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And that's it!

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And that's it!

Thank you so much, my precious readers for keeping up with the book until the final chapter 🙂

It was so fun writing this book and I really enjoyed it. I just want to apologize for the delays on my updating schedule, because it always clashes with my work schedule as well.

Thank you very much, my precious readers, for always reading, voting and commenting at every chapters. I'm just a silent author but I do appreciate your comments ❤

Also, sorry for the special chapter 😅 I really tried my best to not make it really smutty 😬

Anyways, my next chensung book is all set! I already started writing the starting chapters, please look forward to it as well 🥰 I'll just take a short break before publishing it.

Thank you, everyone! Always take care of yourselves. Sending lots and lots of love, hugs and kisses to you guys!

See you on my next book! 🥰

-Mochi 😘

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