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After their hearty dinner, Nickhun took the chance to tour Chenle around their house, while Jisung, with his mom and sister, enjoys the cookies that he made

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After their hearty dinner, Nickhun took the chance to tour Chenle around their house, while Jisung, with his mom and sister, enjoys the cookies that he made. Well, Joy is the happiest of them all since she really love baking as well. She even declared Chenle as their new family member, while smirking at Jisung.

Inside the house, Chenle had admired all the paintings at every corner and every wall. The painting made the house look more cozy and inviting as well. Not to mention the pot of plants that can be seen at every corner and nook.

"The paintings are beautiful, Mr. Park.." he smiled as he looked at them. "Tiffany likes to paint, so whenever she paint a picture or anything, I make sure to frame it and hang it inside.." he smiled proudly. "That was so sweet, Mr. Park.."

Chenle starts to talk about the pots of plants that he saw around. "The plants made the house more lively, Mr. Park.." he complimented. "You can also do this at your own house, Chenle.. I'll be more than glad to help you.."

The smaller bowed and starts to get feeling shy, knowing that Jisung had bought the house for him and his aunt. Nickhun quickly noticed his change of mood and smiled. "Oh, I know that Jisung had bought you a house.." he smiled.

Chenle felt suddenly embarrassed and bows in front of him. "I'm sorry, Mr. Park! It doesn't look that way! I really didn't mean-" He was cut off when the older pats his head and smiled. "It's okay, Chenle.." he assured. "But Mr. Park-"

"It's his own money and he can do whatever he wants.. And seeing you assures me that he made the right choice.. You deserved it, Zhong Chenle.." he ruffles his hair. "I just want to ask you something.."

Chenle looks at him straight in the eyes. "Please always be there when Jisung needs you.. It was my first time seeing my son happy like that.. Well, he had friends on college, a best friend I guess.. But betrayed him.."

The smaller immediately thought of Felix.

"But you.. You were his first friend on his age.. Helping him and always on his side.." Nickhun smiled. Chenle smiled too and bowed politely in front of him. "Don't worry, Mr. Park.. I won't leave him.."

Chenle grabs the chance to explore Jisung's childhood bedroom as well. He entered quietly and smiled as he saw that it was decorated based on his boss' preferences. He roams around and could literally smell Jisung's scent all over the room.

He looks at the cute pictures of Jisung at the table, cooing because it was most taken when he was still a elementary student. But one specific picture made him blushed. It was little Jisung, playing on the beach, butt naked.

"So.. You liked that picture the most?" a voice whispered behind him. Chenle was surprised and immediately looks back, seeing Jisung with a smirk on his face. "Jisungie!" he stuttered. Jisung laughs and tries to tease him more.

"Why are you blushing, Lele? You already saw me naked.." he smirked. "It's not like that!" he whined, a pout appearing on his face before sitting on the bed. "Hey.. I was just kidding, Lele.." he laughs before sitting beside him.

"So, what do you think of it?" Jisung asked. Chenle thought that the taller is still talking about what he saw on that day when Jisung runs out from his room, butt naked. Chenle blushed and stuttered before answering.

"Well.. It was big.. You should be proud of it.." he blushed really hard. Jisung tilts his head while looking at the smaller whose face is really red right now.

"What are you talking about? I was referring to the dinner- Oh.." he smirked, immediately getting what the smaller is saying. "So you think it's big? Then I should be really proud it.." he teased.

Chenle wants to combust right now, he couldn't believed that he said that. He was speechless, as he don't know what to say. He quickly stood up and run, leaving the room, with Jisung still laughing at the bed.

"Yah! Lele-ah! Wait for me!" he laughs, standing up from the bed and starts to follow the smaller.

Chenle bows in front of Jisung's parents and Joy, bidding goodbye and thanking them for a nice dinner. "It was so delicious, Chenle.. We enjoyed it.." Tiffany smiled. "Please visit us often.." Nickhun smiled.

Joy engulfes him on a hug. "See you soon, Chenle-ah.." she grins.

Jisung would take him home using his own car. Chenle immediately goes inside the car, and Jisung drives right away. What they didn't know is that a pair of eyes, same with the ones watching them at the home for the aged, are still tailing them.

"You're really fond of them, Madame.." the woman spoke through her phone. "Of course.." the woman said from the other line said. "Make sure to keep an eye on them and commence our plan.."

"Yes, madame.." the woman smiled before hanging up the call.

Thank you for reading! 🌹

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