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Jisung was surprised, feeling Chenle's soft lips on his own lips

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Jisung was surprised, feeling Chenle's soft lips on his own lips. The smaller is not pulling away, keeping his lips smooching on Jisung's, but the taller doesn't kiss back, as he don't want to take advantage of it because he's drunk.

Renjun, who's recording Jaemin's performance at the mini stage, had caught the moment on his phone, every single of it. They were all surprised too, seeing the bold move that Chenle had made. "That was wild.." Haechan commented.

After a few moments, Chenle pulled away and looks at Jisung's eyes intensely. "Don't leave me again like that!" he pouts, making Jisung's heart beat even faster, still not recovering from the kiss. Getting no response, the smaller leaned closer and pecks Jisung's both cheeks, his forehead, his nose, and lastly, to his lips again.

Jisung didn't know what to do as he just kept the smaller on his arms, not letting him down. Chenle pulled away and smiled mischievously. Both of his hands squishes Jisung's cheeks. "You're so handsome, Jisungie.." he cooed.

The taller couldn't take it anymore and tries to talk to him. "Chenle.. You're drunk-" His words were cut off when the smaller starts to lean closer again. He thought that he's gonna shower him some kisses again but was surprised to see that he immediately nuzzles his face on his neck, falling asleep.

He can hear some soft snores coming from the smaller, and he finds it really cute. Seeing that he's asleep on his arms already, he looks at his hyungs. "We'll drive him home, hyungs.. Just enjoy your party, okay?"

Then, Jisung had left the place, with a sleeping Chenle on his arms. The four boys looks at each other and laughs. "That was very unexpected.." Renjun giggles. "Did you all see Jisung's reaction while being smooched?"

"It was funny because Jisung looks really awkward.." Jeno laughs too. "Anyways, let's just continue this karaoke party! I bet something magical is gonna start on those two.." he grins, getting the microphone and starts to sing the random song that was played on the screen.

Chenle was sitting at their table for breakfast, waiting for the pancakes which Seohyun had prepared for him. He keeps on massaging the side of his head. "Urgh.. My head hurts so much.." he whined.

Seohyun appeared from the kitchen with a plate of freshly cooked pancakes and a bowl of soup. "Drink this soup for your hangover.." Chenle looks up to her and smiled sheepishly. "Sorry for making you worried, Aunt.."

The woman ruffles his hair and smiled. "I am not mad, Lele.. I just don't want you to see passed out like that.. You know that you have a low tolerance when it comes to alcohol.. Why did you drink so much?"

The smaller recalled as to why he did drink that much and remembered that he did want to drink because he kept on thinking his boss. "Did I do something weird last night, Aunt?"

"Nothing, Lele- Oh, I don't considered it weird, but you cling at your boss like you're a koala clinging on a tree.. He wanted to lay you down on the bed but you're not letting go.." Chenle choked on his pancakes when he heard that.

"That was embarrassing!" he whined, hiding his face on his arms. "I don't know how to face him today.." Finishing his breakfast, he peeks at the window and saw Mark, already waiting for him at the gates.

"I'm going now, Aunt! See you later!" he yelled, running towards outside the house.

The day went really well for him. He prepared another breakfast for his boss, choosing the perfect clothes for him for the day, and drive towards the office is smooth, however, he noticed that Mark is smirking at him and Jisung.

Reaching the office, he goes straight to the hyungs. "Hyungs! Good morning!" he greets, still catching his breath. "Oh, Chenle.. You're here! Feeling okay this morning?" The smaller nods before putting down his bag on his table.

"Except for this headache, probably from hangover, I'm doing good.." he smiled. "By the way.. Hyungs? Did I do something weird or stupid last night?" he asked. The four boys looks at each other before addressing him.

"You really don't remember anything last night?" Jeno confirmed. The smaller had done his best to remember it, but he really can't. "I really don't remember.." he scratches his head.

Renjun pulled out his phone and smirked. "We'll show you a video footage.." signalling Chenle to come closer.

Thank you for reading! 🌹

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