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He's awake, but he's too tired to open his eyes

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He's awake, but he's too tired to open his eyes. He extended his arm on his side, expecting another sleeping figure beside him, but to his surprise, no one was there. He opened his eyes to confirm, and no one was really there.

Jisung remembered how he woke up from a deep sleep last night, at around 12 in the midnight. He smiled when he saw how he hugged Chenle, like a human-sized teddy bear. And how the smaller hugged back.

Tears starts to flow from his eyes as he remembered the earlier events, on how he felt ashamed to face everyone. Chenle had woken up too, and immediately comforted him.

He assured that Jisung is not selfish, and Mr. Lee had made it a big deal to make him look like that. Jisung appreciated how Chenle was there for him. After venting out, he felt free and tired at the same time, so he hugged the smaller back again to his arms.

That's why this morning, he felt really good. He looked around his room, scanning if Chenle was there. He peeked underneath his blankets, seeing that he's still wearing his office attire.

He stood up from his bed and went outside, looking around his house. A delicious smell lingers around, coming from the kitchen. He decided to go there and smiled as he saw Chenle, cooking something at the stove.

Hair still damp, wearing Jisung's big shirt, he looks really soft at Jisung's eyes. The taller goes to him slowly and stood behind his back. He didn't even think twice and hugged the smaller from behind, making Chenle yelped.

"Sungie! My goodness! You scared me!" Chenle whines, his focus still on the dish that he's cooking. Jisung buried his nose on Chenle's neck and inhaled his sweet scent. "Sungie.. It tickles.." the smaller laughs on his arms.

The taller tightens his arms on Chenle's small waist, pulling him closer. "You're hungry already?" Chenle asked softly. "Hmmm.." Jisung hums on his neck. The smaller pulled away from his arms and looked up to him.

"Feeling okay now?" Chenle asked. Jisung stares back at him and smiled softly. "Feeling great.."

"Good.." Chenle grins, before pulling him towards the table to eat breakfast.

"We're gonna be late now!" Chenle whined, pulling his arm. After their relaxing breakfast, Jisung went to his room again and lied down on the bed immediately. "I don't want to go to work.." he protested.

"Are you sure?" Chenle asked. Jisung peeks at him from the pillow. "I wanted to take the whole day to rest.. Yesterday was too much for me.." he groans, before laying down again.

The smaller understood him. That was pretty too much for him. "Okay.. If that's what you want.. I'll go to the office now and tell them that you don't feel well.." He was about to leave the room when Jisung suddenly pulled him towards the bed, hugging him.

"Sungie!" he protested. The taller ignored his words and trapped him literally on his arms. "You should take the day off too.." he pouts. Chenle rolled his eyes before giving in to him. "Well.. Since you're my boss and you're not there, might as well take the day off.." he grins. "So, what do you want to do?" he asked.

"Relaxing.. Staying here at the bed all day.." he smiled happily. "If that's the case, you should take a shower first.. You're still wearing your clothes last night.."

Jisung flipped him over, trapping him underneath. "Do you want to take a bath with me?" he smirked. Chenle's face reddens before yelling at him. "Yah, Park Jisung!"

After the taller had taken a bath, they watched a romantic movie on Jisung's room, laying comfortably on his bed. Chenle had stew the whole chicken for their lunch, which Jisung couldn't get enough of.

It was afternoon and the rain starts to fall. They're still laying on the bed, laziness starts to creep in over them. Jisung sits up from the bed and laughs, seeing Chenle fighting the drowsiness, as his eyes would almost close and open.

He took out his phone and tries to capture his face. The flash from the camera went on, making the smaller awake, drifting back to his sense. "Did you just took a pic of my sleeping face?"

"Uhm.. I didn't.." he smirked. Chenle didn't waste any time and jumps on him, straddling his lap. "Delete that!" he screeched, but Jisung's long arms are making it difficult.

"Come and get it!" Jisung laughs as he was laid down on bed with Chenle on his lap. "Sungie! Give me that!" Extending his arms, he successfully caught it, but was not aware that he's practically laying on top of the taller.

He looked down and realized how their faces are so close. Jisung stared at his eyes softly. Couldn't control himself, he leaned closer, closing the gap between them.

His lips are perfectly matched with Chenle's small, plump lips. After he realized what he had done, he decided to pull away. Well, he was about to, but Chenle's arms immediately wrapped on his neck, not wanting him to pull away, and starts to kiss back.

Thank you for reading! 🌹

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