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Jaehyun was out for a short moment, just to print out some documents for Chenle's contract, and when he's back, the scene in front of him is very familiar: Jisung and Chenle are staring at each other

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Jaehyun was out for a short moment, just to print out some documents for Chenle's contract, and when he's back, the scene in front of him is very familiar: Jisung and Chenle are staring at each other. Again. For the second time.

He looks at them amusingly before clearing his throat again. The two immediately broke out on their mini staring contest and diverts their gaze at him. "You're early, Jisung.. I'm surprised.." he teased.

"I am always early, you know that.." Jisung smiled back and looks at Chenle again. "Well, good luck on your orientation, Chenle-ssi.." he smiled. Chenle bows down in front of him. "Thank you, Sir Jisung.."

Jisung walks away towards the door. "See you later, hyung.." then he immediately disappeared. Jaehyun shakes his head before handing some papers to the smaller. "Here are the notes that you need to study.. The office process is already there, and you can review it when you go home.."

Chenle took the paper and scans the job description. He felt relieved when he saw that most of the jobs are his expertise and he feels confident that he can do it very well.

"I think that you can manage to do everything on that list since you have the job experiences.. And that's the executive part.." he explained. "The second part would be a little personal, since this will be the personal assistant part.."

Chenle nods and absorbing all information that he needs. "And now, we'll go to his house and will start the orientation there.." They went at the lobby and took a ride on Jisung's personal driver, Mark Lee.

Going in to the car, he was about to go at the passenger seat when Jaehyun stopped him. "This is your seat already, Chenle.." pointing at the front seat. He was surprised a little bit, then goes at the front seat.

"Good morning, Mr. Mark.." he greets cheerfully, making the boy smile. "You're too cute, Chenle.. And please, you can call me hyung.. It's more comfortable.." he smiled.

"Okay, Mark hyung.." he softly said, making the man cooed on his cuteness. "You're too cute for Jisung.." he teased, making Chenle flustered.

It was Chenle's first time to see a house that looks very neat and expensive. "This is Jisung's bachelor pad, and he stays here during weekdays and sleeps at his parent's house every weekends.."

Chenle was in awe, looking at the enormous facade of the place. "Let's get your fingerprint registered at the front door.." he leads the smaller to the huge doorway of the place. Jaehyun presses some pin at the door and places Chenle's finger at the scanner.

"There.. All set.." You now have the access to the place anytime.. Now try placing your finger at the scanner.." He placed his finger at the scanner, and the door beeps, opening widely.

It was more beatiful inside, he thought. The design was very modernized, and perfectly fit to a president of a company. Jaehyun shows him the huge living room, and the master's bedroom with a huge, king-sized bed inside.

"This place is huge.. But there's a catch.. It only has one room.. It's insane, right?" Jaehyun laughs. "One room only? Why?" Chenle immediately asked. "Because this place is made, specially for him.."

"Oohh.." Chenle answered, looking around the place.

He goes to the kitchen and stands in front of the biggest fridge he had ever saw. It was a two-door fridge and you can practically go inside to cool down. "Oh.. If you open that, you'll get very disappointed.." Jaehyun rolled his eyes.

Being curious, he opened it and was shocked to see that it only contained a tub of fermented kimchi, several eggs on the door side, and that's it.

"It's because he doesn't eat breakfast, that's why.." Jaehyun explained. "But breakfast is the most important meal of the day!" Chenle sighed, making the older laugh. "If you could make him eat breakfast, then that's a bonus point for you, Chenle-ssi.."

Chenle now has a goal: to make his boss eat breakfast. And he will do whatever it takes.

After the house tour, Jaehyun allowed him to be dismissed early since he's actual job will start tomorrow. Having the $30,000 on his bag, he immediately went home and decided to open a bank account for him and his aunt.

Opening the door excitedly, he smiled as he called his aunt to share the good news. "Aunt! I'm home-" His eyes widened when he saw that all of their stuffs inside the apartment were gone and it was so messy at the whole place.

"What happened here?" he said to himself. "Aunt! Where are you? Are you here?!" he shouts. "Aunt-" his words were cut off when someone covers his eyes with huge hand and covers his mouth, preventing him to scream.

Thank you for reading! 🌹

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