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"Did you miss me, guys?" Lami entered the office with a big smile on her face, but over-react when she saw Jisung

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"Did you miss me, guys?" Lami entered the office with a big smile on her face, but over-react when she saw Jisung. "Jisung oppa! I missed you so much!" she immediately goes beside the taller and clings on his arm.

However, Jisung looks irritated and uncomfortable to the skinship Lami is initiating as of the moment. "I've brought you guys some presents from Australia! It was the best trip I've ever had!" she smiled, and she immediately noticed Chenle.

"Oh.. There's a new face here.. Is this your visitor, hyungs?" she asked. "Actually, he's Jisung's new personal assistant, Zhong Chenle.." Renjun said proudly. Hearing those words, anyone can tell that the girl became shocked and was surprised, but tried to cover it with a smile.

Chenle bowed politely to the girl. "Hello! I'm Zhong Chenle.. It's nice to meet you, Miss?" he asked. The girl had her chin raised up and clings to the taller more. "Lami.. Lee Lami.. Creative director of this company, soon to be Jisung's girlfriend and future wife.."

She extends her hand and Chenle shakes it politely. "Nice to meet you, Ms. Lami.." he smiled. "Same here, Chenle.. Looking forward in working with you from now on.." she smiled. Then she looks at Jisung. "Well.. I didn't know that you hired an assistant already? My father didn't know this as well.."

Jisung looks at her and tries to free his arm, but the girl clings tighter, not wanting him to let go. "I don't think I should tell you and your father on these things.. I believe Jaehyun hyung can handle this very well.."

However, Lami looks like she's not satisfied on his answer, but tries to look that she's not affected of it. "By the way, I heard you guys are having a dinner party to welcome Chenle.. I just want you to know guys that I'll be borrowing Jisung for the night since we have a family dinner to attend to.." she smiled again.

Hearing that, Chenle frowns a little. He felt a little bit irritated and disappointed since Jisung couldn't join them. Haechan saw his reaction and immediately smirked, knowing what the smaller is thinking.

"Enjoy your dinner party, boys!" Lami makes a kissy face on everyone, making them wanting to throw up. "Let's go, Jisung?" she asked, pulling the taller away. He couldn't protest so he looks at his hyungs with apologetic eyes.

When his eyes diverted on Chenle's face, he saw the little frown on his reaction, but couldn't do nothing.

"Well.. That was awkward.." Jeno laughs. "Let's just enjoy our dinner party with Chenle!" Jaemin cheered, making everyone laugh, including the smaller.

Jisung's family and Lami's family are now eating at a very intimate table on a famous and expensive restaurant on Seoul. They're chatting, but Jisung is not participating, wanting to go to his party with hyungs, especially with Chenle.

"So, I heard that you already hired a personal assistant for Jisung?" Chansung asked, sipping on his glass of red wine. Nickhun wipes his mouth before responding. "Jaehyun took care of it, and we've found the perfect assistant for him.."

Chansung smiles at him creepily. "I just thought that we'll make Lami to be his assistant.." Nickhun sips on his wine, too. "Nonsense! She's the creative director of the company, so I don't think it would suit her.."

Lami's mother, Sunny, joins the conversation. "Well, I do believe that we really need to hire an assistant for Jisung, since he had a lot on his hands already, right, Tiffany?" Jisung's mother nods at her. "You're absolutely right, Sunny.."

Sunny cleared her throat and puts down her utensils. "Since we're here now, why don't we talk about Jisung and Lami's engagement.." All of the members of the Park family turned their heads on her, and Jisung is the most surprised.

"Why do you all look so surprised.. This is meant to happen, right? So that we can strengthen our family together.." she smirked. "That's right, honey.." Chansung chimed in.

Clearly, Lami is enjoying what she is hearing right now.

However, Tiffany raised her hand politely and clears her throat. "There's no engagement to talk about.. They're not even mutually understands each other.. And I believe they're just good friends.. Right, Jisung?"

Jisung proudly nods. "Yes, Mom.."

"But it's for the greater good of the company-" Sunny tried to reason out, but Tiffany stands on her own decision.

"It's my son's heart, and I wouldn't meddle on it.." Jisung felt happy, seeing his mother's support. However, the Lee's are feeling angry and frustrated at the moment, but didn't want to show it.

Thank you for reading! 🌹

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