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Chenle had arrived just in time at the convention hall at Itaewon

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Chenle had arrived just in time at the convention hall at Itaewon. Mark bids goodbye at him and drives back to the office to fetch Jisung, who's still stucked on a meeting with Chansung's guests.

He entered the hall and saw that several companies are now preparing on their assigned booth for the presentation. He goes to the organizer and asked the location of their own booth.

"Park Industries? You are assigned at the fourth booth, near the front seats.." the man guided him. "Thank you so much, Sir.." he smiled, and immediately goes to the booth to prepare.

He checked all the documents that will be needed and starts to dry-run the presentation at the laptop. He was too busy checking that he didn't noticed the man from the other booth, staring at him.

The man smiled and goes to their booth, clearing his throat, making Chenle noticed him. The smaller looked up and stared blankly at the man. "Is Jisung here already?" the man asked. Chenle bowed first before answering.

"He's on the way, Sir.." he politely replied. The man bowed too before talking again. "Sorry for the rude introduction.. I am Felix, Jisung's roommate on college.. And former bestfriend, I guess.. And you are?"

"Zhong Chenle, Sir.. His executive assistant.." he bowed again. "Wow.. He managed to find a cute secretary.." he smirked. Chenle didn't respond and starts to work again.

"And by the way, Chenle.. Why bother prepare all of this, when he will lose in front of me.." he smirked, making the smaller's blood boils. He managed to give a small smile again, not wanting to be rude.

"I think it's too early to assume, Sir.." he smiled. Felix smiled at him again. "Oh no, I do think he's late though.." he walked away slowly. "What does he mean?" he asked himself.

Jisung is now getting a little bit impatient, touring the chairman's guest at the company. He looked at his phone and received a text from Mark, saying that he's already waiting at the lobby.

The presentation will start at 8 in the evening, and he's getting anxious since it was 7:30 already. The guests still wants to tour the employees' offices. "Sir's.. As much as I want to tour you around, I have a very important meeting to attend to.." he bowed.

"Is that so?" the man asked. "Okay, we're really not interested in investing in your company anyways.." Jisung was very annoyed and angry, but he didn't showed it. He just smiled and bowed politely, before running towards the stairs.

Chansung appeared out of nowhere and smiled at his two guests. "Great job, you two.. Let's see if he can make it at the presentation.." he laughs.

Jisung groaned when he saw the traffic, and he looks at the time, displaying that it was almost 8 in the evening. "I'm gonna be so late.." he groaned. "I'll do my best to bring you there as fast as I can, Jisung.." Mark smiled.

"Thanks, hyung.." he smiled back, before texting Chenle that he'll be late.

Back at the convention area, the presentation had now started and it was almost their company's turn. Felix smirked at Chenle, before texting someone on his phone.

 Felix smirked at Chenle, before texting someone on his phone

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He had typed on his phone before going to Chenle. "Hey cutie.. If you decided to leave your irresponsible boss, I can offer you a great position at our company.." he smirked.

Chenle rolled his eyes and goes back to the booth. "No thanks.." Felix laughs on his remarks. "Hard to get? I like that.."

It was Felix' turn to present and he had only read the script on his hand, making the panelists annoyed, since it shows that he didn't study his own presentation. After his turn, the organizer called the next one.

"Next.. Park Industries!" Chenle was surprised and goes to the panelists and the organizer, explaining that Jisung is still stucked on a traffic due to emergency meeting.

"We can't wait for him, since there are plenty of companies that are waiting.. We'll just disqualify him.." the head of the panelists said. Chenle didn't want to ruin Jisung's chance and let his efforts go to waste.

"Wait!" he raised his hand. "Can I do the presentation?" he asked. The panelists discusses their opinions and had come up with a result. "Since there's no rule about that, and you're his executive assistant, we'll allow you.."

Chenle smiled widely and prepares himself, not wanting his boss' efforts to go to waste.

Thank you for reading! 🌹

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