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It's been a minute and Jisung is still hugging the smaller, closer on his chest

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It's been a minute and Jisung is still hugging the smaller, closer on his chest. "Okay, you can let go of me now.." Chenle mumbles on his chest. "I don't want to, this feels so good.." the taller groaned, face still nuzzled on his hair.

Chenle didn't know why, but hearing the taller saying those words made his heart flutter. "Your hair smells like berries or something.. It makes me want to sleep.." Jisung groaned again.

The smaller looks up slowly while talking. "It's because that's the scent of my shampoo-" His words were cut off when he realized that looking up was a bad move.

His face is now inches away from the taller. They stared each other intently, and something inside both of them makes them want to lean closer and close the gap, not until Jisung's tummy grumbles so loud.

Chenle laughs and pulled away, while Jisung is a little bit embarrassed on what happened. "Hungry, I guess?" the smaller teased. He goes to the table and starts to unpack the food that he made.

It was chicken soup, partnered with hot rice, and he also managed to make three rolls of tuna kimpab. "You should eat now, Jisungie.." Chenle smiled. Jisung is still flustered, walking slowly to the table.

His mouth waters immediately, seeing the food that Chenle made. "Thank you for this, Lele.." he smiled. "You should join me while eating.." Chenle grins and sits beside him. "Of course.."

The two of them had finished the food and had reserved the kimbap for midnight snack, since Jisung could tell that his report is still a long way to go. "When are you gonna present this?" the smaller asked.

"Tomorrow evening.." Jisung replied casually. "Tomorrow eveni- Tomorrow evening?! That's too soon, Jisungie!" the smaller exclaimed, can't believed what he heard.

"I like to cram, okay?" Jisung shyly admitted. Chenle shakes his head and starts to help his boss out. It's already 2 in the morning, and they both finished the paper works and Jisung had the chance to practice his presentation.

He didn't know why, but having Chenle on his side makes his confidence boost up, like he can do anything.

Morning came and Chenle had arrived at Jisung's house just in time. He still feels sleepy, getting home late from helping out his boss' presentation for the prospect shareholders.

He was surprised when he saw Jisung, well dressed already, while eating a granola bar. "I know that you're sleepy, so I did wake up early, so that you can get some sleep while on the way to the company.."

"How about your breakfast? Granola bar is not enough.." he raised his eyebrows. Jisung raised his right hand and stood up straight in front of him. "I promise that I'll eat when we arrive at the company.."

"Promise?" Chenle eyed him.

"Promise.." Jisung grins, making Chenle smiled.

On the way to the company, the smaller had fell asleep, his seat slightly reclined backwards. Jisung watches him from the backseat, finding him really cute.

The whole day, Jisung had attended some meetings, while Chenle finishes some paperwork for the upcoming product that will be released by the company soon.

It was already 3 in the afternoon, and both of them are now preparing for his report and presentation. "Good luck, Jisung.." Renjun pats his back. "I know you can do it.." The three boys smiled proudly at him. "Thank you, hyungs.."

"Chenle.. Take care of your boss, okay?" Haechan asked. The smaller smiled at them. "Of course.."

They were about to leave for the presentation when Chansung appeared with some unfamiliar guests. "Jisung, my son.. Good thing you're here.. My colleagues from Japan had arrived and wants to talk with you.."

Jisung was surprised, seeing the chairman. He bowed politely in front of him, and Chenle did it too. "I'm sorry, Sir.. But I have a presentation to attend to at Itaewon-"

"Eeh? That was quite rude if you'll leave.. They're possible investors too.." he smirked. Jisung had panicked a little bit and didn't know what to do, until the smaller had came up with a plan.

"You can still talk to them, Sir Jisung.. I can go to the venue first with Mark hyung so that we can prepare your report.." he smiled. Jisung felt relieved, hearing that from the smaller.

Chansung acted up a little bit and agrees with Chenle. "Yes.. Your assistant can go there first, then you can follow after.." Jisung looks at Chenle and nods. "Okay, Chenle.. You and Mark hyung can go there first.. I'll make this meeting as fast as I can.."

Chenle nods before leaving. Meanwhile, Jisung starts to talk with the guests. Chansung smirked while looking at him. "As if that I'll let you go easily, Jisung.. I'm gonna make sure that you won't make it.." he thought.

Jaemin raises his eyebrow while looking at the chairman. "I can smell something fishy.."

Thank you for reading! 🌹

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