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"That was a good meal!" Chenle smiled while caressing his tummy

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"That was a good meal!" Chenle smiled while caressing his tummy. "Did you enjoyed it too, Aunt?" he asked. Seohyun laughs and gave him two thumbs up. "Your cooking skills are the best, Lele.." he praised him.

She goes to the sink and opened the cupboard and gets a plastic kitchenware with lid. The abalone soup was their favorite, and it was Kun's favorite too, so she generously packed the soup for him.

"Can you bring this to Kun, Lele? I'm sure he'll love this.." handing the kitchenware to Chenle. "No problem, Aunt.. I'll be back as soon as I can.." he smiled, before going out straight to the unit beside theirs.

Meanwhile, Jisung and his family are happily eating too. Tiffany talks to her daughter, Joy, about how her business is doing nowadays, and their father, Nickhun, butts in sometimes if he can relate to his wife and daughter's topic.

Then he noticed that Jisung is quiet the whole dinner. "Are you okay, Jisung?" he asked worriedly. He broke from his daze and gave his dad a reassuring smile. "I'm okay, Dad.."

"If you said so.." Nickhun replied. "I heard that you already chosen your new secretary.." Tiffany asks. "Yes, Mom.. He can definitely do what it takes.." Jisung replied proudly. "And a little bird told me that he's cute.." Tiffany laughs.

Jisung rolled his eyes and messes his hair. "Aigoo.. Renjun hyung.." However, Chenle's face appeared on his thoughts, making him extra worried again. "Hmm.. Dad? Can I ask you something?" Nickhun looks at his son back and waits for him to ask the question.

Then he immediately opened up his plan to help Chenle and they all agreed to help.

It was early in the morning and Chenle is at the company already. He's now at Jaehyun's office for the contract signing and orientation. Jaehyun arrived shortly, preparing the contract that he needs to sign.

"Good morning, Chenle!" Jaehyun greets. Chenle stood up from his seat and bows politely. "Good morning, Mr. Jaehyun.." The man signals him to sit back and puts the contract in front of him. "Here is your contract, Chenle.. You'll be working straight to Jisung's orders.."

He took out his notebook and took notes, which made Jaehyun impressed. "You're his executive assistant, and you're his personal assistant too, just to be clear, okay?" Chenle nods and writes it down.

"Okay.. So the starting salary for this is $30,000 per month.." Chenle quickly wrote it too. "$30,000 per month- Wait?" He looks up to Jaehyun. "$30,000 per month?! That's insane!" he couldn't help but to overreact.

Jaehyun laughs and handed him a brown envelope. "Here's your signing bonus.. And it is $30,000.." Chenle shakes his hand. "I can't accept that, Mr. Jaehyun.. I haven't started working, so I don't deserve that kind of money.." he replied.

However, Jaehyun is much stubborn than him, so he immediately slips the envelope on his hand. "You deserve this, Chenle.. And I know that this is a big help for you.."

He hesitantly accepted the money and puts it inside his backpack. "You can read the remaining terms at the contract, so please be mindful of them, okay?" Jaehyun took his bag at the table.

"And now, for the next part of the orientation, I'll tour you to Jisung's house since you need to go there everyday.. I just need to contact the driver.. Please stay here for a while, okay?" Then he immediately goes outside.

While waiting, Chenle walks around at the room, scanning everything that is interesting. Immersed by his curiosity, he didn't noticed that someone entered the room. He was humming good songs and immediately turned around, screeched with his high-pitch voice, because he was shook by Jisung's face.

Jisung laughs and looks at him fondly. "Did I scare you, Chenle?" The smaller pouts at him. "I thought it was someone that I don't know.." he pouts. Then, they just stared at each other's eyes, both of them feeling that they have met before.

Thank you for reading! 🌹

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