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Haechan treats them to an expensive restaurant that serves high quality steaks

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Haechan treats them to an expensive restaurant that serves high quality steaks. They were all amaze when the waiter starts to serve the delicious steaks. Chenle loves meat, that's why his mouth waters at the majestic sight of the steak.

They all digged in, and enjoyed the steak. "This is so good!" Renjun said, while savoring the taste of the steak on his mouth. "Hmmmmm!" Chenle exclaimed, having a steak for the first time of his life.

He was really thankful to experience this, eating good food, with good friends. However, he can feel that something is missing. And of course, it was his boss. He didn't know why it affected him, hearing Lami announcing that she's his future wife or something.

He didn't know why it bothers him. He tried to shoved it off from his mind, and yet, he still always think of Jisung.

After eating at the restaurant, Jaemin invited them to go to a karaoke house, ending the night with lots of singing, and of course, grabbing some few drinks. They had rented a whole booth and starts to party inside.

Renjun and Jeno went out to buy some drinks. While Jaemin sings his heart out at the mini stage, wearing some funny props, Chenle just sits on the table, still thinking on why he was so bothered when Lami is so clingy to his boss.

While Haechan was searching some songs on the list, he noticed that Chenle was on a deep thought. He puts down the list and sits beside him. "Penny for your thoughts?" he asked. Chenle broke from his daze and looks at the taller.

"Nothing, hyung.." he smiled. "You can talk to me or us anytime, you know?" Finally, the smaller decided to gave in. "Uhmm.. Hyung? Is it true that Lami is Sir Jisung's boyfriend?" he asked softly.

Haechan smirked and looks at him. "Not true.. He's not even interested on her.. Why? Does it bother you?" he teased. Chenle didn't know why, but his face starts to heat up.

"Yes- I mean, No! I'm just worried that he might not do his job well if he has a girlfriend to attend to.." he stuttered. "What a stupid excuse.." Haechan said on his thoughts. "Don't worry.. He won't fall on her.. Plus, Jisung has his eyes on someone already.." he smirked again.

Chenle immediately looks up again to him. "Someone? Who?" he asked. "You'll know it soon.." Haechan winks at him.

Of course, they all knew. They had known Jisung since he was practically a baby, so they know if their little maknae is in love or not.

"Drinks are ready!" Renjun announced, carrying several bottles of soju, while Jeno carried a whole bunch of beer. "Let's start this party!" Jaemin yelled at the mic. "Let's grab a drink, Chenle?" Haechan asked.

Although he has a weak tolerance when it comes to alcohol, Chenle agreed, hoping that it would drive Jisung away from his mind.

Leaving the restaurant, Jisung and his parents walked hand in hand, smiling at each other. "I can't believe that she wants to marry Lami to our Jisung? Like, that's not how love works!" Tiffany exclaimed. "You're right, honey.. Even though he's the main shareholder of the company means that he can always get what he wants, right?" Nickhun was so frustrated.

"Mom.. Dad.. Thanks for siding with me earlier.." Jisung smiled. "Of course, son.. Your heart, your choice.." Nickhun smiled at him. "When are you gonna introduce your new secretary to us? I've heard good things about him.. Making you eat breakfast? I think he's special.." Tiffany smiled.

"I'll introduce him to you guys soon!" he grins. He pulled out his phone, hearing that he had received a text. It was from Haechan, inviting him to join them for a drink. "I'll let Mark hyung take me home tonight.. Since I'll catch up with the hyungs on their little celebration.."

Tiffany hugs him, while Nickhun playfully messed up with his hair. "Enjoy the night, kiddo.." They bid goodbyes, and Jisung immediately went to the karaoke house.

Reaching the place, he could practically hear their yells and screeching inside the booth. Opening the door, he was surprised to see Chenle singing and dancing playfully at the mini stage. "Jisung! You're here!" Jeno yelled, dancing in the stage too.

The taller was quite worried, since he can see that Chenle's face is flushed in red, literally drunk. However, when the smaller had heard Jisung's name being called, he smiled and yelled at the microphone.

"Jisungie!" he yelled. Jisung was surprised at the sudden nickname, but already liking it. However, no one expected what happened next. "Don't ditch me again!" Chenle yelled with a pout on his face.

He throws the microphone and run towards Jisung then suddenly jumps on him. Having a great reflex, the taller immediately catches him on his arms. Chenle immediately grabs his face and kisses him directly on the lips, making everyone gasped, including Jisung who's literally panicking right now.

Thank you for reading! 🌹

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