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Everyone is excited about the party

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Everyone is excited about the party. After it was announced, Jisung had allowed all of the employees to take the half of day off to prepare. He was surprised when the chairman had volunteered to do all the tasks for the party, which he agreed wholeheartedly.

Meanwhile, the most excited of them all is Lami. "I can't believed it, Dad.. Jisung will be mine.." she screeched, while the make up artist fixes her style for the night. "Don't be too loud or you'll ruin your make up!" Sunny scolded her.

"Let her be.." Chansung glared at his wife while sipping a glass of wine. "This is her night, after all.." Sunny goes to her husband and grins. "I can't believed that Nickhun and his wife agreed about this.."

The man laughs while looking at his wine. "Of course.. At the end of the day, he's gonna choose the company which he built with his blood, sweat and tears.." He pours a glass of wine and handed it to his wife.

"To the success of our family.." he raised his glass. Sunny did the same and took a sip, before laughing, already anticipating the bright future ahead of them.

Back at the Park's residences, everyone is getting prepared. Chenle was dragged by Joy and Haechan to the other room to fix his outfit and makeup, while Renjun did the same to Jisung.

"Why do I need to wear a makeup?!" Jisung whined, sitting in front of the mirror. "This is gonna be fast, Jisung.. Plus, it's just a light makeup to highlight your visual.." Renjun grins.

"Okay, hyung.. Do your magic.." Jisung looks straight at the mirror. After a few minutes, he was surprised to see how the makeup had lighten up his face.

Haechan knocked at the door before entering. "You look good, Jisung.. Wait till you see Chenle.." he smirked, which made the taller blushed. Going downstairs, he took a seat at the sofa, waiting for the latter.

"Behold.. Here comes, Chenle.." Haechan announced. Jisung looks back at the stairs, and sees Chenle walking down. The suit fits on him really well and his makeup makes him look like a fairy.

Jisung's mouth was opened wide, watching the ethereal presence walking towards him. "How do I look, Sungie?" the smaller asked softly. He looks at him from head to toe.

"You look very pretty, Lele.." he stuttered, making the smaller blushed. He was distracted on how Chenle's lips looked really plump and kissable right now, like he wanted to lean closer and dig in.

"You look good too, Sungie.." the smaller smiled cutely. Tiffany appeared from the kitchen with a camera on her hand. "Both of you look really great tonight!" she screeched. "It's picture time!"

After taking pictures, they all went immediately to their respective rides to the company. The couple get dressed quickly, waiting for their ride. Nickhun looks very uneasy while pacing back and forth at the living room.

"Are you okay, love?" Tiffany asked.

Nickhun looks at her. "Am I gonna do the right thing, Fany-ah?"

Tiffany smiled and engulfes him on a warm hug. "I'm always here for you, love.."

The party was already in full swing when they arrived. The employees had greeted Jisung while he walks down the crowd. He was impressed to see how the chairman had put some efforts in arranging the party with a limited time.

Lami had arrived too and already set her eyes on Jisung, before taking a seat with her mother at the VIP section. Jisung's parents had arrived as well and took a seat, opposite from the Lee's table.

Chansung immediately goes to Nickhun and pats his back. "It's time for the announcement, brother.." he grins. Nickhun nods before going up to the stage. The music had faded away, and all of the attention are now on him.

He took a deep breath before taking the microphone. "Good evening, everyone.. I hope that you're enjoying the party tonight.. There's a good food for everyone and different varieties of drinks to enjoy.."

"For everyone's asking for what party is this.. This party is to honor and give thanks to everyone for the success of the company.. And for a special announcement that I need to make.."

He gulped while looking around the crowd before speaking again. "I am happy to announce that my son, Jisung.. Is going to get engaged to.."

Lami was about to stand up but was halted when she heard something different from the announcement.

"His boyfriend, Zhong Chenle!"

Everyone gasped, including the two. "Noooo!" Chansung yelled from his seat. "You betrayed me! You agreed to this!" Nickhun shakes his head.

"Yes, I agreed to the engagement.. But I didn't say it was to your daughter.." he smirked.

"You traitors! I'll make sure that you'll all get kicked out of the company, leaving penniless! I'll make sure that you'll regret this!" he yelled, before barging out with his wife and devastated daughter.

Jisung runs to the stage to talk to his father. "How did you know, Dad?"

"Perhaps, I saw you and Chenle at the rooftop yesterday, kissing passionately-"

"Dad, you're on mic!" Jisung yelled, as everyone looks at him and Chenle.

"Sorry..." he grins. "Anyways, it's my first time to see you genuinely happy on your life when you're with Chenle.." he smiled.

"But what about the company?" Jisung asked.

"You have to stop choosing for the other people, son.. This time, choose yourself.. Choose the genuine happiness that you're experiencing right now.."

Jisung grins before running down from the stage and drags Chenle back to the stage. He grabs the microphone and raises up Chenle's hand.

"Everyone! This is my boyfriend, Zhong Chenle!" After announcing, he let go of the microphone and pulled Chenle for a kiss in front of everyone.

All of the employees had gone wild, yelling and cheering for them. Tiffany goes up to the stage silently, amid the loud cheers and stood up beside her husband.

"I'm so proud of you.." she whispered, making Nickhun smiled.

Thank you for reading! 🌹

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