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"Aren't you nervous?"

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"Aren't you nervous?"

Chenle asked softly to Jisung, whose head is laying on his shoulder, taking a nap while on the car going to the office. The smaller, who usually sits at the front seat, decides to sit at the back together with his boyfriend.

Mark is just silently observing them through the rear mirror while driving. Jisung hums before nuzzling his face more on Chenle's shoulder. "I'm not actually nervous.. I am actually worried because of my father.. The company is everything to him.."

Mark couldn't help but to speak his own opinion. "Don't say that, Jisung.. I know your father.. He wanted to have your own happiness as well.." he smiled through the mirror.

Chenle grabs his hand and intertwined their fingers. "I'm always here for you, Sungie.." The taller grins before closing his eyes. "I know.."

Silence had filled inside the car, not until Jisung spoke. "Can you sing a song for me, Lele?" he asked. The smaller looks at him with a teasing face. "I don't want to.." he grins. Jisung lifted his head and looks at the smaller.

"You always love to sing in front of the elders at the facility and yet, you don't want to sing for your boyfriend?" he asked. Chenle laughs softly. "Of course, it's for Grandma Ye Seo and for the other elders.."

However, Jisung is not giving up. "Please? Just one song, for me?" he pleads, already using his charms. "Make me.." Chenle smirked. Jisung stared at him. "Make you what? Make you sing?"

The smaller just nods, couldn't contain the laughter as he giggles while teasing his boyfriend. However, Jisung already thought of something to have his revenge.

"Okay.." he smirked, before he leaned closer on Chenle's neck. He starts to kiss a specific part softly, before sucking it, making the smaller moaned. "Ah.. Jisung.." he moaned, before pushing the taller away.

Chenle's face is blushing while looking at Jisung's smirking face. "That's the song that I wanted to hear from you.." he said seductively. Mark laughs before looking at them.

"That was smooth.." he grins.

Arriving at the company, Jisung saw that his parents are getting out the car as well, together with his older sister. "Jisung! Chenle!" Joy waved at them. Going straight to his family, he couldn't look at his father straight in the eye.

"Dad.." he mutters. Nickhun smiled before pulling his son for a warm hug. "Never feel guilty, Jisung.. Your life is yours to enjoy it, not to sacrifice it to someone else's happiness.."

He looks at Chenle and smiled at him. "And I am so happy that you found your happiness too, Jisung.." he pats him on his back. Pulling away, Nickhun fixes his tie and his hair.

"Now let's get this over with.." he smiled, as he walk towards the lobby.

They were surprised to see all of the employees assembled at the lobby, with the shareholders standing in front of them. The crowd diverts their attention towards them as they stood beside of them.

"Good morning, Nick!" Chansung greeted, walking towards the stage, together with his daughter and wife. He took the mic and looks at them. "Ready to get kicked out from your own company?"

Nickhun grins at him. "Ready as I'll ever be.." His answer made the latter unhappy, so he decided to proceed with his announcements. "Starting from today, the shareholders declared me as the whole owner of this company, with my daughter as the new president.."

Lami waves at them, but the employees paid no attention to her.

"And starting today, all of them are no longer affiliated at this company.. Ever. So you may now take your leave.." Chansung laughs while pointing at the door.

However, Jeno, Jaemin, Renjun and Haechan stood up and raises a paper on their hands. "We quit!" they yelled. Chansung looks at them before laughing. "I don't care.. I can find others who can replace all of you.."

But what surprised him most is that all of the employees raised a paper on their hands. "We all quit!" they all yelled. Chansung glares at them and yelled at the mic.

"I don't need you all! Get out of my company now!" he yelled.

Nickhun goes at him down the stage. "I hope that you had realized what you had done.." he softly said to him. "You're just jealous, Nick.." the latter grins. Almost all of the commotions had stopped when a beautiful woman appeared.

"Ms. Irene?" Chenle asked. Irene blows a kiss on him before going to Jisung and Chansung. "I am happy to announce that Madame Han had changed her mind and now wants to invest at your company.."

Chansung looks at her with a glint on his eyes. "Really? She decided to spend her money on us? Daebak.."

"Anyways, Madame Han had decided to show up this time.. And here she is!" she announced. The door at the lobby had opened automatically, showing her face to everyone, which Chenle and Jisung knows by heart and sense familiarity.

"Is it really her?" Jisung exclaimed, couldn't contain himself as he watches  her carefully. "She's Madame Han?" Both of them grinned at each other before yelling.

"Grandma Ye Seo??!!"

Thank you for reading! 🌹

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