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(For those who already forgot about the Cheon-Lei and Jwi-Seong thing, you can check out chapter 3 for memory refresher 😅)

Chenle was quite worried when he saw that Jwi-Seong wanted to meet up at the sunflower park. He was worried because the park is near at Jisung's house. However, he thought that chances are low to accidentally meet him there so he agreed.

Since it is a cold night, he decided to wear some track pants, a plain shirt and a very thick and comfortable hoodie that he bought recently. Anyways, he felt really excited to meet the one that he's been talking with for a year.

"I'm excited to meet you, Jwi-Seong.." he whispered while tying the laces of his shoes. He went to his aunt's room, seeing her folding some clothes. "I'll just meet someone, Aunt.." he grins. Seohyun looks up to him.

"Oh? Take care, Lele..  And don't stay out too late, okay?"

Chenle nods happily. "Okay, Aunt.." He closes the door softly. Seohyun releases a deep breath, a smile was formed on her face. "It's good to see that he's doing well.."

Taking a taxi, it only took 10 minutes to reach the park. He was amazed when he saw that the whole park is filled with bright lamp posts with flower-shaped bulbs inside. He admired the whole place before taking a seat on one of the benches.

Meanwhile, Jisung walks out of his house, also wearing a casual clothing with his thick hoodie. He's excited to meet Cheon-Lei as well. "Can't wait to see you, Lei.." he grins, as he walk towards the park.

Standing in front of the place, he was amazed to see the lights as well. Even though he's living there for a while, it was his first time to see the park at night time. He roamed his eyes around, seeing a small figure sitting at the bench.

He couldn't see the figure's face since it was covered with hoodie. He took a deep breath before walking slowly towards the bench.

Chenle is busy admiring the lights that he didn't noticed the arrival of someone. The boy cleared his throat, getting Chenle's attention. "You must be Cheon-Lei.." a deep voice said.

He thought that the voice is quite familiar, but he ignored it. "This is it.." he thought. "And you must be Jwi-Seong.." he stuttered a little bit.

"Finally.. We are meeting personally after a year.." he chuckles. "Yeah.." Chenle chuckles too, still not looking to the boy who's still standing. "Uhmm.. Wouldn't you mind if I wanted to see your face?" Jwi Seong asked.

"Ah.. Sure.." he stuttered again. He took off the hoodie on his head before looking up. His eyes widened, seeing the person he's talking with. "Jisung?" he stuttered.

"Chenle.." the taller stuttered too. And in that moment, they both felt that the time had stopped.

Jisung couldn't believe the fact that Chenle is the one he's talking with, sharing his deep, personal feelings, opening up his problems. He didn't know what to feel, he didn't know if he wanted to laugh or cry.

But one thing is for sure: he wouldn't let him go this time.

Chenle was stunned too. The person that he's talking with for a year is right under his nose. All the feelings that he had hid for a while is flowing out again. Silence came over as they stared at each other's eyes.

"So, you're Cheon-Lei that I'm talking with for all this time?" Jisung asked.

The smaller nods before bowing his head down. He's angry to himself. All the walls that he had built to push Jisung away is now crumbling slowly.

"And you're Jwi Seong, too?" he asked softly.

"Yeah.." Jisung replied.

Chenle didn't know what to say or what to do. The only thing that he thought to do is to runaway. He stood up quickly and was about to runaway when Jisung caught his wrist and turns him around to face him.


"Now tell me again all those words that you had said at the rooftop.. Look at me in the eyes and say it again.."

Chenle looks up to him, tears starts to flow from his eyes. He couldn't fool himself. Maybe this time, he needs to be courageous too and tell him what he really feels.

"I like you too, Jisung.. It really breaks my heart to say those words to you.. And I'll completely understand if you despise me now because of what I've done-"

Jisung immediately pulled him for a hug, caressing his back to comfort him. "I am so happy right now, Lele.. And just to let you know, I'll never despise you.. Because you're the one who keeps me going.."

He pulled away and caresses Chenle's face, wiping the tears with his thumb. "Why did you have to hurt me like that?" he asked with a pout on his face, teasing the smaller.

The smaller sniffles cutely before answering. "I was worried about the company, Sungie.. It was built by your father with his efforts and achievements, and I don't want to be selfish to choose my own happiness.."

Jisung leans closer and pecks his nose. "Idiot.. I knew those things already.. And I am ready to risk everything for you, because that's how I love you.. We will work this out, okay?"

"I'm so sorry, Sungie.." he sniffles again. Jisung leans closer again, but this time, he went straight to Chenle's lips for a sweet kiss which the smaller responded softly.

After pulling away, Jisung looks fondly at his eyes. "I love you, Cheon Lei.. Chenle.."

Chenle grins. "I love you too, Jwi Seong.. Jisung.."

The smaller tiptoed and leans closer to him, and this time, he's the one who initiated the kiss, which Jisung happily responded.

Few more chapters left.. 🥺

Thank you for reading! 🌹

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