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Chenle is still asleep on Jisung's shoulder, while the three of them are contemplating wether to wake up the boy or not

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Chenle is still asleep on Jisung's shoulder, while the three of them are contemplating wether to wake up the boy or not. "He looks really tired, I feel bad if I wake him up.." Jisung said while looking at the smaller fondly.

"You just think he's cute when he's asleep, that's why you don't want to wake him up.." Jaehyun teased, making Jisung's face turn to red. "It's not like that!" he whined silently. Surely, his hyungs loves to tease him.

Being with him for almost half of their lifetime, it was their first time seeing their precious 'maknae' cared for someone.

"But you really need to wake him up, because we don't know where his house is, or some place where we can drop him off.." Mark reminded him. "You can just look at his address on his personal data sheet, right hyung?"

Jaehyun laughs awkwardly. "Oops! Didn't think about that.." He checks on his tablet the information they need and types the address immediately on the navigation pane. "Look.. We're almost there.." Jaehyun pointed out. "We just have to pass this market.."

Meanwhile, Chenle starts to wake up and flutters his eyes open, realizing that he was leaning on someone else's shoulder. Then, he realized that he's still on his boss' car. He looks up slowly, seeing that Jisung is staring at him. "Good morning.." Jisung greets.

He immediately backed away and starts to bow in front of him. "Omg! I'm really sorry, Sir Jisung! It was bad of me to fell asleep on your shoulder.. Sorry again, Sir Jisung.." The taller laughs again cheekily.

"It's okay, Chenle.. Not a big deal for me.." he smiled. He looks outside the window and saw that they're at the market place already, near Chenle and his aunt's apartment. "Oh, you can drop me off here, Mr. Mark.. I just need to get something at the market.."

He goes out of the car and bowed again. "Thanks for the ride, Sir Jisung.. I'll be going now.." he smiled, before closing the door. Curious on how Chenle's life would be when he gets home, he decided that they should follow Chenle. "Please follow him hyung.." Jisung pleads.

The car starts to tail on Chenle, hoping that the smaller wouldn't notice.

Chenle walks along the market, eyeing some affordable fish and vegetables for their dinner that night. Until he saw his aunt again, still selling flowers. He pouts again and goes to the stall.

"Aunt! You're here again!" he whined, his aunt looking surprised. "How was the job interview, Lele?" Chenle looks at his aunt straight in the eye before turning into a ball of happiness, his cheerfulness couldn't hide.

"I got the job!" he announced, making his aunt cried and engulfes him on a hug. "That was awesome, Lele! Thank God!" On the farther side, Jisung had witnessed everything that happened.

Back to the stall, both of them decided to go home and cook a healthy dinner, then the two starts to walk away. Chenle and his aunt are walking hand in hand, not noticing the car that follows them silently.

They had reached the apartment building and goes to the stairs to reach their unit, while the car had stopped from afar, still watching them. That's when Jisung had learned Chenle's living condition.

"Is that the apartment where they lives?" he asked, still can't believed. "It looks like it's gonna collapse any second now.." he said worriedly. "Unfortunately, most of the people who live on this area has this same living condition like anybody else.."

Jisung can't help but to worry about Chenle, and he knew deep inside that he wants to help him. "You'll be late on your family dinner, Jisung.." Jaehyun reminded him.

"Right.." he replied. "Let's go now, hyung.." he instructed to Mark, who immediately turns the car around and drove away.

Thank you for reading! 🌹

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