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Chansung is worriedly walking around his office

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Chansung is worriedly walking around his office. The news about the new investors that Jisung had brought in at the company is a complete bad news for him and his family.

The news about the rich investor spreads out all over the company, making him more nervous. Sunny and their daughter, Lami, made their way inside his office. "Honey? Is it true? Will Jisung acquire the half of the company?" she asked.

Chansung took his seat, massaging his hair. "Possible, hon.. Now that he acquired another investor for their side.." The woman runs to her husband's side and pleads on him. "We can't let this happen, hon.. Our funds would be lessen if that happens.."

"I know!" Chansung screeched, making Lami shocked. "That's why I'm thinking something to make a motion to the board on not accepting the shareholders that he acquired.." he glared at the wall. Lami walks up to his parents.

"Their having a meeting now, planning some strategies to get that rich investor.. I think we should plan too, Dad.. So we could get that investor on our side.." Chansung looks up to his daughter.

"Do you have a plan, Lami?" he asked. The woman smirked, walking away and stood in front of the window. "Of course, Dad.. Even though I love Jisung, I still value our family more.." she looks at his father with a creepy smile on his face.

"What do you have in mind, sweetie?" Sunny goes towards her daughter. Lami smiled and looks at the window again. "Of course, it's not enough to break Jisung's spirits, we have to break the support that he's getting, right?"

The couple shared a confused look, making their daughter laugh. "Of course, I'm talking about Chenle.. Don't worry, Mom and Dad.. I already have a plan to make him out of the picture.."

"It's finished!" Chenle cheered, while looking at Yeji's computer. The woman smiled at him, feeling thankful for the help in finishing the spreadsheets. "Really, Chenle.. I couldn't done it without your help.." she grins.

Chenle looks at his watch and noticed that Jisung's meeting is almost done. "Oh no! I have to get back to the office.. I need to go, Yeji.. Coffee sometime?" The woman beams at him. "My treat.."

He grins back at her. "I'll be expecting that.. See you around, Yeji!" he yelled, before running towards the elevator. Yeji waved back, watching him as he disappears through the crowd inside the elevator.

She sighed before closing her laptop. "Urgh.. Time to deal with Lami again.." she stood up and walks lazily to their office.

Reaching the top floor, he felt relieved when he saw Jisung doing his closing remarks at the conference room. He goes back to his seat and starts to organize the plans which Jisung had asked.

The doors of the conference room had opened, Jisung and his four hyungs went out, walking tiredly behind him. "We can do this, hyungs!" Jisung cheered again. The four stared at him, couldn't believe his optimistic self.

"Where are you getting all this energy, Jisung?" Jaemin whined. Jisung laughs, before noticing Chenle on his table. "Lele! Good timing! I need to talk to you!"

He happily skips towards the smaller's table. "You look so happy, Jisungie.." Chenle smiled on him. The taller grins on him. "Of course! I believe that everything is working smoothly for me.."

"How?" the smaller asked. "Well.. This coming weekend, me and my parents, together with Jaemin hyung, Jeno hyung and Renjun hyung will go to Singapore for a convention.. And they invited me to be a key note speaker!" he cheered.

"That's amazing, Jisungie!" Chenle claps happily for him. "And also, a famous rich investor who's known as 'Madame Han' will visit our company! I'll make sure that we can sign her.." he smiled. Chenle looks at the presentation he had made and grins.

"I'll make sure that Madame Han would like your presentation, Jisungie.." The taller nods, appreciating the support he's getting. "So, Friday is our flight, which is tomorrow.. You and Haechan hyung will be the OIC's for the day.."

Chenle raised his thumbs up. "Don't worry, Jisungie.. Me and Haechan hyung will also do our best while you're away.."

Meanwhile, Lami is secretly listening to their conversation outside the hallway. She smirked as she listened to them. "Going away? Leaving Chenle? Hmm.. That would be the perfect time to commence my plan.." she smiled creepily.

Thank you for reading! 🌹

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