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For Chenle, it's been awhile since he had a good sleep

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For Chenle, it's been awhile since he had a good sleep. Since he started working, 6 hours is the best sleep that he could get. Getting 9 hours of sleep feels like paradise for him. Eyes still closed, he's enjoying the feeling, and the warmth of someone's arms, wrapped around his waist.

Suddenly, his train of thoughts had stopped. "Wait.. Someone is hugging me?" he thought. He opened his eyes and realized that he was nuzzled on Jisung's chest. He turned his head a little bit, seeing how the taller had hugged him tight.

He looks up and saw Jisung, still peacefully sleeping. He smiled as he admired how Jisung's face can be so peaceful. He tried to lift the arms that wrapped on his waist, and succesfully lifted the other.

He was about to lift the last one when Jisung unconsciously wrapped his arms on his waist again and pulled him closer, which made him shriek. He looked up again and was shocked to see Jisung, staring at him sleepily.

"Where do you think you're going?" Jisung asked with his deep voice, sending shivers on Chenle's spine. The smaller gulped before answering. "I just wanted to get up?" he asked.

Jisung stares at him before closing his eyes again. "How about a no?" He hugged the smaller tight, not wanting him to let go. "Jisungie.." he whined cutely, which made him smile.

"I'm still sleepy.." Jisung groans, nuzzling his face on Chenle's hair. The smaller laughs cutely, before looking up again. "Uhmm.. Can I ask, how did we end up on this position?" he asked softly.

The taller opened his eyes and looks at him. "What? You don't like me, hugging you?" he asked. "No.. I was just curious.. You won't just hugged me without a reason, eh?"

"You're having a bad dream last night.. You're crying in your sleep.. I didn't know what to do, that's why I woke you up.. And then you literally went over and sat on my lap.. Still want to know more?" he smirked.

Chenle's face starts to blush. "I did that?" he stuttered, before hiding his face again on Jisung's neck. The taller laughs on his shy antics before ruffling his hair. "You don't have to be embarrassed, Lele.. Glad that I helped you.." he teased again.

"Sungie!" he whines, making Jisung laugh. And that's how they started their morning.

Getting dressed up, the two went out to eat breakfast at the cafe Jisung had suggested. It was near the house and was located near the beach. It was a open cafe, letting the cool wind breezed over the place.

Chenle happily skips along the beach, looking at the white sand. "This is such a great place, Jisungie.." he beams, making Jisung smiled too. Reaching the cafe, the smaller's eyes widened with amazement, seeing the place looking so good.

For him, it was instagrammable and pretty. Getting ushered to one of the table, he immediately opened up the menu and looks at their breakfast variety. "You look like a little kid.." Jisung teased.

"No, I'm not!" Chenle pouts, before looking at the menu again. His face brightened up when he decided the meal that he wanted. "I want this tower of pancakes and fresh orange juice!"

Jisung was surprised. "Wait, a tower of pancakes? You think you could finish it?" Chenle smirks at him. "Try me.." Jisung grins before ordering it, together with his chosen meal.

The food had arrived and Jisung was amazed that the pancakes are stacked quite high. Chenle immediately pours a generous amount of syrup over it before taking a bite. "Woah there.." Jisung watches him fondly.

"This is so good!" Chenle smiled, while the syrup starts to drip on his face. "Seriously.. You eat like a kid.." Jisung stood up and wipes his mouth with his own thumb, making the smaller feel flustered.

After wiping it, his went back to his seat and licks his finger, making Chenle gasped, with a blush on his face. "Why did you do that?!" Chenle stuttered. "What? It's food.." he smirked.

Chenle wipes his face again with a tissue before continuing to eat. Jisung watches him fondly, and thought that he wouldn't mind, seeing the smaller like this everyday.

Suddenly, a man approached them and looks at Chenle intently. The smaller looks back, and excitement filled up his face. He dropped his fork and screeched, seeing someone familiar.

"Daniel hyung??!!"

Thank you for reading! 🌹

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