is now smirking at him. Chenle took a deep breath again before answering. "Don't worry about me, boss.. I can take care myself.. And I hope that you can find a better replacement of me that can cook and clean the office, just like you wanted.."

Walking out of the building, he felt free. He loved this feeling. Walking away, he heard someone shouting his name. "Chenle!" He looked back and saw Daniel running towards him. "Daniel hyung? Sorry if I couldn't say a proper goodbye.." he frowns.

Daniel smiled and pinched his cheek. "That was very brave, Chenle.. What are you going to do now?" The smaller took a deep breath and looks up to the sky. "I still don't know, hyung.. I think I'll take a break for now.."

Daniel took out his wallet and pulls out $1000 and gave it to Chenle. "Hyung! This is too much! I can't accept it!" The taller insisted it and puts it on his hand. "You'll need this, Chenle.. Your aunt has a monthly check-up this week, right?"

Tears starts to flow from his eyes, and Daniel immediately wiped it with his handkerchief. "Thank you so much, hyung.." he sniffs. "Just promise me that you'll always take care of yourself, okay? Hyung will always be here for you.." Then, he engulfes the smaller to warm hug.

After the event, Jisung still felt overwhelmed by the announcement. He is now the president of the company his parents had worked hard to establish it. He goes to his office at the top floor, and his hyungs had welcomed him warmly.

"Congratulations, Jisung!" Haechan cheered. "That one whole year of training really paid off, huh?" Jisung smiled and was very proud of himself, finishing the training for the whole year.

"Welcome to the top floor, Jisung.." Renjun smiled and engulfes the younger on a warm hug. "You're here with us now, and I think that this is gonna be fun.." he smiled. Jeno and Jaemin also welcomed him warmly.

The four department heads stays inside a big office, where four stations are built, maintaining the privacy even though they're on the same room. In front their office, stands the proud office for the president. It was built like this so that he can easily coordinate with the department heads if it is needed.

"You can now look inside at your brand new office!" Renjun cheered, leading him out of their office. In front of the office of the department heads, lies a big door, with reception area beside it, probably for another staff, since it has a computer and all the things necessary for it.

He opened the door and goes inside, and he was awestrucked. The place looked really gorgeous, but the main attraction is the big, glass window behind the table, that overlooks the whole Seoul.

He was too busy admiring the view that he didn't heard his mother arriving. "Liking your office, baby?" Tiffany goes to him and kisses his forehead. "Still can't believed it, Mom.." Tiffany laughs and pinches his cheek.. "You'll do great, Jisung.. Just like your father.."

"I hope so, Mom.. I am super nervous for the presentation to the shareholders tomorrow, Mom.." he said anxiously. Tiffany ruffles his hair. "You can definitely nail it! But before that, I have a surprise for you.."

The door of the office opened again, a man entering that made Jisung smiled. "Jaehyun hyung!" Jaehyun goes to him and hugs him tight. "I missed you, my little cousin!" he teased. Jisung likes being babied by his hyungs, especially Jaehyun, who trained him for a whole year.

"What brings you here, hyung?" he asked, pulling away from the hug. "Didn't your mom and dad told you? I will assisting you to find the perfect secretary for you.."

Jisung's eyes widened. "Eeeh?! A secretary?!"

Thank you for reading! 🌹

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