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After leaving the building, Irene quickly hopped on her car that is waiting for her at the parking lot

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After leaving the building, Irene quickly hopped on her car that is waiting for her at the parking lot. Settling inside, she took out her phone and dialled someone's number. She smiled as the other line immediately answered.

"Good morning, Madame.." she greeted politely. "So did something happened, Irene?" the woman asked from the other line. Irene grins as she recalled the earlier events. "It's interesting, madame.. Things are going smoothly on how we planned it.."

"Of course, Irene.. All we have to do now is to watch and make some move at the end.. Got it?"

"As you wish, Madame.." Irene smirks, before hanging up the call. "Let's go to our next appointment.." she instructed the driver. As they zoom away from the tall building of Park Industries, she spared a one last glance to it.

"Park Jisung.. Zhong Chenle.." she smirked, as she divert her attention to her phone, reading the news for the day.

Back at the office, Lami immediately went to her father's office, fuming with anger. As she entered the office, she also saw her mother, laughing and drinking wine with him. Sunny welcomes her with a smile.

"Lami.. You're here.. Come join us!" she smiled widely. However, Lami goes straight to her father. "You don't have to do that, Father.. You don't have to shame Jisung in front of everyone!" she yelled.

Chansung raises his eyebrows at her. "Relax, sweety.. Everything is now going according to my plan.. Most of the shareholders are now doubting his position.. Only his acquired investors are loyal at him.. Plus, you should thank me for this.." he grins.

"Thank you for what? Hurting his feelings?" she scoffed.

Chansung goes to her and puts an arm over shoulder. "He must be feeling devastated right now.. And in this moment, he is really vulnerable.. You should make a move on him now.. He needs someone tonight.." he smirked.

Lami imagined everything, thinking that this is the right time to seduce him.

Sunny cheered as she goes to her daughter, whispering something. "I have someone followed him and he immediately went to his house.. He's alone now, sweety.." she smirked.

She hugged her father and mother before leaving. "I'll try my best, father.." she winks before going straight to the door.

Meanwhile, Chenle immediately went home and finds his aunt and Kun, sorting the souveneirs they bought at Busan. "Aunt! Kun hyung!" He runs to them with a big smile. Seohyun immediately hugs him.

"I missed you, Lele!" He pulled away and hugged his Kun hyung too. "Such a baby.." Kun teased. "How was Busan? Did you encounter some zombies there?" he jokes, making them laugh.

"You're early today, Lele.." Seohyun starts to unpack the cookies that she bought. "Uhmm.. Aunt? I'll be sleeping over to Jisung's house tonight.. Something happened and he needs me right now.."

Kun looks at him with worry on his eyes. "This looks serious, Lele.. What happened?" Chenle smiles assuringly to them. "Don't worry.. He's gonna be fine.. I'll explain it next time, hyung.."

Kun smiled at him. "No problem, Lele.. Now, off you go!" He hugged them one more time before packing some essentials for sleeping over.

Lami arrived in front of Jisung's house. She's wearing a brown trench coat, with a revealing lingerie underneath. She smiled as she walks towards the door. "Oh.. It needs a passcode.."

He tried to call Jisung but he's not answering his phone. He tried to press the doorbell, but no one's answering either. "Urgh.. This is such a waste of time.." she rolled her eyes.

She tried to ring the doorbell again, still no answer. She was about to walk away when she noticed a taxi, stopping in front of the house. She hid behind the trees and was surprised to see Chenle.

"What is he doing here?" She watched as Chenle goes to the door, scanned his fingerprint and entered easily. She was shocked that Chenle's fingerprint is registered at the door.

"No way!" She runs to the door and presses the doorbell. "There's no way I'll let him win!" She presses the doorbell, and still no answer. She's getting insane, imagining Chenle and Jisung inside, being together.

Meanwhile, Jisung is on his bed, sulking. All the lights are turned off. He felt really bad for what happened and didn't know how to face everyone. He was surprised when he heard a knock from his bedroom door.

"I'm coming in.." Chenle said softly, before entering the bedroom. Jisung immediately sits up from his bed and looks at Chenle. Seeing the smaller, tears starts to flow from his eyes.

"Are you okay, Sungie?" he asked, before sitting on the bed beside him. He couldn't control himself as he pulled Chenle to his lap, hugging him really tight while crying on his shoulders.

Chenle hugs him and pats his back comfortably, while settling himself on Jisung's lap. No words were exchanged as Jisung lets his tears flow.

He felt a comforting warmth from the smaller, and after a few moments, he fell asleep with Chenle on his arms.

Thank you for reading! 🌹

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