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"I've missed you, hyung!" Chenle stood up and immediately hugged the man

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"I've missed you, hyung!" Chenle stood up and immediately hugged the man. Daniel hugs him back and pats his back. Jisung didn't know why, but seeing the smaller hugging other person beside him, it made him feel things. Not that good things, you know.

Daniel pulled away and ruffles his hair. "I never thought I'd see you here, Lele.. What are you doing here?" Hearing Chenle's nickname being spoke by others, made him irritated. "I'm here for work, of course.. Anyways, this is Park Jisung, my boss.."

The older looks at him and extends his hand. "Park Jisung? CEO of Park Industries? Woah.. It is truly amazing to meet you in person.. I even use your product phone.. See? It's good! You're amazing, man!"

Jisung took his hand and shakes it awkwardly. "Yes, nice to meet you too.." Daniel grins widely before pulling away. "I can see that you're in the middle of eating breakfast.. Can I offer some burgers from In and Out? My treat.."

Chenle's face brightened up and jumps in joy. "In and Out? That's my dream! I really wanted to eat there! Can we go, Jisungie? Please?" And of course, the taller couldn't resist his cute face.

"Of course we can, Lele.." he smiled. Daniel offered them a ride towards the place, which Chenle had happily accepted. The whole car ride, Jisung was silent as he watch the two enjoying their conversations. He's sulking at the backseat, seeing how the smaller is so happy.

Reaching the place, Daniel immediately ordered their best-sellers and took a seat at one of the tables. After receiving the order, Chenle took a bite of it and smiled, feeling happy to eat his dream burger.

"This is the best burger that I've tasted!" he grins. "Then, eat well.." Daniel smiled, showing his eye smile that Jisung thinks he uses it to attract girls. "Urgh.." Jisung rolled his eyes before taking a bite of his burger.

He accidentally splashed some dressing on his mouth, which Chenle immediately noticed. He quickly took a tissue and stood up, reaching towards him while wiping his face, which made Jisung blushed.

"Thank you, Lele.." he stuttered. The smaller smiled sweetly at him before going back to his seat, and starts to eat his burger again. Daniel saw everything and smiled, immediately getting what was happening between the two.

After eating at In and Out, Daniel suggested that they should drive around and check interesting places, which Chenle agreed. As usual, going to parks and expensive clothing store, Jisung felt that he was third-wheeling on the situation.

Mid afternoon, they had stopped by on a ice cream store and Daniel decided to treat them again, but he was surprised when he saw Jisung already paying at the counter. "Thanks, bro.." he smiled. Jisung also smiled at him and didn't say anything.

While eating, Daniel shared that he was  not working on the law firm anymore, and decided to manage their cafe here, which is Jisung's favorite cafe near their place. Hearing that, Jisung mentally note on not going there again.

Seeing that it was getting dark soon, Daniel suggested that they should go on the fair near the beach. Even though the smaller was tired, he agreed joining, which Jisung couldn't say no.

Arriving at the fair, the place is so beautiful. And crowded of, course. Daniel pointed the face paint booth and pushed Chenle inside, insisting that he'll look cute on a fairy look. Once Chenle was occupied, he pulled Jisung at the not so crowded area of the fair.

"Can we talk, Jisung?" he asked. Jisung just nods, feeling afraid that Daniel noticed his cold shoulders. "Are you mad at me? You're giving me cold shoulder, the whole day.."

Jisung couldn't look at him. "It's not that, hyung-"

"Perhaps, do you like Chenle?" he asked. Jisung immediately blushed. Daniel laughs before patting his back. "Look.. I don't like him, the way you think it is.. He's just my cute little brother.. And I am happy to know that someone is already there for him.."

"I'm sorry, hyung.." he stuttered. Daniel laughs again and pats his head. "I believe, things would work out for you two.. You just need to be courageous.. Just promise that you'll take care of him, okay?"

Jisung nods confidently at him. "Of course.."

Going back to the face paint booth, they saw Chenle went out, with this fairy aura surrounding himself. He looks pretty and ethereal, of course, in Jisung's eyes. "How do I look?" Chenle asked.

"You look really pretty, Lele.." Jisung cooed, and when he realized he had said that, he blushed. Chenle cutely smiled at him. "Thank you, Jisungie.. Let's now explore the other booths!" he cheered.

The smaller immediately goes to the cotton candy booth, while Jisung follows him like a puppy. Daniel watches them with a smile on his face, and suddenly, he thought of something that could help Jisung on his little dilemma.

Thank you for reading! 🌹

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