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Chenle enjoyed the sudden freedom that he gained

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Chenle enjoyed the sudden freedom that he gained. He spent half of the day strolling around the mall, window-shopping on several clothes store and goes to his favorite fast food to eat his favorite burger for lunch.

He decided to buy a box of fried chicken and some spicy rice cakes for their dinner. It was mid afternoon when he returned home. "Aunt! I'm home!" he announced, while taking off his shoes. However, he got no response.

He roamed around the house and his aunt is nowhere to be found. He changes into comfortable clothes and went out, just in time to see their neighbor. "Kun hyung!" he greets. The chinese boy looks back to him and smiled. "Lele! You're early today.. That's very unusual.."

"I left the law firm.. For good.." he smiled bitterly. "Is it because of your shitty boss?" Kun asked. Chenle nods. "You're right.. I can't take it anymore.." Kun goes closer to him and pats his head. "You don't deserve that kind of treatment, Lele.. And I know that there's something else out there for you.." he comforts him.

"Thank you, hyung.. By the way, have you seen my aunt?" Kun smiled guiltily at him. "I think you already knew where to find her.." Chenle's eyes widened. "Again?! She's really stubborn!" he whined. "I'll be going now, hyung!" he smiled before leaving.

"Fresh flowers! Fresh flowers! I will give you discount if you buy a bunch!" Seohyun yelled, standing near the wet market, selling some flowers. Chenle immediately saw her and goes to her. "Aunt! What have I told you?!"

Seohyun was surprised to see her nephew. "Lele! You're so early today!" he stuttered. "Come on, let's go home now.." Chenle requested. Seohyun quickly nods and goes to the owner of the stall she's working with.

"I'll be going now, boss.." she bowed. "You had sold plenty of flowers today, Seohyun-ah.. Here's your pay.." the man handed him $300. "Thank you so much, boss!" she bowed again, before going to Chenle.

They're now walking towards home, and Chenle is still scolding his aunt. "You need to stay at home and rest, Aunt.. What if you collapse again?" he said worriedly. Seohyun smiled sheepishly at him. "I just want to help you for our everyday expenses, Lele.."

Chenle had stopped walking and looks at his aunt. "I know, Aunt.. But please don't do it again, okay?" he pleads. Seohyun smiled and hugs him tight. "Alright.. I promise.."

Then, she asked as to why his nephew is early today, Chenle spilled that he had left the job. "Well.. That was your decision, Lele.. And I knew that you already know what you're doing.. I believe that there's a better job for you out there.."

He was really thankful that his aunt was very understanding.

"Oh, I bought a box of fried chicken and spicy rice cakes for dinner.." Seohyun's face had brighten up and immediately pulls Chenle. "Let's go now, Lele! I can't wait!" she squealed, making Chenle laugh.

They had enjoyed their dinner together, and Chenle immediately went to a relaxing bath. Good thing that their apartment has a tub, which he really liked. He really enjoyed having a dip at the tub, using some aromatic bath bombs, and listening to a relaxing music.

He would spend at least 30 minutes dipping at the tub, before going out. Going to the shared bedroom with his aunt, he immediately turns on the air conditioner, which he bought while he was working on part time jobs. It was a great help since summer in Korea can be stressful.

While drying his hair, he looks at his phone and sees Daniel's message to him, referring him to apply at a famous company, and they are looking for a executive assistant. He decided to gave it a shot and searches for the website.

He was surprised when he saw that it was Park Industries, since it was well-known for their trendy gadgets. The application process is peculiar too. Before you could submit your CV, you need to fill out the text box first.

"Why should we hire you?" Chenle read it out loud. "This company seems legit.." he thought. He really took his time and filled out the box, pouring out all the experiences he had. His aunt had gone to sleep, and he was sleepy too.

He lets his aunt take the bed, while he sleeps comfortably at the floor, with fluffy mattress and pillows. After filling out the box, he had sent his answer. He closes his laptop and decided to sleep.

He was about to close his eyes when he heard his phone ding-ed. He smiled, seeing the person who chatted him.

     He had met Jwi-Seong at a famous online site where you can make friends, based on your preferences

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He had met Jwi-Seong at a famous online site where you can make friends, based on your preferences. They immediately clicked to each other, having so much similarities; their favorite singer is IU, their favorite movie is Zootopia, and their favorite relaxation is to dip on the tub.

They didn't know each other personally, and they had let it that way. They're chatting at each other for a year now. The good thing about Jwi-Seong is he really understands Chenle, and he's so good to talk with.

 The good thing about Jwi-Seong is he really understands Chenle, and he's so good to talk with

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And he didn't noticed that he had fell asleep

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And he didn't noticed that he had fell asleep.

Thank you for reading! 🌹

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