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"Wooooaaah!" Is all Chenle could say, reaching the rooftop

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"Wooooaaah!" Is all Chenle could say, reaching the rooftop. It was a very wide space, and you can see the whole city from the top. But what made him smile is the unusual thing at the place: a small bench that faces the view of the whole city.

He can tell that it can only cater 2 persons to sit, but who has the idea of putting a bench at the rooftop? He took a seat at the bench, feeling the fresh morning breeze that caresses his face.

"Whoever had the idea of putting a bench here is a genius.." he smiled. He felt relaxed at the same time. He looks up at the sky and whispered a silent prayer. "Mom.. Dad.. Wherever you are, please guide me.. Please let me have this opportunity.."

Meanwhile, Jisung is now on his way towards the rooftop. It was his favorite escape and comfort place at the same time. During his trainee days under the supervision of Jaehyun, he would always come at the place.

He even requested a bench to be placed at the rooftop.

So after reaching the place, he was shocked to see someone occupying his personal space. "That's my bench! No one dares to sit there, other than me!" he thought. He was ready to scold whoever it is.

As he was getting closer, he suddenly stopped on his tracks. He's now looking at the ethereal presence, sitting on his bench. "Is that an angel?" he thought. He looks at the pretty boy, sitting on the bench.

The warm sunlight, hitting his face, making his pale skin glow. The wind softly blows on his face, swaying his fluffy hair, as he looks up at the sky. Jisung didn't know why, but he wanted to stare forever.

For him, it was a living piece of art that God had perfectly sculptured.

The boy must've noticed his presence since it had opened his eyes and is now looking at him. Jisung felt really awkward and didn't know what to do. Being himself, he raised his hand and waved awkwardly. "Hi?" he asked.

The boy is just staring at him then smiled sweetly, and Jisung wants to combust on the spot because it was the prettiest smile he had ever saw. "Hello.." Chenle replied softly, his soft voice sounds like a song to Jisung's ears.

"You're pretty- I mean, you're pretty looking serious here, did I disturb you?" he asked. Chenle shakes his head and moves aside, making space for the boy. "I just went up here to get some fresh air.. How about you?" He signals Jisung to sit beside him.

The taller awkwardly goes and sits beside him. "Wanted to get some fresh air, too.. Are you an employee here?" Jisung asked. "I wish.." he smiled. "I'm an applicant here and today is my interview.. I hope I do get accepted.. How about you?"

"I'm an employee here.. Just wanted to get some fresh air before my presentation.. I feel really nervous and anxious at the same time.. What if I mess up? What if I present the wrong data? What if-"

His rambling was cut off when Chenle holds his hand. He felt really flustered and had looked down to see their hands. It was cute, seeing how his big hand is being held by Chenle's soft, delicate hands.

"Don't worry too much.. You're an employee here so it means you have the skill.. Just trust yourself.. Try to invest yourself more on 'what is', rather than 'what ifs'.. Yes, we are worried about the future, but we must learn how to value the present first.." he smiled.

Hearing those words from a pretty boy who he just met, it made him feel confident and warm.

Chenle had let go of his hands and stood up. "I think I need to go now.. Goodluck on your presentation! I know you can do it!" he smiled sweetly. Then, he immediately goes to the door but had stopped when he heard the boy that he met called him.

"Wait!" Chenle had stopped walking and looks back. "I hope that you get hired too.." Jisung smiled. "And I hope that I can see you again.." he smiled. Chenle smiled back. "Thank you.." then he goes straight to the door.

"I didn't even asked his name.." Jisung frowns. "Hope that I can meet him again.." he whispered while looking at the sky, his thoughts filled with the pretty face of a certain boy that he had met.

Thank you for reading! 🌹

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