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"Ding!" the elevator sounded, opening its doors

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"Ding!" the elevator sounded, opening its doors. Chenle went out quietly and quickly looks for the interview area. He's still anxious, not because of the interview, but because of his shoe. He thought it would be really embarrassing if it breaks out completely during the interview.

He goes to the reception area and asked the staff for another adhesive tape and wraps his shoe once again. Feeling relieved at the moment, he smiled and returns the tape, also asking on where the interview would be held. "Oh, Mr. Zhong Chenle? The other candidates are already there.. Let me assist you.."

The staff stood up from her table and guides him towards the room. "Good luck on the interview!" she cheered, before leaving him alone. Chenle took a deep breath and opened the door, revealing to a big room with plenty of chairs and tables.

At the center aisle, he saw three girls who's talking and laughing by themselves. He enters quietly and greets them. "Excuse me.. I am Zhong Chenle.. It's nice to meet all of you.." he bowed to them before closing the door.

The girls stared at him and from head to toe before whispering to themselves. "Don't tell me.. You're the last candidate that we've been waiting?" one of the girls asked. Chenle nods at them. "Yes.. I am the last one.." he spoke softly.

The girls looked at each other and giggles, and after that, they completely ignored him at all. Chenle just shrugged it off before going to the back row of seats, seating comfortably while waiting for the interview.

But what caught his attention is the remarks that they are referring to him.

"I thought it was another chic girl.."

"Look at his clothes.. It is completely worn out.."

"He literally don't have what it takes to be the secretary.."

And the girls all laughed. Chenle was hurt when he heard that, and decided not to mind them since it won't do anything good to him. After a few minutes, the door had opened, revealing a man in a fine suit.

"Good morning, everyone.. I am Jaehyun and I'll be the one who's in-charge for the interview.. Now, may I call on Mr. Zhong Chenle?" he asked.

Chenle stood up politely and raises his hand. Jaehyun smiled to him warmly. "This way please.." pointing out the office across the hallway.

They are now seated on a very expensive table, which Chenle can tell clearly. He was amazed because it was his first time to be on this classy office. Jaehyun observes him and smiled, because he looks like a curious baby.

"Okay, Mr. Chenle.. Let's start.." The smaller immediately diverts his attention to Jaehyun and smiled shyly. "Are you nervous?" Jaehyun asked. "To be honest, a little bit?" The man laughs in front of him. "Well, don't be.. First of all, I think you're cute.." that remark made Chenle flustered since it was his first time to receive that kind of compliment.

"Also, don't feel to wary to smile.. You have a beautiful smile, so show it proudly.." Chenle felt really comfortable now and smiled cutely. Then, he starts the interview, asking personal questions to the boy.

He was so amazed because it's literally the same, on how he had read Chenle's essay. They didn't noticed the time and an hour had passed already. "It was a good interview, Zhong Chenle.."

"Thank you, Mr. Jaehyun.." he bowed politely. "You have to wait for everyone to be interviewed, so take your time and stroll around the company, okay?" Chenle nods and goes outside.

He feels happy because he didn't messed up the interview, and Jaehyun made him feel comfortable. "Hmm? Where should I go?" he thought. He wanted to get some fresh air, so he decided to go to the rooftop.

Meanwhile, Jisung is sweating at the conference room. He feels really nervous and anxious at the same time. He wanted to do well, to make his parents proud, to make the shareholders believe that he can actually do it.

But what if he messes up? That's the scary thought that lingers on his mind.

"You don't look so good.." Renjun had entered the room and handed him a bottle of water, which he happily accepted. "I'm nervous, hyung.. What if I mess this up? What if I say something stupid?"

Renjun laughs and goes closer to him, ruffling his hair, which made the taller felt irritated. "Hyung! My hair!"

"You'll do great, Park Jisung.. I know it.. We know it.. Your hyungs are always here for you.." he smiled. "You know what? Why don't you get some fresh air.. It will help you calm down.."

Jisung sighed. "Okay hyung.." He left the room and takes the elevator going to the rooftop.

Thank you for reading! 🌹

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