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Chenle was a little bit surprised when the old woman starts to drag him towards the playground

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Chenle was a little bit surprised when the old woman starts to drag him towards the playground. He smiled as he was now seeing the old woman is now happy and excited. Reaching the playground, the old woman sits at one of the swings and signals him to push her.

"Please push me!" the old woman whined like a little child, making Chenle laughs. "Okay, granny.. I'll just push you very gently.." He pushed the swing softly and it was enough for the old woman to enjoy the swing.

"May I know your name, granny?" he asked softly. The woman looks back at him and grins. "My name is Ye Seo.." Chenle felt happy that he already knew her name, swiftly making progress towards the old woman.

"That's a beautiful name.." Chenle cooed, making the old woman happy. "Can I get your name as well?" she asked. "Of course, my name is Chenle.. But you can call me Lele for short.." The old woman smiled at him. "Okay, Lele!"

"Why are you alone earlier, granny? You know you can join the other elders, right?" The woman snorts and rolled her eyes. "Hmmp! They are so boring! They just wanted to sit there and watch some magic shows and stuffs.. I want to play outside.." she proudly said.

"I do admire your energetic antics, Granny Ye Seo-ah.." Chenle smiled while keeps on pushing the swing softly. However, the next question of the old woman caught him off-guard. "By the way, Lele.. That handsome boy earlier.. Is he your boyfriend?"

Chenle suddenly stopped pushing her and gets flustered, blushing creeping on his face. "He's not!" he stuttered. "He's my boss.." Ye-Seo stood up from the swing and looks at him. "Then why are you blushing?"

"I'm not blushing! It's just it's too hot outside.." he stuttered again. The old woman laughs and pulls him again unexpectedly. "Let's go to the flower garden!" Ye-Seo cheered, dragging Chenle towards the garden.

While Joy and Nickhun cleans up the tables used at the event, Jisung is helping his mother washing the plates at the dirty kitchen outside. Literally, this is the best family bonding for them, spending the whole day at the facility.

Tiffany scrubs the plates and utensils carefully, making sure that it was clean, while Jisung was assigned to rinse the dishes thoroughly. The woman smiled, watching his son intently.

"So, bringing your secretary here.. That's very unusual of you, Jisung.." Tiffany looks at him, not missing on how his son's face starts to get red. "It's nothing, Mom.. I just wanted him to see this place, and I'm glad that he's also fond in volunteering.." he smiled.

"I heard the news.. On how your secretary saved your presentation at the recent gathering of potential investors.." she said. "And I was really thankful for that, Mom.. He didn't let me give up.." he bowed down and grins.

Tiffany paused on what she is doing and hugs his son. "I'm glad that you found the perfect assistant for you.. I was amazed that he made you to eat breakfast.. He seems special to you.." she teased.

"Mooooom!" Jisung whined, making his mother laughed.

Tiffany looks up at the sky and noticed that it was almost sun down. "It's almost dinner time.. I think Chenle had enjoyed playing with one of the elders.." she starts to scrub plates again.

"I think so too, Mom.. I'm glad that he enjoyed it here.." he smiled. "We're gonna eat dinner while on our way back home, Jisung.. You and Chenle should ride our trailer van.."

Nickhun invested a good amount of money on a trailer van, which looks like a house with wheels. He bought it because they all love to travel, so he thought it was a good reason to buy it.

It was quite big, and it was composed of four bunker beds inside, mini kitchen and dining room, comfort room, and mini living room.

"But Mom.. I brought my car with me.." he protested. "Jaehyun would drive it for you.. He's here.. He needed to run some errands as well.." she explained. Jisung noticed that it was getting dark already, so he decided to fetch the smaller outside.

Suddenly, Ye-Seo appeared in front of him, panting and catching his breath. "Are you okay, Granny? Where's Chenle?" The old woman looks at him and was about to cry. "Chenle is-" she points at the flower garden that starts to get dark.

Jisung immediately run towards the garden, completely worried about the smaller. "I won't forgive myself if something happens to him.." he thought.

Thank you for reading! 🌹

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