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When Jisung had suddenly ran, it caught his mother's attention, and became alerted as well

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When Jisung had suddenly ran, it caught his mother's attention, and became alerted as well. She immediately looks at Ye Seo, who looks dumbfounded as well. "What happened, grandma?" she asked worriedly. The old woman stared at her with a puzzled reaction.

"Chenle.." she stuttered. Tiffany became worried and follows her son, with Ye Seo following after. Meanwhile, Jisung runs as fast as he can, wanting to reach the smaller just in time. Many thoughts are now running on his head, praying that Chenle is okay.

He runs past through the playground, going straight to the flower garden. Reaching the place, his eyes roamed and searched for the smaller. "Lele!" he yelled. He walks around and starts to panic, not hearing any response.

Getting to the flower fields with a big cherry blossom tree at the middle, his worries starts to fade away, seeing the smaller sleeping peacefully under the tree. He looks really ethereal right now, with a flower crown settling on his head.

Jisung stared from afar, not wanting to wake up the smaller. "Jisung! Is Chenle okay?!" Tiffany yelled, running towards him. The taller immediately signals his mom to keep quite, making the woman confused. Seeing what Jisung meant, Tiffany cooed at the scene in front of them.

Ye Seo arrived too, catching her breath due to the sudden run. "Granny?! You shouldn't run like that?" Tiffany scold her, checking if she was okay. "Chenle.." the old woman muttered. "He fell asleep and I don't know what to do.."

Jisung's face softened and grins at the old woman. "You scared us real good, Granny.." The old woman pouts and looks away. "I'm sorry.."

"It's okay, Granny.." Jisung assured. He walks closer to the sleeping figure and tries to wake him up, but he was on a deep sleep. "Aigoo, you must be tired.." the taller grins before carrying Chenle. The smaller unconsciously wraps his legs on Jisung's waist, and his arms on Jisung's neck.

"Aww.. He's so cute.." Tiffany cooed, looking at how his son carries the smaller like a baby.

What they didn't noticed is that someone is watching them from afar, hiding her presence from them. She classily wears down her sunglasses and smirked. "This is interesting.."

While on their way home, inside their trailer van, the whole family is eating their dinner, with an awkward tense on the air. Tiffany couldn't help herself, looking at his son, with Chenle sleeping peacefully on his lap.

"You know you can place Chenle on one of the bunk beds, right?" his father asked. "Let them be! They're cute!" Tiffany coos. Jisung glares at them playfully, and signals them to not make noise. "I tried to put him down, dad.. But he just clings tighter on me.."

As if Chenle heard what he said, he unconsciously snuggles tighter to the taller, nuzzling his head on Jisung's chest. "See?" Jisung asked, pointing at the smaller. It's not that he doesn't like it, he just felt weird to be exposed like this in front of his parents.

"It shows that he's comfortable in your arms, that's why.." Joy smiled, while eating her salad. And that remark made Jisung flustered, which made the whole family laugh. "It's cute to see you flustered like this, son.." Nickhun teased.

All that he can do is to ignore their teasing and rolled his eyes, not wanting to wake up the smaller.

Dropping the smaller on his house, Seohyun welcomed them and apologize in behalf of Chenle. "It's nothing, Aunt Seohyun.." Jisung bowed. The woman offered him to stay for some hot tea, but he politely declined, as his parents are waiting for him.

Bidding goodbye, he left the apartment and saw his older sister waiting for him outside. "What are you doing here, noona?" he asked. "I knew it.. He is so special for you, right? I can see it, Jisung.. The heart eyes you're always giving to him.. So what's the status, Jisung?" she asked.

He rolled his eyes and starts to walk slowly. "I'm his boss.. He's my secretary.. And we're friends.. That's all, noona.." But Joy didn't believed what he said.

"You like him, don't you?" she asked. Jisung stopped on his tracks and looks at her. "Yes, noona.. I have to admit, I really like him.. But I want us to stay this way.. Heck, I don't even know if he likes me back.."

"Then try it, Jisung.. I like him for you.. You two compliments each other.. Like a perfect puzzle piece.." she tries to motivate him.

"But what if he doesn't like me back? I don't want to ruin what we have right now.." he sadly said, before walking towards the trailer van. Joy sighs and looks at his brother.

"I hope that you two can work this out.." she whispered, before following his brother.

Thank you for reading! 🌹

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