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Tiffany and Nickhun are busy at the facility's kitchen, preparing the snacks for all of the elderly who's enjoying the program that they had prepared

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Tiffany and Nickhun are busy at the facility's kitchen, preparing the snacks for all of the elderly who's enjoying the program that they had prepared. They always wanted to personally prepare the snacks, just to make sure that all of them are eating healthy food.

Tiffany was busy plating the slices of different variant of fruits when she heard a very beautiful voice coming from the stage. "Honey, do you hear that?" she asked his husband. Nickhun had stopped peeling the fruits and listened carefully. "That voice.. It was so beautiful and calming.."

"Let's check it.." Tiffany smiled and went out, of course, with her husband following her like a small puppy. Reaching the venue, they saw a boy singing at the stage, skillfully strumming on the guitar. She also noticed that Jisung is also watching and listening intently.

The boy had finished his song, earning a loud cheer and clap from the audience. "Thank you for that wonderful performance! Please stay seated while the snacks are being served.." the emcee announced.

Meanwhile, Chenle smiled and immediately runs to Jisung. "Jisungie! I was so nervous.." he smiled, while the taller is still staring at him. "Uhmm.. Sungie?" he waves his hand. The woman beside Jisung felt intrigued, hearing the strange nickname from the latter.

"Jisungie?" she asked teasingly, making Jisung swift back to reality, getting flustered. "So, Jisungie is now your nickname, huh?" the woman teased. "Noona!" Jisung whined. He looks back at Chenle and smiled at him. "You have a really beautiful voice, Lele.."

Chenle grins and smiled at him cutely, making his heart flutter. "Thank you, Jisungie.."

"I thought an angel was singing!" Tiffany exclaimed as soon as she arrived with his husband, making Chenle blushed. Nickhun clapped his hands again and bowed in front of the smaller. "Thank you for making all the elders happy.."

Jisung starts to introduce the smaller to his family. "Mom, Dad, this is Chenle, my personal assistant.." Tiffany was surprised, then she immediately grabs Chenle's hands and starts to coo at him.

"You're Chenle? Omoo! It's so nice to finally meet you! I've always wanted to meet you after hearing many good things about you.. And of course, from Jisung itself.." she teased.

Jisung whined, hiding the forming blush from his face. "Mooom!" making everyone laugh.

"Lele.. This is my mom and my dad.." Jisung happily introduced them. Chenle bowed politely and smiled happily in front of them. "It's nice to meet you, Mr. and Mrs. Park.." Tiffany couldn't contain her squeal, which made Nickhun laugh.

"Oh my gosh! You're so cute! Where did my son found you?" She goes closer to Chenle again and squishes his cheeks. "And this is my older sister, Joy.." The smaller remembered that she was the woman Jisung talking with earlier.

"Nice to meet you, Chenle.." she smiled, extending her hand. The smaller grabs it politely and shakes her hand. "So, did you like the whole place, Chenle?" Nickhun asked.

"Yes, Mr. Park.. This place is very close to nature.. And I think it provides healing in heart and soul to all the elders who are staying here right now.." Nickhun agrees to his answer. "I think you're right, Chenle.."

"Do you want to help while you're here, Chenle? It's fun talking with the elders here.." Tiffany smiled. Chenle nods and starts to follow Tiffany, while Jisung couldn't take his eyes off from the smaller.

Joy noticed it and feels happy because it was her first time seeing her younger brother acting like that, caring for someone. "Let's see how this goes.." she whispered, before following their mother.

Chenle had fun serving plates of fruit slices, earning good comments from the elders in regards with his singing. He scanned around the crowd, searching if all of the elders has their own plate, when he noticed one old lady, sitting at the back.

He picks up a plate and was about to serve a snack to the old woman when Joy appeared. "I tried to make her eat but she wouldn't.. It's been a day already since she arrived here.."

"I'll try.." Chenle smiled at Joy and goes to the woman. "Aren't you hungry, granny?" he asked softly. The old woman looks at him and shrugs him off. "You need to eat this granny.." However, he got no response.

Chenle had placed the plate on the table and sits beside the old woman. "Is there something troubling you, granny? You can tell me.." the smaller smiled. He noticed that the old woman keeps on staring at the playground, near the grounds.

"Perhaps.. Do you want to play, granny?" he asked. The old woman's face lightened up and smiled at him. "I want to play! I want to play!" The old woman stood up and drags Chenle towards the playground.

Meanwhile, Joy had witnessed everything and was amazed on Chenle's persuasion skills. "You really are something, Chenle.." she smiled.

Thank you for reading! 🌹

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