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The smaller had arrived on Jisung's house at around 6:30 in the morning

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The smaller had arrived on Jisung's house at around 6:30 in the morning. The blinds at the windows all over the house are still closed, meaning that his boss is still asleep. He goes to the kitchen and immediately cooked some rice.

Going the living room, he saw Jisung's dog, Midnight, standing up from being laid at the back of the sofa, waggling it's tail while walking towards him. "Good morning, Midnight.." the smaller smiled.

The dog goes to him and lays down in front of him, showing it's big belly. Chenle chuckled, before rubbing the dog's belly. "Aigoo.. Someone wants a belly rub, eh?" The dog stayed still, enjoying the belly rub Chenle is giving to him.

"I'll just wake up your master, okay?" Chenle stood up and goes to the bedroom. He presses some switch near the bedroom, making all the blinds open, including at Jisung's room. Then he saw his boss, sleeping peacefully under the thick blankets.

He goes to the bed and immediately covering his eyes, getting flustered, seeing Jisung's shirtless body, early in the morning. "Why does he always sleep with no clothes on?" he asked to himself. He leaned down and shakes Jisung's shoulder.

"Sir Jisung.. Wake up.." he called, still shaking his boss' shoulder. Jisung groaned in response, hiding his face on the blanket. "Five more minutes, Mom.." Chenle rolled his eyes, and keeps on shaking the sleeping figure.

"You'll be late, Sir Jisung.. Wake up.." he whined. However, he was shocked when Jisung pulled him down, his face lands on the taller's bare chest. The taller immediately locked his arms on his waist, leaving no escape.

"What are you doing?!" he mumbles on his chest. Instead of answering, Jisung buries his face on Chenle's hair. "I'm still sleepy.." he mumbles. An idea came on how to wake up his sleepy boss.

He slid up his arms on Jisung's side and starts to tickle him, but he was surprised when he got no response. Instead, he heard a deep chuckle on his ear, making him shiver.

"Wrong move, Chenle.." He immediately switched their position, laying the smaller underneath him, and starts to tickle him, making Chenle screeched. "Stop! I can't!" the smaller pleads.

Jisung had stopped tickling him and realized that their face is really close right now. "We're friends now, right? Call me by my name.." Chenle felt really flustered on their current position.

"Please get out of the bed now, Jisung.." he pleads with his puppy eyes. The taller quickly gave in and was about to stood up, but he flops on Chenle's body, nuzzling his face on Chenle's neck.

"You smell so good, Chenle.." Jisung mumbles on his neck. The smaller can feel Jisung's warm breath down on his neck, which made him feel some things. He pinches Jisung's side, making the taller whine, and immediately stood up.

"Okay.. Fine.. But I want my fried rice, okay?" Jisung pleads, still staring down at Chenle, who's laying on his bed. The taller goes to the bathroom to shower, leaving Chenle really flustered.

He stood up from the bed and looks at the mirror, seeing his face which looks really red. He caresses his cheeks and fixes his hair. "What's happening to you, Chenle?" he said to himself.

Reaching the office, Jaehyun instructed him to check his tablet for Jisung's schedule. So far, he only has internal meetings at the company, checking each departments for the release of their new product.

After talking with Jaehyun, he goes to his table, seeing the four department heads waiting for him. He bowed politely in front of them and greets them. "Good morning, Sirs.." he smiled.

"Chenle! Good morning!" Renjun waves at him, handing him a box. "We got some spicy rice cakes at Busan.. Hope you'll like it.." The smaller accepted it wholeheartedly and give thanks to all of them.

"And, Chenle.. I want you to meet the other department head, you haven't got the chance to meet him yesterday since he's eager to kiss his boyfriend.." Jaemin teased. Haechan appeared from his back, and extends his hand in front of him.

"Nice to meet you, Chenle-ssi.. I've heard good things about you from my boyfriend, Mark.." he smiled. Chenle's face lightened up. "You're Mark hyung's boyfriend?! You look good together!" he complimented, making Haechan flustered.

"Why.. Thank you.." he smiled back. "By the way, since Jisung is on the meeting for like, half of the day, can you make a summarize presentation of our reports?"

Chenle nods immediately. "Sure, Sir Haechan!" The older laughs and pinches his cheek. "You're really cute.. And by the way, you can call us 'hyung'.. That's more comfortable.."

"Okay, hyung!" Chenle smiled.

The four of them was amazed, seeing Chenle came up with a detailed, summarized report of their data, and they had presented it to Jisung really well. "Good job, hyungs!" Jisung grins.

"You should congratulate your assistant more.. He's the one who consolidated all of our reports.." Jeno replied. Jisung immediately looks at the smaller, smiling at him. "Great job, Chenle.."

The smaller felt really accomplished, seeing that he had done his first task really well.

"Why don't we go out for dinner? A welcome party for our Chenle-ssi.. My treat!" Jaemin announced proudly, earning cheers from everyone. "Sounds like a good plan.." Jisung agreed.

All of them are happy and laughing, until someone had arrived from the office. "I'm back!"

They all turned their heads on the arriving figure, and quickly, their reactions had turned into sour one, making Chenle curious. "Oh great.. The drama queen is back.." Haechan rolled his eyes up.

Thank you for reading! 🌹

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