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Chenle felt really devastated

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Chenle felt really devastated. He was being punished with the accusations that he would never do on his whole life. Betraying the company? He would never do that. He loves his job and values it with integrity.

He's currently inside a car on their way to the prosecutor's office to get his statement. The officer had confiscated his phone that's why he couldn't contact anyone. Even Jisung himself.

Even in that situation, he still wishes that Jisung can deliver his speech succesfully as a key note speaker.

But what added more on his anxiety is the fact that Haechan left him and didn't even helped him on this situation. He doesn't want to think that the latter had left him.

"There must be a reason.." Chenle thought on himself. Reaching the place, the prosecutors had escorted him to a interrogation place and had locked him there. Chenle felt like everyone had turned their backs away from him.

And in that moment, he couldn't stop the tears flowing from his eyes. Sitting at the table, he felt tired and defeated, imagining that it was just a bad dream. He wiped his tears away and gulped.

"Relax, Chenle.." he whispered on himself. "Everything's gonna be fine.. I really hope so.." he sighed.

Back at the office, Lami is low-key celebrating, feeling happy that her plan had worked. Now that Chenle is out of the picture, she thinks that she could get the undivided attention of Jisung for herself.

She sips a hot cup of tea while sitting at her office. A girl is standing in front of her table, waiting for her command. She looks up to the girl and smiled. "Very good, Yeji.. You have proved your loyalty to me.."

Yeji looks back at her uncomfortably. "Will I really get the promotion and raise that you had promised?" she asks reluctantly. Lami pulls out a white envelope from her drawer and hands it over to Yeji.

"I do feel a little generous today.. This is your bonus.. And of course, starting today, you'll be my first assistant and will definitely get 50% salary raise.."

Yeji had accepted and bowed. "Thank you, Miss Lami.." she stuttered. "Thank you for proving your loyalty, Yeji.. I really thought we have to stop Haechan since he might report this to Jisung.. Well, looks like he saved himself.." she laughs again.

However, her laughter had stopped when the door of her office had barged open. She stood up with a shock on her face. "Jisung?!" she stuttered. "What are you doing here? You're supposed to be on Singapore, right?"

Jisung marches towards her with Renjun, Jeno, Jaemin, Haechan following him. Lami was also surprised to see Joy following too. "Joy unnie? You're here too?" Joy smiles at her. "Of course, it's Chenle we're talking about here.. And no one can hurt my baby!"

"Can you explain what happened, Lami?" Jisung asked. "The new design of our upcoming product has been leaked at our competitor, and we've found out that it was sent from Chenle's computer.."

Jeno came back from the security area to check the footages. "I found something weird, Jisung.. The footage of yesterday until today morning had been missing.."

Jisung looks back again at Lami. "And you let the prosecutors take him? You're supposed to protect him! All of our employees!" Lami had faked a sad face. "I don't know, Jisung.. Everything had happened so fast.."

"Don't worry, Jisung.. I already called all of my lawyers for this case.. I also hired investigators to get to the bottom of this.."

After watching all of this commotion, Yeji felt really guilty in framing up Chenle. She excused herself and went out of the office.

Jisung was so worried on Chenle's situation. He could imagine the smaller, shaking in fear while sitting alone at the interrogation room. Joy goes to him and pats his back.

"Everything will be okay, Jisung.." she smiled.

Thank you for reading! 🌹

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