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Lami and her parents are now eating lunch at a famous sushi bar at Gangnam

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Lami and her parents are now eating lunch at a famous sushi bar at Gangnam. "I really hate them! Especially that Tiffany!" Sunny snorted, while grabbing a piece of tuna sushi. "They literally shamed our family, even Lami! Will you just let this go, hon?"

Chansung smiled at his wife while sipping on a cup of rice wine. "Of course not, hon.. They've been doing things that I really don't want recently.. Maybe it's time to remind them who has the upper hand here.."

"And that Jisung! How dare he push away our daughter.." she rolled her eyes. Lami just nods and agrees on what her mother is saying. "I want Jisung, Mom.. He's only mine!" he whined.

"Of course, sweety... Soon, Jisung won't have any other choice but to marry you.. I'll make sure of that.." he smirked. "But for now, I shall teach your future husband a little lesson.."

Lami stood up. "You're gonna hurt him?! I won't let you!" Chansung raises his hand. "Oh no, sweety.. I'll just break his spirits a little because that would be more painful.." he smirked. "All right, as long you don't physically hurt him.."

Chansung's right hand man arrives on the restaurant and whispers something to him, which made smile. "Oh.. He's making a move already? Perfect! I know just the thing on how to break his spirits.." he laughs.

Back at the office, after lunch, Chenle immediately goes to Jaehyun's office to deliver the documents that Jisung had prepared. "Sir Jaehyun.." he softly knocks on the door.

The older smiled and signals him to come in. "Sir Jisung wants me to give you this documents.." Jaehyun grabs it and smiled at him. "Thank you, Chenle.. And by the way, you can call me 'hyung'.. That's more comfortable.." he grins.

"Okay.. But why is everyone always asked me to call them 'hyung'?" he asked. Jaehyun laughs at him. "I think it's because you emit this cute little kid vibes, I guess.." Chenle pouts at him. "I am not.."

Jaehyun checks the document. "Oh? He found a shareholder already? That's great.." he smiled proudly. "Uhmm.. Hyung? Can I ask something?" The older looks up to him. "Sure.."

"The company is on a good state, right? It also maintains it's number one spot from it's competitors.. Why does Jisung is so eager to find more investors?"

"Good question, Chenle.. I'll explain it to you in a short way.." he smiled. He explained that the company was founded through Chansung's money, as he offered help to Nickhun.. Then he became the major shareholder, and Jisung's father as the president.

Chenle nods, listening carefully.

"After all these years, it's still that way.. Jisung's family gets 35% of the profit, while the Lee's are getting 65% from it.. They demanded to have equal shares, so Chansung promised to them that if they find a suitable shareholder, they'll transfer some shares to them so it would be equal.."

"Ooohh.." Chenle nods. "So that's why Jisung is so eager to get new shareholders.." Jaehyun grins at him. "Yes, Chenle.. Because he wanted to give his father the rightful earnings he deserve.." And it was his first time to hear this backstory.

Jaehyun stood up and looks at him straight in the eyes. "Since you already knew everything, are you willing to help and support Jisung's cause?"

It was already 5 and Chenle are so prepared to go home. He had planned to bake some cookies and doing some movie marathon with his aunt tonight. He peeks at Jisung's office and saw the taller, still glued on his table.

He softly knocks before entering, getting the attention of the latter. "Oh, Lele.. Are you going home already?" he asked. Chenle felt bad, seeing Jisung stressed for his presentation. "Do you need some help, Jisungie?" he asked.

Jisung shakes his head. "I can do this, Lele.. After all, it's my report.. I just need to finish this and practice for the presentation and I'll go home too.. Mark hyung will drive you home.." he smiled, before going back on his works.

Chenle frowns, feeling upset while walking away from his boss.

Sitting inside the car, he felt really guilty, not having to help him on his works. "Mark hyung? Can we make a stopover at the grocery store? I just need to buy something.." he asked sweetly. "Of course.." Mark smiled.

It was already 9 in the evening and Jisung is still working on his presentation. He wants to make it perfect so that the investors would like his proposal. He felt dizzy and sleepy, but ignoring it, so that he can finish it on time.

He stood up and felt really weak, then he hears his stomach grumble. "Urgh.. I'm hungry already.. Maybe I should settle to another cup of coffee again to make me going.." he thought to himself.

Going to his personal pantry, he suddenly heard a soft knock on his office door. "Mark hyung? You're here already?" The door opened and he was surprised to see Chenle walking towards him with a pout on his face, carrying some large bags.

"Lele?! What are you doing here?" he asks, still can't believed that the smaller is here.

"I knew it.. Even though you're hungry, you'll still settle for a cup of coffee.. That's bad, Jisungie.." he scolds, going pass through him and straight to his table. He opened the bag and took out some packed dinner that he prepared for a short time.

"You should eat dinner, Jisungie.. You need some energy to finish the reports and I know how this thing is really important to you-"

However, his scoldings were cut off when Jisung suddenly pulled him for a tight hug, hugging him close to his chest. He hugged him like he was going to disappear. Chenle was shocked at first, but smiled later on.

"Thank you, Lele.." Jisung mumbles on his hair, nuzzling to his soft locks, inhaling his sweet scent. Chenle hugged back as well and buries his face on the taller's chest.

"Always here for you, Jisungie.." he smiled. Chenle didn't know why, but saying those words makes his heart beat fast and having the feeling of butterflies on his stomach.

But in that moment, he felt happy, providing warmth and comfort to Jisung's weary heart.

Thank you for reading! 🌹

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