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Jisung reaches for the key on his pocket to open the door, struggling quite a little while carrying the smaller on his arms

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Jisung reaches for the key on his pocket to open the door, struggling quite a little while carrying the smaller on his arms. After opening the door successfully, he made his way inside and quickly went upstairs onto his room, laying Chenle at the bed.

He tries to wake up the smaller, shaking him softly on his shoulder. "Lele.. Wake up.. Aren't you gonna wash up before sleeping?" he asked. Chenle groans, shoving him away. "I don't want to.. Too sleepy.."

"Can you change your clothes, at least?" he pleads. Chenle reaches his arms, signalling Jisung to lift him up. The taller rolled his eyes before assisting him towards the bathroom, giving him a change of clothes.

After a minute, Chenle went out of the bathroom sleepily, wearing Jisung's overesized shirt which made him look fluffy and cuddly. He flops down on the bed and immediately fell asleep.

Jisung took a quick shower before settling to a loose tank top and sweatpants. He dried his hair and lays beside Chenle, who's curled up on the other side.

He couldn't sleep. He's staring at the ceiling for an hour, thinking about his failed confession. He deeply thought that it's good that it went like that.

"What are you thinking, Jisung? Asking him to be your boyfriend, yet you didn't even know if he likes you back?" he thought. He switched his position, staring at Chenle who's peacefully sleeping beside him.

"Do you even like me?" he whispered, a frown grows on his face.

He was surprised when Chenle unconsciously turned around on his side, and immediately goes to his arms, settling on top of him. He froze for a moment, realizing that the smaller is on top of him.

Chenle releases a deep breath, before nuzzling his face on Jisung's chest. The taller laughs before hugging him back, burying his face on Chenle's soft hair, inhaling it's fruity scent.

And with that, he fell asleep.

The next day, both of them woke up early and got dressed. It was a special day, since they will visit Jisung's grandmother. After eating breakfast at Daniel's cafe, the two walked along the beach side peacefully.

"I'm so excited to meet your grandma, Jisungie.." he smiled as he admire the beautiful morning at the beach. "Me too.. It's been awhile since I saw her.." he replied happily. "So, where does she live?" the smaller asked.

"At the other side of this neighborhood.." Jisung smirked. Chenle looks at him with a shock on his face. "It's just a few blocks away! Why didn't we visit her sooner!" Jisung pats his head. "Relax.. That's why we're here now, right?"

Reaching the place, Chenle thought that the house is really cute and comfy. It was quite bigger than Jisung's pad, looks simple and elegant at the same time. Pressing the doorbell, Jisung waits excitedly with anticipation.

An old woman had opened the door, and when she immediately saw Jisung, her face lights up. "Jisung! What are you doing here?!" she quickly engulfes him on a hug. The taller hugs back before pulling away softly. "It's for a business trip, Nana.." he smiled.

The woman immediately noticed Chenle's presence. "Uhmm.. Nana? Meet Zhong Chenle.. My-"

"Boyfriend?!" the old woman gasped, which made the two blushed. Jisung immediately shakes his head. "No, nana.. He's my personal assistant.." The woman looks at him from his head, down to his feet, before engulfing him on a hug.

"Nice to meet you, Chenle.." she pats his back. Chenle pulled away and bows politely in front of her. "Nice to meet you too.. Urgh-"

"My name is Jessica.. Jessica Park.. But you can call me 'Nana' as well.." she grins. "Okay, Nana.." he bowed again. "Come in, both of you! Make yourselves at home.."

Sitting at the living room, the old woman had served some iced tea and slices of chocolate cake. "Please have this, Chenle.." While sharing stories and eating cake, Jisung had mentioned that they went to the home for the aged, which Jessica founded before transferring to USA.

"It's good to know that you loved the place.." she smiled. "And surroundings are very calming too.." Chenle complimented. "I hope that I can taste your cooking sometime, Chenle.." she grins.

Chenle stood up and smiled. "Well.. I can cook for you now, Nana.. I'll go to the kitchen now if you'll allow me.." Jessica nods at him. "The kitchen is yours now, dear.." Chenle runs to the kitchen quickly.

Jessica noticed that Jisung couldn't take off his eyes from the smaller. "Uhmm.. Nana.. I'll help him cook!" he stood up and immediately followed the smaller. The old woman grins, realizing what's happening between the two.

Thank you for reading! 🌹

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