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Chenle took a deep breath before standing in front of the panelists

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Chenle took a deep breath before standing in front of the panelists. He looks around and showed a bright smile to everyone, starting the presentation with cheerfulness. He started the report by introducing the company, it's mission and vision, and it's milestones.

Good thing he reviewed Jisung's presentation beforehand, so he knew how to flow the report efficiently.

Meanwhile, Jisung is almost at the convention hall. He was now worried because it was already 30 minutes since the event had started. He kept on calling Chenle's phone, but gets no answer, which made him more anxious.

"Why is Chenle not answering the phone?" he groans. Mark immediately drops him off at the entrance. "Faster, Jisung.. I know you could still make it.. And I know that Chenle won't let this opportunity slip away.."

Jisung smiled at his hyung. "Thank you, hyung.. I'll be going now!" he quickly goes inside, asking the receptionist for the location of the event. "Second floor, Sir.." the woman replied.

He used the stairs and runs as fast as he can, until he reached the lobby where he can hear that the event is really starting. He quietly opens the door at the back and was surprised to see Chenle, presenting at the front.

The smaller immediately saw him and sighs internally, before continuing to speak. "And that's how the Park Industries maintained it's number one position, by committing to excellence and helping others.." he smiled.

Jisung was amazed, seeing that all of the panelist's attention, and even the audiences, are at Chenle, listening intently him. However, he was surprised when the smaller called him on stage.

"And now, to show and explain more of our innovative products, let me give the floor to our president, the one and only, Mr. Jisung Park.." he smiled. Jisung gulps, before walking towards the stage, getting all the attention to him.

"Good evening everyone.. I am Jisung Park, president of the Park Industries.. It was an honor to be standing in front of everyone, giving us the chance to prove that we are worthy to be trusted.."

He looks around and his eyes caught Felix, his former bestfriend, smiling at him, and mouthing at him, which he can interpret clearly.

"You're weak, Jisung.."

"You cannot do it.. You'll just embarrass yourself.."

A bad memory starts to flash on his mind, remembering the days on how his former best friend demotivated him with harsh words. Meanwhile, Felix smirked as he saw how it still affects Jisung's mind.

"You're still weak and pathetic, Jisung.." he thought.

Jisung's legs starts to shake at the front and his mind couldn't remember all the details on his presentation. The panelists and the audience starts to get a little bit impatient, waiting for him.

He didn't know what to do, his mind are completely clouded with darkness.. Until he felt a soft warmth that envelopes on his hand. It's like that all the darkness fades away from his mind, clearing his thoughts.

He looked down and saw Chenle holding his hand, caressing it gently. Good thing that the table in front is covering their hands and it can't be seen from the panelists and audience.

Chenle leans closer, acting like assisting him. "You can do it, Jisungie.. I believe in you.." Jisung took a deep breath and smiled, not letting go the smaller's hand. He successfully reported all the details perfectly and on-point, making the panelists stood on their feet and clapped their hands.

After their presentation, Chenle leads him on their booth, making him sit on one of the couch and gives him a bottle of water. The smaller was about to watch the other presentation when Jisung suddenly grabs his hand, just like earlier, and made him sit beside him.

Chenle just smiled and sits beside him, caressing Jisung's backhand with his thumb. They're just silent, not talking, letting the peaceful ambience surrounds them.

All of the company representatives are now done and they are all called to gather at the hall, which the panelists would announce on who will get their support.

Chenle and Jisung stood at the very back, waiting for the announcement, when Felix came to them. "Get ready to lose, Jisung.. You look like you're gonna faint earlier there.." he smirked. Then he looks at Chenle.

"Think about my offer, cutie.." he smirked, before leaving.

"What offer?" Jisung asks, looking at him. "It's nothing.." Chenle smiled.

The representative of the panelists goes to the stage and spoke at the mic. "We've already chosen the company that we're gonna support by investing.. And the chosen one is.."

Everyone is nervous and on edge, anticipating the result.

"Park Industries!" Everyone turned their heads at them and clapped their hands, commending them. Jisung was shocked and was called to the stage. The panelists congratulated him and informs him that they are willing to invest.

After the event, Jisung still can't believed what just happened. Going back to their booth, Chenle welcomed him with a warm smile. "Congratulations, Jisungie-"

He couldn't finished what he is saying as Jisung runs to him and pulled him for a tight hug. "Thank you very much, Lele.. Thank you for not giving up.." he cried.

Chenle laughs before hugging back. "Well, I wouldn't let our efforts go to waste.. Might as well take a risk.. As I was saying earlier, congratulations, Jisungie.. I am so proud of you.." he mumbles on his chest.

Thank you for reading! 🌹

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